New Interpolation Tables

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Interpolation tables are used to provide parameters dependend on state (e.g. partitioning depends on DVS or photoperiod factor depends on daylength etc.).

Additionally some sim componentes used them also for irrigation and fertilization (amount depends on DOY).


In Version 4.1 the way has changed how to use interpolation tables:

 1. Tables are provided by distinct x- and y-arrays.

 2. Irrigation/Fertilization does not use interpolation tables any more.


New interpolation tables: distinct x- and y-values.


Prior to 4.1, interpolation tables were provided as a single SimVariable of type DOUBLEARRAY, which holds alternately x and y values.


Old Example: Partitioning fraction for roots depends on TSUM:


         FRTTB: 0 0.5 600 0.5 610 0.1 700 0 1600 0 


Starting with 4.1, one has to provide an interpolation table via two SimVariables of type DOUBLEARRAY, one holding x-values, the other holding y-values.


New Example: Partition fraction fro roots depends on TSUM:


 RootPartitioningTableTsum:       0  600  610  700 1600

 RootPartitioningTableFraction: 0.5  0.5  0.1  0.0  0.0


Some notes on the naming convention


Usually, the variables with the interpolation tables had the letters TB in their name (RUETB, SLATB, FRTTB etc.)

The new naming scheme is now more verbose: <TableName>Table<VariableX> and <TableName>Table<VariableY>, e.g.

RootPartitioningTableDVS and RootPartitioningTableFraction.


No interpolation tables for irrigation / fertilization


Instead of a DOY/Amount interpolation table provided by a SimVariable of type DOUBLEARRAY, the sim components use now a

SimVariable of type DOUBLE that holds the actual irrigation / fertilization amount. For no irrigation / no fertilizer the

value could be 0. or even null.


Old example:


 IRRTAB: 0 0 130 0 131 5 132 0 201 0 202 10 203 0



 <resource id="irri" frequence="ONCE" ...


         <res id="IRRTAB" ...



 <input "cIRRTAB" src="irri.IRRTAB">




New example:


 DOY  Irrigation

 131           5

 202          10




 <resource id="irri" frequence="DAILY" ...

 <res id="DOY" key="CURRENT.DOY" ...

         <res id="Irrigation" ...



 <input "iIrrigation" src="irri.Irrigation">
