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This processor delivers informations of a FeatureCollection and one special Feature. Because the format the geometry informations of the feature differs with the geometry type of the FeatureCollection, this class only provides general information about the collection (is empty!. These informations are stored in the output parameter map under the following keys (+ prefix):


featureCount: Count of features

crs: CRS as CoordinateReferenceSystem

crs.wkt: WKT specification of the CRS

geomType: Class of the geometry attribute

attrCount: Count of attributes of one feature

geomAttrName: Name of the default geometry attribute

: attr.<attrName>: Value of the attribute "attrName" of the specified feature



Required input parameters:


Key featureCollectionParamKey: key where to find the FeatureCollection. Also a StyledFeatureCollectionInterface is allowed.


Key outParamPrefix: Prefix used to store the upper mentioned output parameters (e.g. with prefix barrages the geometry type is stored under barrages.geomType).


Key featureIdx (optional): Number of the feature informations are taken from (starting with 0).


Key featureRule (optional): Rule for FeatureOperationTreeFilter to determine the feature the informations are taken from.


If featureIdx is not specified, the first feature is used. If featureRule and featureIdx are specified, first the rule is applied and the index is used relative to the filter result. If neither featureIdx nor featureRule is specified, the first feature of all is used.