Class FWPropertyProvider


public final class FWPropertyProvider extends Object
Provider for properties. It centralizes access to properties throughout the whole application. In addition to making direct access to property files obsolete it also caches whole sets of properties (i.e. property files) by keeping them in memory. A property set is loaded into memory when any of the properties contained in it is being accessed for the first time.
Andreas Enders
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static FWPropertyProvider getInstance()
      Get Singleton instance of PropertyResourceManager.
      the Instance of PropertyProvider (singleton)
    • getProperty

      public String getProperty(String aPropertySet, String aKey, String aDefault)
      Get the value of a property in a specific set. If the set doesnt contain a value for the given property return the specified default value.
      aPropertySet -
      aKey -
      aDefault -
      the property value
    • getProperty

      public String getProperty(String aPropertySet, String aKey)
      Get the value of a property in a specific set. If the set doesn't contain a value for the given property or if the set doesn't exist anyway return .
      aPropertySet -
      aKey -
      the property value
    • getSystemEnvironmentVariable

      public String getSystemEnvironmentVariable(String aKey)
      Get the value of for the given property or if the set doesnt exist anyway return . On Serverside all Env-Vars are returned, on client side only non eTenderSuite-env-vars are Accessible
      aKey -
      the system environment variable value
    • getSystemRegistryVariable

      public static String getSystemRegistryVariable(String aKey)
      Gets the value for a given registry key. A registry key is composed of a registry root key and path. If the registry key is not present or can not be found (non-Windows systems) null is returned. Windows registry values are stored by root key and path. The parameter registryKey contains the following format: ROOT_KEY\PATH\VALUE for a specific value or ROOT_KEY\PATH\ to return the default value. Example registryKey values: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment\JAVA_HOME HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search\SearchAssistant HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Shell\shell\open\command\ Supported root key values are: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG HKEY_CURRENT_USER HKEY_DYN_DATA HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA HKEY_USERS Calling getSystemRegistryVariable("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Shell\shell\open\command\") would return %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /idlist,%I,%L on a typical Windows installation.
      aKey -
      the system registry variable value
    • getJavaRuntimeVariable

      public static String getJavaRuntimeVariable(String aKey)
      Get the value of for the given property or if the set doesn't exist anyway return .
      aKey -
      the java environment variable value
    • setSystemEnvironmentVariable

      public static boolean setSystemEnvironmentVariable(String aKey, String aValue)
      Sets the value of for the given property or if the set doesnt exist anyway return .
      aKey -
      aValue -
      true if successful
    • setProperty

      public boolean setProperty(String aPropertySet, String aKey, String aValue)
      Set the value for a specified key within a specified property set and make those settings persistent, so the next time the application is started the set value is still available. This is essential for adding user settings capabilities to applications. The key given as a parameter to this method must exist in the (original) property set. No new keys can be added. If the key does not exist the method will return like in any other case of an error.
      aPropertySet -
      aKey -
      aValue -
      true if successful
    • setProperty

      public boolean setProperty(String aPropertySet, String aKey, String aValue, boolean aNewValue)
      Set the value for a specified key within a specified property set and make those settings persistent, so the next time the application is started the set value is still available. This is essential for adding user settings capabilities to applications. The key given as a parameter to this method must exist in the (original) property set. No new keys can be added. If the key does not exist the method will return like in any other case of an error.
      aPropertySet -
      aKey -
      aValue -
      aNewValue -
      true if successful
    • getPropertyContainer

      public FWPropertyContainer getPropertyContainer(String aPropertySet)
      Return the complete Properties object. Can cause data corruption in property resource manager, so better use getPropertyNames(...) to get an enumeration of property names and then iterate over this enumeration and invoke getProperty(...) for each name.
      aPropertySet -
      the property container for this property set.
    • getSystemPropertyContainer

      public FWPropertyContainer getSystemPropertyContainer()
      Return the complete Properties object. Can cause data corruption in property resource manager, so better use getPropertyNames(...) to get an enumeration of property names and then iterate over this enumeration and invoke getProperty(...) for each name.
      the system property container
    • getPropertyNames

      public Set<String> getPropertyNames(String aPropertySet)
      Return an Enumeration of the property names contained in the specified property set. Return if the property set cant be found.
      aPropertySet -
      the property keys
    • getPropertySetURL

      public URL getPropertySetURL(String aPropertySet)
      Get the URL the specified property set has been loaded from. Return if the property set can't be found.
      aPropertySet -
      URL of the property set
    • getEnvVars

      public FWPropertyContainer getEnvVars()
      Returns the environment-variables.
      the property container of the EnvVars
    • replaceSystemVariables

      public String replaceSystemVariables(String aPropertyValue)
      Get the value of a property in a specific set. If the set doesn't contain a value for the given property or if the set doesn't exist anyway return .
      aPropertyValue -
      the replaced variable
    • getPropertiesAsString

      public String getPropertiesAsString(String aPropertyset)
      Method getPropertiesAsString.
      aPropertyset -
    • savePropertyContainer

      public void savePropertyContainer(FWPropertyContainer aPropertiesContainer)
      aPropertiesContainer -