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In some cases, the data of an <resource> object must be further harmonised or transformed to meet the requirements of one or more SimComponents.


For that purpose, an <transform> object can be introduced within the <resources> section of ModelSolution. It also contains its own “frequence” attribute and can only transform one predefined <resource> object.


For most transformation problems there are predeveloped transformers available in SIMPLACE. Typical applications of <transform> objects comprise unit conversion and calculations via SQL expressions, aggregation/disaggregation of soil information in different discretization compartments, soil pedotransfer functions, and calculation of the diurnal time course of meteorological data:



Fig. Example of SQL statements used in resource transformer to convert weather input units and calculate vapour pressure. Transform can only be used to pre-ingested <resource> objects. In this example, the <resource> “weather” was pre-ingested using the <interface> “weatherfile” containing the filename of the original file (omitted for simplicity). The “...” represents parts of the solution that were omitted for simplicity. The currently available transformers in SIMPLACE are listed in: https://simplace.net/doc/simplace_modules/  



*** There is a talk about SIMPLACE transformers available in SVN repository simplace_doc: Redmine link