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Abstraction of texts / images in order to adjust the language settings


This chapter focuses on the localization of texts and images. In the XML file the text and images are given an id and employed in a coded version. The principal text / image file is located in the so-called LocaleBundle document. That means that the IDs in the XML file have a replacement character and only refer to the source file in their respective language.


The following section aims to give an overview of text and image references. The explanation order is based on the order of the images portrayed below. First it refers to the GUI, then shows the corresponding reference in the XML file and finally demonstrates the localization of the texts and images in the LocaleBundle document.




The system is referenced to the GUI, the XML file and the LocaleBundle document.

The system is referenced to the GUI, the XML file and the LocaleBundle document.




The three levels all relate to one another.

The three levels all relate to one another.