CheckHelper / CheckLevel |
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Checklevel is used to check the system behaviour and parametrization in runtime. The setting of Checklevel switches the checks from OFF until ONLY.
There are 5 different CheckLevels available:
Checking levels:
A custom checker implemented overwriting the {FWChecker}
All checks are processed by default and system crashes if one occurs
All checks are processed by default, system ignores checked being bad values and goes on
Checks are processed and warning is given. New value is written even it was checked being bad
No checks are performed
ATTENTION: Changing Checklevel can influence the results of a simulation if INTENSE or STRICT is used.
The checklevel can be found as attribute "check" in the root element of any solution file. For example, the checklevel used in LintulSlim Test solution (simplace_modules/test 5/solution 5/lintul 1/LintulSlimTest.sol.xml 1) is LAZY.
FWCheckHelper - checks the setting of values and other tasks in the system due to the 5 different checking levels.
FWChecker - Class that implements the following methods:
Number checkLimits(FWSimVariable<?> aSource, Number aValue, Number aMin, Number aMax)
boolean checkSource(FWSimVariable<?> aTarget, FWSimFieldContainer aSimFieldContainer,FWSimFieldContainer aSource)
boolean checkWriteProtectionOnContentType(FWSimVariable<?> aTarget, CONTENT_TYPE aContentType, FWSimFieldContainer aSource)
that are checked by {FWCheckHelper}
Instances are controlled by the {FWCheckHelper}, too.