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all the input and configuration data for SIMPLACE is stored in accessible places (SVN, Server)

Input files larger than 2MB must be stored on the Fileserver:

Research project specific input files  at \\\projects\${research_project_name}\simplace\${simulation_experiment_name}\data

Input files not specific to a research project at \\\data\. In this case „versioning“ of input files is necessary

After publication or transfer of input data to third parties, folders will be secured (only read rights) by the technicans

storage of output files is in the responsibililty of the scientist/author of the data (see guidelines for good scientific practice). In the case of MSc or PhD theses results, output files relevant for the theses must be stored at \\\Public\ARCHIVE\

the output can be reproduced at any time by an arbitrary user who has access to the data

To run the simulation there is no further requirement than installing appropriate Java version, possibly installing standard software (R, Python), checking out SIMPLACE revisions and running the simulation.

Simulations are started

Via Java Unit test

Using the SimplaceWrapper from a scripting language

Using the console mode by running a batch file / shell script