8. Misspelled variables |
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Misspelling is one of the most common errors while developing a new ModelSolution (both for beginners and advanced modelers!)
In the solution 08_MisspelledVariables.sol.xml there are two variables that are misspelled, and after running the solution it gives some errors. In the following task the initial variables of the SimComponents are not misspelled, but sometime you may need all the variables of a SimComponent, they can be found here.
Task 8. Try to find out the misspelled variables and correct them. Then run the solution in order to check if you have corrected them properly.
- Run the solution and look if there are any error messages in Eclipse console
- Don't panic with the too many messages, scroll up them and find the first line where the error occurred (ignore "misres" errors, if there's any)
- What does this line say? ("Variable not given ..."? it could be that the name of the variable is not typed correctly)
- Or would it say "File not found ..."? it could be that the name of the filename is not correct?
Open the 08_MisspelledVariables_Answer.sol.xml to see how it should be done.
*ModelSolutions are found in simplace_modules\test\training\solution\1_WorkingWithSolutions