Package net.simplace.sim.components.util.helper

package net.simplace.sim.components.util.helper
Helper classes with auxiliary functions and methods WIKI_START == Overview == In this package (and it's subpackages) you find helper classes with methods and functions, that are used by sim components and transformers. See the documentation of subpackages and individual classes for details WIKI_END
See Also:
  • Class
    Methods for dealing with arrays of layers WIKI_START Includes methods for resampling layers of different vertical resolution.
    Resample modes - CENTER - takes the value of the source layer that hits the center of target layer - FIRST - takes the value of the first source layer that overlaps with the target layer - LAST - takes the value of the last source layer that overlaps with the target layer - AVG - takes the weighted average of the overlapping source layers - SUM - takes the sum of overlapping source layers, multiplied by the proportion of their overlap
    Methods for calculating daylength and diurnal values WIKI_START Includes methods for integration/normalization/rescaling of piecewise linear functions, as well as methods for calculating diurnal values for radiation and temperature. == Reference == (G) Goudriaan, Modeling Potential Crop Growth Processes, 1994, (revised version Nov. 2004) WIKI_END
    Methods for interpolating and integrating piecewise linear functions WIKI_START Functions are given by arrays of x and y values.
    Helper EquationsFAO56 for computing values due to equations from (FAO 56) WIKI_START Equation numbers refers to the paper cited below. == References == - [ (FAO 56): Allen, Crop evapotranspiration - Guidelines for computing crop water requirements - FAO Irrigation and drainage paper 56, 1998] - (Harrison) Harrison, L.P. 1963.
    Handles tabulated values (X and Y column) and returns for a x-value a y-value by using the table (lookup, interpolation etc.)