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Package Summary
Diverse sim components that can be used with different models WIKI_START == Overview == The package components contains a couple of smaller models, which can be used with other models.
FAO 56 methods for computing evaporation and transpiration WIKI_START The sim components calculate ET with different methods.
This package contains models / sim components that are marked as experimental WIKI_START The status of experimental implies one or more of the following - algorithms are not yet validated - the methodology is not yet published - interface (inputs/outputs) is not finally established - user should use the model at their own risk - no assistance is provided - behaviour of model/interface can change any time WIKI_END
This package contains components to calculation surface runoff.
WIKI_START == Overview == This package contains the Gecros sim component.
WIKI_START == Overview == This subpackage contains the splitting of Gecros into !
Crop model based on Lintul2 with additional changes WIKI_START == Overview == The sim components of this model are based on Lintul2, but include some changes - nitrogen limitation from Lintul3 - addition of drought tolerance parameter - optional use of reference evapotranspiration - etc.
Crop model that implements the Lintul2 algorithm WIKI_START == Overview == Implements the Lintul2 algorithm.
Lintul5 - Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth WIKI_START == Introduction == The sim components in the package lintul5 implement the Lintul5 algorithms from (L5).
Splitting of the Lintul5 sim component into submodules WIKI_START In order to use only parts of the Lintul5 algorithm and combine the sim component with other model's sim components, the Lintul5 sim component has been split ||'''!
Crop that implements the LintulFAST model WIKI_START == Overview == Implementations is based on LintulFAST, a C# program that is itself based on Lintul2, but made some changes in algorithms and added vernalisation, photoresponse, trend and technology etc.
Sim component that implements the Sucros2 algorithm WIKI_START == Description == The sim component implements the crop model Sucros2.
Two splittings of the sim component Sucros2 into a crop and water module WIKI_START == Description == The Sucros2 sim component is split into a crop and water module.
Splitting of the sim component Sucros2 into a crop and water module WIKI_START == Description == The Sucros2 sim component is split into a crop and water module.
Splitting of the sim component Sucros2 into a crop and water module WIKI_START == Description == The Sucros2 sim component is split into a crop and water module.
FAO 56 methods for computing radiation WIKI_START The sim components calculate radiation with different methods and from different inputs.
SLIM - Model for soilwater, root growth and nitrogen WIKI_START == Overview == This package contains sim components that implements algorithms from the SLIM model.
Sim components that perform auxiliary technical calculations WIKI_START == Overview == The components from this package perform auxiliary technical calculations like counting or transforming of array values.
Helper classes with auxiliary functions and methods WIKI_START == Overview == In this package (and it's subpackages) you find helper classes with methods and functions, that are used by sim components and transformers.
Helper methods for calculating diurnal weather values WIKI_START == Overview == The classes of this package define some helper functions and methods to calculate diurnal weather values (e.g. sorting weatherdata, calculating diurnal radiation by different methods etc.)
FAO 56 methods for computing vapour pressure WIKI_START Sim components to calculate vapour pressure with different methods from different inputs.
Parameter generators for calibration and sensitivity analysis WIKI_START Generators generate a number of parameter sets and create for each parameter set a simulation.
Transformers change data from resources before simulation start WIKI_START == Overview == Transformers normally act on resources and produce new resources, e.g. unit conversion, subdivision of layered data, aggregation etc.