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The Matlab simplace functions




Please download the file

Unzip the file in a directory you like.




Before you start Matlab, you have to set JAVA_HOME to your standard java installation (not the one, that is included with

Matlab). You can either set it as an environment variable, or by writing a small batch file including:


 "JAVA_HOME=C:/Program Files/Java/path_to_your_java_installation" 

 "C:/Programm Files/path_to/matlab.exe" 


After starting Matlab, please browse to the directory where you unpacked the zip file and add the folder simplace to

the matlab path. Then you can access the simplace functions.




 instdir = 'c:/svn/workspace/';

 workdir = [instdir,'simplace_modules/test/'];

 outputdir = [instdir,'simplace_modules/output/'];

 sol = [workdir,'solution/lintul/KomplettTest.sol.xml'];

 outputid = 'DIAGRAM_OUT';


 sp = initSimplace(instdir, workdir, outputdir);

 sess = openProject(sp,sol);

 params = {{'enddate','31.12.2000'},{'LintulPartitioning.cFRTTB',[0 , .3, 2, .1 ]}};

 siml = createSimplaceSimulation(sp,params);

 simids = getSimplaceSimulationIDs(sp);


 rs = getSimulationResult(sp,outputid,simids{1});



 resl = resultToList(rs,true,0,1200);


 figure('name', 'LAI')


 datetick('x', 'yyyy');