All Classes and Interfaces

Simple I/O and conversion methods for jFreeChart.
This class provides an abstract implementation for chart styles.
Abstract config file with important functions for parsing and writing Data to ASCII Configfiles
Simple I/O and conversion methods for jFreeChart.
Simple I/O and conversion methods for jFreeChart.
Abstract config file with important functions for parsing and writing Data to ASCII Configfiles
Methods for calculating the agreement index See D.
This processor transforms data from an ASCII file into the database.
This processor transforms data from an ASCII file into the database.
This class provides a basis chart style for line, area an bar charts.
Methods for calculating the bias/mean error See D.
This class represents the following element: Description: : visible - (optional) false/true flag if the border around the whole chart shall be visible.
starts application in given working directory.
functionality starting browser (internet explorer or jeditorpane) embeded, intern or extern.
interfaces between FWSimOutput and FWSimInterface storing the output in the memory for later use in the application (diagram, calibration, ...)
This class changes special tags in solution files for compatibility reasons
This interface is a general super class for a design style of a JFreeChart.
Enum representing the style type of a chart (bar, line, area)
This class represents an exception which shall be used anytime when improper values are found in style definition.
This utility class was based originally on Daniel Le Berre's RTSI class.
A paint scale that returns shades of gray.
Helper for GUI components.
Methods for calculating the concordance correlation coefficient See D.
Simple implementation of a JDBC connection pool manager.
functionality starting browser (internet explorer or jeditorpane) embeded, intern or extern.
Processor that prints messages to the Log If a parameter "message" is supplied, its value will be printed.
Copies files from ${sourcedir} to ${targetdir}.
Copies folders from ${sourcedir} to ${targetdir}.
This processor performs SQL-Statements on two existing Databases to copy the content of one table Parameter Description db_conn_source JDBC sonnection of source database from Pipeline. db_conn_target JDBC sonnection of target database from Pipeline. table_name Tablename of source table in source database. target_table_name (optional) Tablename of target table in target database.
Methods for calculating the correlation coefficient See D.
This processor is based on jdbc and creates a connectionpool with the singleton connection pool manager
Required input parameters: Parameter Description driver (optional) JDBC driver used for the communication to the database.
Default: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver url URL for the given JDBC driver.
Default: jdbc:hsqldb:mem resultParamKey Output parameter key where the connection is stored in username (optional) Username of database password (optional) Password of database
Reads file index of a folder returning a list of all files fitting the Regular Expression ${pattern} Parameter Description source Sourcedir files taken from includeSubFolders (optional) Flag, default to false
Saves the actual scenario within the Parameter Map.
implementation of the FWSimInterface giving access to resources from and output to files divider can be given in xml-configuration tag.
interfaces between FWSimOutput and FWSimInterface writing output to CSV-File
functionality starting browser (internet explorer or jeditorpane) embeded, intern or extern.
Swing Tool for managing a JDBC database.
Provides some methods for performing database operations.
implementation of the FWSimInterface using ConnectionPool giving access to resources from and output to Databases use by FWSimInterface.getInterface(FWSimVarMap, CONTENT_TYPE).createStatement(); Make sure to free connections after use by calling ConnectionPoolManager#getInstance#freeConnection(Connection)
DatabaseInUseException is thrown while trying to access the database which is already in use
interfaces between FWSimOutput and FWSimInterface for databases
Container that delivers the data to the client only containing simple object types like arrays.
This processor is based on JFreeChart and loads a chart data object (called DataSet) into memory.
This processor takes an start date and generates a Collection of dates.
This processor takes Collection<Date> and stores every entry in a database table.
Following parameters are available: datesKey (mandatory)
Reference key to the Collection<Date> in the parameter map. db_conn (mandatory)
Reference key to the database connection in the parameter map. destTableName (mandatory) Name of the table the dates are stored in.
implementation of the FWSimInterface giving access to resources from and output to files divider can be given in xml-configuration tag.
Exception thrown if the decoding in Base64 fails.
Default empty implementation of a check helper that does actually nothing
A simple demonstration application showing another use for the XYBlockRenderer class.
Management works with configuration like true ${vCropName} true actions can be taken from resources, too. reserved name for this is actions
Transforms the content by a simple SQL-Statement driven on all tables read in the resources part.
This class provides a basis chart style for line, area an bar charts.
