FeatureCollectionCreatorProcessor |
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This processor creates a new or extends an existing FeatureCollection. It is abstract because the geometry type of the FeatureCollection and so the specification of one geometry via the input parameters is implemented in a sub-class (e.g. PointFeatureCollectionCreatorProcessor).
Required input parameters:
•Key featureCollectionParamKey: key where to find the FeatureCollection to extend with a new Feature. If no FeatureCollection exists under the given key, a new one is created and stored under the key. Also a StyledFeatureCollectionInterface is allowed.
•Key forceNewCollection (optional): If true a new FeatureCollection is also created if featureCollectionParamKey already contains a FeatureCollection.
•Key attrValue.<colName>: Value of attribute colName for the new Feature.
•Key geomCRS: WKT specification or EPSG code of the CRS, which is used for the new feature's geometry. This parameter is only necessary if a new FeatureCollection is created.