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This processor performs an (arithmetical) rule only on the raster cells, which are located in a specified bounding box. For this purpose, the given rule is automatically extended by an ITE clause, which checks whether a cell is located in the envelope.

Input parameters (besides the parameters of RasterCalculatorProcessor):


Key coordType (optional): Indicated whether the bounding box is specified by raster or geo coordinates (possible values: raster,geo;Default raster)


Keys x0, y0: The location of the bounding box. Note: When using geo coordinates, the lower left corner of the envelope is expected! When using raster coordinates the upper left corner is expected!


Keys x1, y1, width, height: Specify the dimension of the bounding box. Either width and height or x1 and y1 are mandatory. Note: When using geo coordinates, the upper right corner of the envelope is expected for x1/y1! When using raster coordinates the lower right corner is expected!


Key envelopes: Instead of specifying the envelope directly by x0, y0, ... a reference key to an ArrayList can be specified to define the area the calculation will be performed on.


Key polygons: Instead of specifying the envelope directly by x0, y0, ... a reference key to a FeatureCollection can be specified, where every Feature (must be a closed LineString-, LinearRing- or Polygon-Feature) defines a part of the area the calculation will be performed on.


The use of the other input parameters (especially rule is accordingly to RasterCalculatorProcessor).