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Thematic Structure
Every SDSS provides a different form for the parameter input. One system will be taken as an example here to explain the general process of the SDSS modelling.
1.First the user must choose the SDSS by clicking on the corresponding icon in the Toolbar or selecting it via the key word catalogue. A Welcome Screen appears giving further thematic information, a short description and information about the developers.
2.Go to the next step by clicking on the button.
3.A presentation of the different system components is displayed. The parameters that can be modified, as well as the modelling process and the results fields, are shown graphically. The user is given an initial detailed overview of the SDSS.
An overview of the systems` main components and the process of modeling is displayed within two steps
4.The - button leads to the main SDSS. The tab provides the user with the actual working step, for example Input of parameters.