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Scientific Impact assessment and Modelling

Platform for Advanced Crop and Ecosystem management


Model development as well as decision and policy support are complex and require advanced technologies. Scientific projects have specific needs and expectations for software tools to be able to consider the complexity of natural and anthropogenic systems and their interactions. Requirements differ between developers, scientists and decision or policy makers that work at spatial scales ranging from plot specific to global issues. SIMPLACE aims to bridge these gaps by providing adapted features for the different users needs.


The SIMPLACE Framework tries to meet these needs using modular software architecture within standard technologies, which reduces the effort in model development and customization. It includes the flexibility necessary to be customized, used and extended by scientists. The multi threaded high performance architecture enables calibration and simulations at different spatial scales.


How to cite


When using SIMPLACE, please use the below reference (Enders et al., 2023) for citing the framework. Also cite the corresponding publication containing the most related modules, configuration or result when appropriate. Please make sure to refer to the framework version number you used (e.g. SIMPLACE v5.0) and, if possible, to use the ModelSolution naming containing the main SimComponents (e.g. <LINTUL5-SlimWater-SoilCN>).


Enders, A., Vianna, M., Gaiser, T., Krauss, G., Webber, H., Srivastava, A. K., Seidel, S. J., Tewes, A., Rezaei, E. E., & Ewert, F. (2023). SIMPLACE - A versatile modelling and simulation framework for sustainable crops and agroecosystems. In Silico Plants, diad006.




Further menus:


1. Getting started

Install and setup

How to run SIMPLACE


2. General Structure of the SIMPLACE Framework


The SIMPLACE framework provides two ways of interaction, depending on the users needs:


For Spatial Decision Support you can use SIMPLACE spatial decision support systems (SDSS) Engine

For Scientists and Model Engineers, as they need advanced modeling approach, use SIMPLACE Model Engine
The Modeling Engine is also part of the SIMPLACE spatial decision support system framework.


3. Training exercises


Start doing training exercises with the SIMPLACE framework - here using eclipse IDE



The SIMPLACE framework provides three ways of interaction, depending on the type of group the user belongs to:


1. Stake hoders and decision makers

The group of decision makers is very diverse, including, for instance, extension services, wildlife park managers, farmers, environmental protection offices, national authorities and even multi-national organizations. Each of these groups is presumably neither interested in the engineering nor the scientific components of a modeling framework but simply wants to utilize its capacity for decision making. Decision makers can use SIMPLACE spatial decision support systems  (SDSS) for their purposes.


2. Students and Model users



3. Scientists

Scientists use computer modeling of environmental systems as a method to test hypotheses and to better understand the way natural systems are functioning. As they need advanced approach, they are provided with SIMPLACE Model Engine - a rich featured simulation engine within the SIMPLACE framework.


How to cite.


SIMPLACE Model Engine is a part of the SIMPLACE SDSS, however, it can be considered as a separate module, which possesses its own features. That is why sometimes the documentation of the SIMPLACE Framework is divided into two parts, one of them describing the SIMPLACE SDSS and another one SIMPLACE Engine itself.


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Install and setup

How to run SIMPLACE