Transforms the content by a simple SQL-Statement driven on all tables read in the resources part.
Deletes one cachedir - using system key.
Deletes Files filtered with ${filter_extensions} or ${filter_names} from ${sourcedir}
reads one file ${url} to param ${targetDir}/${file}.
DTD-Resolver for XML-Entries
If Resource could not be found or key is wrong this exception might be thrown.
functionality starting browser (internet explorer or jeditorpane) embeded, intern or extern.
Methods for calculating the model efficiency See D.
Perform email validations.
Transforms ${parameterToConvert} with the given ${inputEncoding} to the ${outgoingEncoding}.
Creates equidistant parameter values within a range.
Selects the error calculation method by the label the user provided
Unique identifiers for the error calculation method.
Defines the abstract functions/procedures that a class needs to implement in order to be usable as an error calculation method by the LeastDifferenceSelector
ExcecutionException is thrown if a error occurs while Executing a File
This Class runs a extern Application with a certain document/file from wich the Filename is given.
Thrown for Errors in XMLHelper
implementation of the FWSimInterface giving access to resources from and output to files
Resource manager for FilePaths.
Has to be finalized before quitting the application Reads from file system, out of zip-file and from class path or normal file access.
Organizes the file access and blocks and frees the file streams Does some exception handling for the programmer Implemented as a singleton results in a check that each file is only opened once and closed after use.
Fills in the given Parameters to OutputParameters. if parameter "only_fill_if_null" is set to true (default false) only uninitialized parameters are set, initialized stay same.
This processor filters the parameters in Map.
functionality starting form view
This panel is supposed to be overwritten by component implementing classes that should be used to be shown in FWFormPanel.
The Component Filler is overwritten by classes which achieve data from different sources, as an XLS sheet or a database, and generate a Map Object to be able to return dynamic options for a form component.
Abstract class that is supposed to be overwritten by subcomponent implementations.
Functionality is used to start functions in Framework by class for name instatiation.
Extends JButton to show a popup for choosing language when the button is pressed.
This form component panel can displays results dynamically for different content.
Abstract base-class for applications.
This filler only supports charts.
This Component Filler reads data from ASCII file and requires formFiller.seperator: The column seperator formFiller.dataformat: Date format as for example dd.MM.yyyy
Use this class to easily build groups of widgets etc. buttons, popupbuttons...
This class defines some stuff necessary for all buttons of the application.
This form component displays a JFreeChart.
Wrapper class for JCheckBox
This class is used by FWChoiceFormComponent, to display a list of choices from which any number of items may be selected.
Class that implements different methods that are checked by FWCheckHelper Instances are controlled by the CheckHelper, too.
Checks the setting of values and other tasks in the system due to 4 different checking levels.
Form Component Filler creates - form options from application Class path.
Main Listener of the applicant client.
Wrapper-class for JComboBox
This form component displays a JFreeChart.
This Component Filler reads data from database.
This Component Filler reads individual data from database to fill form component of type "table".
This class add detach, copy, print functionality to detachpanels
some final parameters for Pattern
This form component displays a chart dataset as table in a result form component
This form component provides means to specify a date at a pre-determinable precision.
Extends JButton to show a popup for choosing language when the button is pressed.
A FWDaySubComponent displays a calendar view of a specific month in a specific year and lets the user choose a from a range of days in that month.
Panel with specific Layout als default for the TabView Panels.
Extends JButton to show a popup for choosing language when the button is pressed.
Basic StyleSheet object for usage within the HTMLRenderer facility of javax.
This class add Cut/Copy/Paste Functionality invoked by Popupmenu to TextComponents
This component displays a slider next to a spinner to let the user specify an integer value.
Generates form options of the files in the given paths formFiller.jumper: Base directory for the search formFiller.subdirs: If sub-directories are to be used (default TRUE) [TRUE|FALES] formFiller.regexp: Regular expression the filename is checked with
Simple File Filter implementation that allows to restrict FileChoosers to certain file types
FWFormattedDate represents a date value at a fixed precision.
This is an enumeration of precisions that are supported by FWFormattedDate.
This Component Filler reads data from an XLS file via HSSF workbook.
simple Logindialog
Used by FWListChoiceSubComponent and FWComboChoiseSubComponent to store selectable options and their attributes in a ListModel.
form panel automatically shows components customized in XML Layout provider Special Layout provider is used.
