Open the GUI from Eclipse

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The source-code of the SIMPLACE CropManager GUI is also distributed in the lapclient project in SVN. Therefore, its also possible to customize the GUI for a particular need (Client Configuration) and execute it via an IDE such as Eclipse. Here we show how to open it in Eclipse.




You need

a properly configured Eclipse system (see: Install and Setup).

a solution file

and eventually a project file, if your simulation should run multiple times


Starting the Crop Manager GUI (Main App)


Browser in Eclipse's Navigator or Package Explorer to


lapclient -> src -> net -> simplace -> client -> app -> MainApp


Right click on MainApp and choose


Run As -> Java Application


Once open, it should be possible to use the CropManager GUI as the distributed version (if no modification were made): GUI



Alternate way: running a simulation as an unit test


You can run a solution/project as an unit test, if you don't want to use the graphical user interface. Have a look at: Unit Tests