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All the changes the user performed using GUI are in fact come to changes in an XML file, where all the information about the solution is stored.
Structure of the XML file
To briefly describe the overall structure of the solution XML file, five important sections should be mentioned:
•Interfaces - serve for communication between input and output files used for the simulation; tells SIMPLACE their name, location, type and divider.
•Resources - describe (1) input interfaces and (2) transformers used with regards data temporal frequency, variable names, units and types. The order of variables in the resources must match the order listed in the solution.
•SimComponents - the modules used in the simulation; input variable names and source (either a resource or another SimComponent) are required to be set.
•Simulation - defines simulation boundaries, starting conditions, and/or global parameters specific to each simulation.
•Outputs – variables (and where they come from) to write to each output file.