Configuration of the SIMPLACE Framework

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Configuring personal settings


This chapter explains the main steps needed in order to integrate the user’s personal SDSS into the SDSS Framework.

The explanation will cover the three levels (GUI, XML and LocaleBundle) separately. The explanations for each level are ordered in the same way and this order will be continued throughout the other sub-menus.


The SDSS Framework works on multiple levels, which differ substantially in both their design and their application.




The top level, the GUI - can be navigated through the SDSS framework. Modelling can be undertaken and parameters can be adjusted without changing the relevant SDSS. In order to be able to implement the SDSS or new systems, the user will need to work on the XML level (How does XML work?). This level contains all the information that influences the graphical and thematic appearance of the GUI, designed in a hierarchic linear tree structure. Via IDs (Spacekeepers in Code Form) the GUI / Source code is linked with the LocaleBundle document (in the respective language).