Structured Overview
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- components
- crop
- evapotran
- experimental
- management
- models
- phenology
- radiation
- soil
- util
- vapourpressure
Calculates transpiration reduction factor as ratio of actual and potential transp
Reduces daily temperature increment by vernalisation and photoresponse.
Calculates LUE in dependence of \(CO_2\) concentration in the atmosphere.
Reduces the Transpiration due to increasing \(CO_2\) concentration in the atmosph
Distributes biomass from the seed to roots and leaves at begin of growth
Calculates reference evapotranspiration ET0 according to the
Priestley-Taylor met
This SimComponent calculates the potential rates of crop transpiration
and soil e
Calculates reference evapotranspiration ET0 by Hargreaves method using solar radi
Calculates reference evapotranspiration ET0 by Penman-Monteith with the FAO56 app
Calculates reference evapotranspiration ET0 by Penman-Monteith with the FAO56 app
Calculates plant height from temperature
Calculates the day length from physical dependences with the latitude only.
Reduces daily temperature increment by photoperiod.
Reduces daily temperature increment by vernalisation and photoresponse.
Calculates crop height from LAI
Calculates potential evapotranspiration hourly.
Adds living biomass to dead biomass rates when plant dies or is partially harvest
Calculates the basal crop coefficient and the soil evaporation coefficient,
as we
Calculates the basal crop coefficient and the soil evaporation coefficient,
as we
Calculates the soil evaporation reduction coefficient K_r using
formulas from (FA
Calculates the water stress coefficient K_s using
formulas from (FAO 56).
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - Biomass part
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - Phenology part
Calculates factors for below ground allocation of two crops from their
root distr
Calculates each crops radiation interceptions for two crops
Splits water uptake between two crops
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - Biomass part
Hillflow1D is a SimComponent for transient simulations of soil water balance of a
LintulCC - Calculates Biomass by photosynthesis.
LintulCC - Calculates Biomass by photosynthesis with hourly weather data.
LintulCC - Calculates Biomass by photosynthesis with houryl weather data.
LintulCC - Calculates Biomass by photosynthesis by considering ozone effect .
Calculates root system and plant hydraulic conductances.
This are the two equations to calculate Daily Methane Production in the paper of
Calculates potential denitrification rate from soil organic carbon content
Soil and plant nutrients - Combination of Lintul5 (plant) and Slim (soil)
This SimComponent is deprecated. Please use NPKDemandSlimNP instead.
Calculates P leaching, plant availability and uptake and transition between
disso is derived from
Auxiliary component that acts as a bridge between AMPSom and other SimComponents
The purpose of this sim-component is to calculate the amount of major nutrients,
Controls the Harvest and Killing events for CatchCrop containing solutions
The purpose of this sim-component is to calculate the balance of applied and avai
Determines sowing or re-sowing date as function of precipitation.
Simple automatic irrigation component to be used in combination with SimComponent
Applies irrigation by using table values - designed to use Lintul5 irrigation tab
Simulates crop biomass by calculating photosynthesis.
Simulates crop biomass by calculating photosynthesis. Part of the Gecros model.
Simulates crop biomass by calculating photosynthesis. Takes LAI as an input. Part
Simulates soil water. Part of the Gecros model. estimates the potential actual crop transpiration and soil evaporat estimates the potential crop transpiration and potential soil
Root depth growth calculation (only root depth, no root biomass)
The SimComponent NitrogenDemand calculates crop specific nitrogen demand as a fun
Calculates effective temperature sums for anthesis and maturity based on daily t
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - Radiation part
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - Biomass and NPK pa
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - Phenology part
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - Biomass and NPK pa
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - Radiation use effi
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - Biomass and NPK pa
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - Biomass part
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - Radiation part
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - NPKDemand part
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - NPKSupply part
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - Phenology part
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - Biomass and
NPK pa
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - Radiation use
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - Biomass and
NPK pa
LayeredWaterAggregatorForCassava - Aggregates values from a layered water model t
Lintul5Cassava - Model to simulate cassava growth - based on Lintul5 model
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - Biomass part
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - NPK part
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - NPKDemand part
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - NPKSupply part
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth - WaterStress part
Sim component that implements the Sucros2 algorithm
Sim component that calculates only the crop part of Sucros2
Sim component that calculates only the water and evapotranspiration (potential an
Sim component that calculates only the crop and potential evapotranspiration part
Sim component that calculates only the water and actual evapotranspiration part o
Outputs the Date/DOY when an user defined DVS is reached
Calculates net radiation from either global radiation or, if no global radiation
Calculates net radiation from solar radiation, using (FAO 56) methods.
Calculates net radiation from solar radiation, using (FAO 56) methods.
Calculates net radiation from sun hours using (FAO 56) methods.
Calculates Solar radiation from max and min temperatures using (FAO 56) methods.
Hillflow1D is a SimComponent for transient simulations of soil water balance of a is derived from as a SimComponent for trans
Calculates crop uptake, turnover, leaching of soil mineral nitrogen (Nitrate-N an
Please use SlimNitrogen SimComponent. This legacy component calculates the amount is a SimComponent for the simulation of the growth of seminal and is a routine for transient simulations of soil water balance of a
Calculates turnover processes of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in multiple sto
Calculates the soil temperature in n layers depending on climate and soil conditi
Calculates the snow cover, first soil layer temperature and biomass on ground fac
Resamples array values from one resolution to another resolution
Calculate values of a function defined by tables.
Interpolates values from a table of x and y values.
Scales and shifts DOUBLEARRAY SimVariables.
Provides a resettable counter of simulation days.
Calculates simple moving average of a variable (non centered)
Creates an table from two scalar values.
Calculates vapour pressure from psychrometric data by (FAO 56) method.
Calculates vapour pressure by one of (FAO 56) methods chosen by the user.
Calculates vapour pressure according to FAO56 methods.
Calculates vapour pressure from dew point temperature by (FAO 56) method.
Calculates vapour pressure from maximum relative humidity by (FAO 56) method.
Calculates vapour pressure from min and max relative humidity by (FAO 56) method.
Calculates vapour pressure from mean relative humidity by (FAO 56) method.