Used by FWTableChoiceSubComponent to store selectable options and their attributes in a TableModel.
Provides some static method for working with strings.
This delivers the fitting instance of Functionality implementation.
Runs the Impetus Engine from Functionality.
This form component may be used to add headlines to forms using <title id=""/> tags in the XML configuration.
This form component displays an html content within an internal panel dynamically depending on the selection
Displays an image in a form component for selected argument
Showing JEditorPane with given HTML Content.
Popup showing an Image at given place of the monitor
Provider for properties.
This form component displays an image in the main content panel
Extends JButton to show a popup for choosing language when the button is pressed.
This component displays a slider next to a spinner to let the user specify an integer value.
Showing JEditorPane with given HTML Content.
Delegates a keyEvent to the wanted actionListener not recognizing the current focus owner.
This class delegates the called action to the given actionlistener.
This choice subcomponent may be used to display messages instead of a list of choices.
Form component that simply displays a descriptive text.
Extends JButton to show a popup for choosing language when the button is pressed.
Wrapper class for JList
ListCellRenderer to automatically localize list values rendered as JLabel.
TableCellRenderer to automatically localize table cell values of type String.
simple Logindialog
Looping processors are running a given Pipeline ${PipeID} several times.
FormComponent filler creates - form options of - a HashMap that is situated in the content.
Message to be displayed in de.sepp.util.widgets.MessagePane or MessageLabel.
This class serves as replacement for the JOptionpane.
Infopanel with support for the different optionpane icons.
An FWMonthSubComponent displays a spinner with a list of months that the user can choose from.
This Component Filler generates form options from a observable.
A class can implement the Observer interface when it wants to be informed of changes in observable objects.
This form component displays a PDF file within the main content panel
A PDF Viewer application that integrates with the Meeting Central project.
Represents a pipeline of processors.
Provides different functions of the Impetus Engine.
Impetus-specific theme for PlasticLookAndFeel (and it's subLookAndFeel).
Abstract superclass for all standard and custom processors.
Defines a listener for viewing the tabview.
Provider for properties.
Wrapper class for JRadioButton
This form component displays results dynamically for different content.
This Component Filler generates form options of the scenarios of the system that we are in if parameter "other_SYSTEM_ID" is given scenarios can be taken from another system.
Defines some common behaviour for all scrollpanes - unified scrollspeed - delegation of MouseWheelEvents
Out of performance reasons the data from resources is stored within the ResourceCache.
FormComponent filler creates - form options from FWSimCache - projects (no additional input) - simulations (formFiller.projectid has to be passed) - caches (formFiller.projectid and formFiller.simulationid has to be passed) - variables (formFiller.projectid and formFiller.simulationid and formFiller.cacheid has to be passed) - chart from SimCache - it has to be passed: formFiller.projectid and formFiller.simulationid and formFiller.cacheid has to be passed)
Engine is started with the main configuration xml file having no need of GUI-configuration or classes Singleton implementation Needs Solution.sol.xml-File.
Interface for the GUI to get necessary information about the component
Helper instance consisting of helper methods with instances of an operation tree parser to evaluate rules while replacing parameters in variables
Abstract implementation for the IO-Adapter for only reading input data
If an Instance of a SimComponent could not be created this Exception should be thrown.
IO integrates resources and output Interface can be used by input and output components Interface is able to abstract data access format as Database via SQL DatabaseInterface Excel (csv) CSVInterface XML XMLInterface MEMORY MEMORYInterface Uses File Access Pool and Connection Pool
identifiers for different interface types
Implements the FWSimFieldContainer to be able to access resources and output adaptors extending this class.
FREQUENCE the data is written, accessed, used or updated in the different adapters
Migrates a solution file using migration rules from different versions
Implemented as Callable so that more than one can be run in same time Can access resources via Resource Manager Singleton Manages the VarMap Manages the state in time and the settings of the model run Can write outputs via Output Manager Singleton Implemented simulation modules Model parts are implemented from abstract simulation modules (init, clone (mit reset), process)
Abstract implementation for the IO-Adapter for only writing output data This abstract implementation is FWSimIOAdapter.
OutputCache stores the temporary outputs in a SimOutput
Output event is created for each timestep's output event.
Output listener is called for each timestep's output event.
With the output part of the main configuration xml the outputters are instantiated in their given format and field (var-Map), frequence (Yearly, Monthly, Daily, Complex) and generalization method (Sum,Mean,Max, Min, Complex Rule (Value at day of Anthesis)) Singleton implementation Holds different out putters for the model threads Ensures the efficient use of the resources Takes data via VarMap and the containing SimVariables Values are piped into the different output adapters Division between Data format and content using IO Interfaces Able to abstract data access format as Database via SQL Excel (csv) Uses File Access Pool and Connection Pool Have own Threads for writing output
Projects signify the ensemble of several simulation runs, that have same resources (e.g. files, database) but different settings in the FWSimVariables.
Variables can have the following value types
Implementation of a @link LinkedHashMap<String,Object> that has an additional SimulationID.
Resource Adapters are transferring data from interfaces FWSimInterface to FWSimResourceCache Adapters are media specific.
Out of performance reasons the data from resources is stored within the ResourceCache.
With the resources part of the main configuration xml the resources are instantiated Singleton implementation Holds different resources for the model threads as FWSimResourceCache Ensures the efficient use of the resources Presents data via Objects Able to abstract data access format as Database via SQL Excel (csv) XML Uses File Access Pool and Connection Pool via IO Interfaces
ResourceTransformer is able to transform the data read within the resources to other format in table structure.
Different variables have different identifies to be able to divide them within within the debugging phase of the software developing process.
A simulation is the runnable and configured simulation model.
Contains whole information about: Model-Template Interfaces for external data read and write Resource parameters Output configuration Constant Values Within the Solution creation process the different parts of the simulation session are configured to a default configuration.
With the resources part of the main configuration xml the resources are instantiated Singleton implementation Holds different resources for the model threads as FWSimResourceCache Ensures the efficient use of the resources Presents data via Objects Able to abstract data access format as Database via SQL Excel (csv) XML Uses File Access Pool and Connection Pool via IO Interfaces
The simulation generator creates for existing project ( FWSimProject ) a range of simulations ( FWSimSimulation ).
SimulationController initializes the project part of the simulations.
Model event is created for exceptional cases.
Model event is created for start and end of a model run and for exceptional cases.
The simulation generator creates for existing project ( FWSimProject ) a range of simulations ( FWSimSimulation ).
Model listener is called for start and end of a model run and for exceptional cases.
Extender of this abstract class will be able to select the best simulation of a prepared set by implementing abstract method #select(List).
SimValueObject contains FWSimVariables used for SimComponents to structure the data needs for huge components createVariables method has to be provided for each of them
Different variables have different identifies to be able to divide them within within the debugging phase of the software developing process.
Variables can have the following value types
Mode is used for Output Variables to define the way they are generalized if Frequence is no daily step.
Different variables have different identifies to be able to divide them within a list of variables.
FormComponent filler creates - form options of - projects (no additional input) - simulations (formFiller.projectid has to be passed) - caches (formFiller.projectid and formFiller.simulationid has to be passed) - variables (formFiller.projectid and formFiller.simulationid and formFiller.cacheid has to be passed)
Each parameter has a "string" name Value is given as implemented member of Variable Variable has last changed date instance, creator reference and value Has a general simulation (model run) and project (project run) id Implements a HashMap <String, Object> Has replacement method for parameter tokens Linking Variables can hereby be checked for: Unit, DataType and ContentType Setting Value can be checked for DataType, Source of Data, Min/Max Debugging can be done using Description, Unit, Date last changed (same day yesterday, ), Source of value
This class is used by FWChoiceFormComponent, to display a single choice.
Wrapper class for JSlider to give all sliders a unified appearance.
Shows a panel for showing different tabs with the possibility to switch with a slide between them.
Wrapper class for JSpinner that gives all spinners the same minimum and preferred sizes
StatBar of the ImpetusClient.
This Component Filler generates form options from the systems, that are active at the moment.
This class is used to visualize a FWChoiceFormComponent of type "table".
This component allows to lay out form components in a table-like fashion.
This form component displays a Table.
Toolkit for arranging multiple extern panels in one target panel.
Defines a listener for viewing the tabview.
TabbedPane with quick-dispose buttons and rollover effects.
Predefines some default behaviour for text-inputfields.
This class add detach, copy, print functionality to detachpanels
This class add the possibility to JTextField to lock the number of character in field to a max length.
Document for filtering documents.
Document for filtering documents.
Default toolbar.
Modified JButton supporting rollover feedback.
This class is used as tree pop up for choosing remove of resulttree.
Description: The XTree class is an extension of the javax.swing.JTree class.
An FWYearSubComponent lets the user select a year between a minimum and a maximum from a JSpinner.
This processor computes the MD5 hash value of a given file and puts it into the pipeline.
Simple I/O and conversion methods for jFreeChart.
This processor reads an XLS document into a HSSF workbook object.
Resource manager for images.
provides different helper methods for IO
helper class to check the operating system this Java VM runs in please keep the notes below as a pseudo-license determine-operating-system-in-java compare to /tc/dso/tags/2.6.4/code/base/common/src/com/tc/util/runtime/ http:/ /
types of Operating Systems
This is an enhanced version of the JFreeChart JDBCCategoryDataset class.
Parses and builds an JDOM-Tree out of a xml string from the ${parameterToParse}.
Unparses and outputs an JDOM-Tree from jdom Element to a string from the ${parameterToUnparse}.
To be used in Jexl engine like array:Double(size, default) array:Integer(size, default) array:Char(size, default) array:Double(size) array:Integer(size) array:Char(size) array:clone(sourceArray) array:zip(keyArray, valueArray) array:unzipKeys(sourceArray) array:unzipValues(sourceArray) array:calc(sourceArray, algorithm[+-*\/^] secondPartner) array:sum(sourceArray) array:avg(sourceArray) array:min(sourceArray) array:max(sourceArray) array:sum(sourceArray, startIndex[1...n], endIndex[1...n]) array:avg(sourceArray, startIndex[1...n], endIndex[1...n]) array:min(sourceArray, startIndex[1...n], endIndex[1...n]) array:max(sourceArray, startIndex[1...n], endIndex[1...n])
Mode is used for Output Variables to define the way they are generalized if Frequence is no daily step.
Simple I/O and conversion methods for jFreeChart.
implementation of the FWSimInterface using ConnectionPool giving access to resources from and output to Databases use by FWSimInterface.getInterface(FWSimVarMap, CONTENT_TYPE).createStatement(); Make sure to free connections after use by calling ConnectionPoolManager#getInstance#freeConnection(Connection)
This processor reads an XLS document into a JXL workbook (JExcelApi) object.
Selects the simulation from a project, which fits best to some error method: WIKI_START == Configuration == The user has to specify - the error method `cMode` - the two variables, that will be compared (normally observed and simulated data) as `cObserved1` and `cSimulated1` - the frequency at which the selector compares the values Configuration in project file is given as {{{ | | RRMSE | | | }}} == Output == - id of selected simulation as a one size CHARARRAY `selectecsimulations` - error of selected simulation `ErrorValue` - errors of all simulations `ErrorValues` as DOUBLEARRAY - the error method `ErrorMethod` used == Notice == This generator uses the [class_net.simplace.sim.control.selectors.WeightedLeastDifferenceSelector.html WeightedLeastDifferenceSelector] with only one variable and weight 1 to calculate errors and select the simulation. == Error methods == - `Bias` - mean error - `SignedBias` - mean error, selects the smallest signed bias - `MRE` - mean relative error - `MAE` - mean absolute error - `RMAE` - relative mean absolute error - `MSE` - mean squared error - `RMSE` - root mean squared error - `RRMSE` - relative root mean squared error - `SMAPE` - symmetric mean absolute percentage error - `EF` - model efficiency - `r` - Correlation Coefficient - `rc` - Concordance Correlation Coefficient - `index` - Agreement Index - `NONE` - Void Error Calculator WIKI_END
Example implementation of a simple selector.
This class add the possibility to any Document to lock the number of character in field to a max length.
This processor takes an array or Collection, SortedMap or LinkedHashMap as input and creates a LinkedHashMap which contains only a subset of the original data.
This processor transforms data from an ASCII file into the database.
Loads the parameter map of the given scenario from scenario result database.
Resource manager for localized strings.
Singleton logger to be used to organize the logging process.
Looping processors are running a given Pipeline ${PipeID} several times.
Looping processors are running a given Pipeline ${PipeID} several times.
Looping processors are running a given Pipeline ${PipeID} several times.
Looping processors are running a given Pipeline ${PipeID} several times.
Looping processors are running a given Pipeline ${PipeID} several times.
Looping processors are running a given Pipeline ${PipeID} several times.
Methods for calculating the mean absolute error See D.
Simple I/O and conversion methods for jFreeChart.
This processor is there for easy math calulations within maps, numbers, lists aso.
Some workarounds needed by the Matlab scripts to access SimplaceWrapper
implementation of the FWSimInterface giving access to output as memory representation.
Tracks Memory allocated & used, displayed in graph form.
If Resource could not be found or key is wrong this exception might be thrown.
If Resource could not be found or key is wrong this exception might be thrown.
Moves files from ${sourcefile} to ${targetfile}.
Methods for calculating the mean relative error See D.
Methods for calculating the mean squared error See D.
Hash table based implementation of the Map interface.
implementation of the FWSimInterface giving access to resources from and output to files divider can be given in xml-configuration tag.
interfaces between FWSimOutput and FWSimInterface writing output to CSV-File
Please change this comment to what this class does
This class acts as a factory for unique object identifiers.
An Ontology at present used in SMILE model is to resolve the ambiguity related to the units in the model.
The OM vocabulary, expressed for the SPI layer in terms of .graph Nodes.
Ontology : An ontology formally represents knowledge as a set of concepts within a domain, and the relationships between those concepts.
functionality starting browser (internet explorer or jeditorpane) embeded, intern or extern.
PipeLineException is thrown if an error occurs while creating the connectlet pipeline.
PipeLineException is thrown if an error occurs while processing the connectlet pipeline.
starts pipeline with given parameter. parameter map is given to pipeline
Step was skipped by user or because of missing data
This helper class provides methods used for printing stuff on a printing device.
reads one file ${sourceFile} to param ${resultParamKey}.
This processor reads an XLS document into a HSSF workbook object.
This processor is based on jdbc and releases a connectionpool with the singleton connection pool manager
Required input parameters: Key db_conn: Database connection parameter in PipeLine
Methods for calculating the relative mean absolute error See D.
Methods for calculating the root mean squared error See D.
Methods for calculating the relative root mean squared error See D.
starts application in given working directory.
Writes one parameter ${source} to file ${target}.
Saves the actual scenario within the scenario result database.
Security Helper provides methods createing and checking signatures and md5-encryptions.
functionality showing Image automatically scaling to Size of Panel.
Iterator that shrinks the parameter space, i. e. reduces the range where a parameter can vary.
Methods for calculating the bias/mean error and comparing signed values.
functionality showing Image automatically scaling to Size of Panel.
DefaultVertexLabelRenderer is similar to the cell renderers used by the JTable and JTree jfc classes.
Labels vertices by their toString.
Labels vertices by their toString.
Labels vertices by their toString.
Labels vertices by their toString.
Transforms the input type into a random location within the bounds of the Dimension property.
Different variables have different identifies to be able to devide them within within the debugging phase of the software developping process.
If SimField resp.
Labels vertices by their toString.
Different variables have different identifies to be able to devide them within within the debugging phase of the software developping process.
If type of the SimField is not matching the given List of valid types this exception is used.
If Link could not be established because of not valid source or target point or key is wrong this exception might be thrown.
This class serves as wrapper to access the SIMPLACE Model Engine (net.simplace.sim) from other applications.
If any error occurs in the creation or use of project data this exception should be used.
Maximum or Minimum range in SimVariables are checked.
Methods for calculating the symmetric mean absolute percentage error See Wikipedia
ExcecutionException is thrown if a error occurs while Executing a File
Creates a view to change settings of a simulation in a prepared form.
This Processor writes a sql-Result to a file on the Database.
This processor performs SQL-Statements on a existing Database Parameter Description db_conn JDBC Connection from Pipeline. #1, #2, #3, ... SQL statments to process (e.g.
All the tar operations are handled.
unzips a ${sourcezipfile} taken from the class path to ${targetdir}.
Object containing user data including its rights to open functions of the software.
Error calcualtor that does nothing.
Selects the simulation with the best error/deviation for multiple target variables.
Writes one parameter ${source} to file ${target}.
Writes one parameter ${source} to file ${target}.
This class represents a style (XML defined) which shall be used for creating a chart.
Provides some methods for performing xml operations.
implementation of the FWSimInterface giving access to resources from and output to xml-files method FWSimInterface.getInterface(FWSimVarMap, CONTENT_TYPE).getRootElement() provide the user with the needed content.
Transforms a xml in field ${parameterToTransform} with ${XSLT} file from classpath.
All the zip operations are handled.