All Implemented Interfaces:
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public class SoilCN extends net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
Calculates turnover processes of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in multiple storage pools in multi-layered soil profiles

The routines for this SimComponent are taken from Corbeels et al 2004..


  • Corbeels, M., McMurtrie, R.E., Pepper, D.A., O'Connell, A.M., 2005. A process-based model of nitrogen cycling in forest plantations Part I. Structure, calibration and analysis of the decomposition model. Ecol. Model. 187, 426-448.
Gunther Krauss, Andreas Enders, Thomas Gaiser

Component Variables

Content TypeNameDescriptionData TypeUnitMin ValueMax ValueDefault Value
constantcAmmoniaPart of amonia in soilDOUBLEARRAYmilligram_per_kilogram---
constantcBactncN:C ratio of the microbial for conditions in favour of a majority of bacteriaDOUBLEg/g0.1250.20.2
constantcBotDepthBottom depth of each layerDOUBLEARRAYm---
constantcBrabovePart of branch pool going to surface litter (no considering coarse roots - normal + ly measuredDOUBLEg/g0.01.00.0
constantcBranchsurfCinitial Amount of carbon in the ranch pool in surface litterDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
constantcBranchsurfNinitial Amount of nitrogen in the ranch pool in surface litterDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
constantcBulkDensityBulk density of soilDOUBLEARRAYg/cm3---
constantcCarbonInHumusCarbon in humusDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
constantcCelloseSurfCinitial Amount of carbon in the cellulose like pool of the surface litterDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
constantcCellosesoilCinitial Amount of carbon in the cellulosic pool of belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
constantcCellosesoilNinitial Amount of nitrogen in the cellulosic pool of belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
constantcCellosesurfNinitial Amount of nitrogen in the cellulose like pool of the surface litterDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
constantcCelrootCellulose ratio of the root poolDOUBLEg/g0.01.00.3
constantcCelshootCellulose ratio of the shoot poolDOUBLEg/g0.01.00.3
constantcClayPart of clay in soilDOUBLEARRAYg/hg---
constantcCritinflowLitter quality ratio below which n:c ratio of the microbial biomass responsible of its decomposition decreasesDOUBLEg/g0.10.90.5
constantcDeadBiomassCRatioC ratio of the dead leaves/roots biomassDOUBLEg/g0.01.00.5
constantcDeadBiomassNCRatioN:C ratio of the dead leaves/roots biomassDOUBLEg/g0.01.00.05
constantcFmicrolabFraction of labile microbes (interacts with the decomposition rates of labile and + resistant fraction of the microbial poolDOUBLEg/g0.10.90.7
constantcFracNH4VolatFraction of NH4 fertilization lost by volatilizationDOUBLE10.00.90.2
constantcFungncN:C ratio of the microbial for conditions in favour of a majority of fungiDOUBLEg/g0.070.10.08333
constantcKdecomp1Decomposition rates of the metabolic pool of surface litterDOUBLEARRAYd-1---
constantcKdecomp10Decomposition rates of the labile microbial biomass poolDOUBLEARRAYd-1---
constantcKdecomp11Decomposition rates of the resistant microbial biomass poolsDOUBLEARRAYd-1---
constantcKdecomp12Decomposition rates of the young SOM poolDOUBLEARRAYd-1---
constantcKdecomp13Decomposition rates of the old SOM poolDOUBLEARRAYd-1---
constantcKdecomp2Decomposition rates of the metabolic pool of soil litterDOUBLEARRAYd-1---
constantcKdecomp3Decomposition rates of the cellulotic pool of surface litterDOUBLEARRAYd-1---
constantcKdecomp4Decomposition rates of the cellulotic pool of soil litterDOUBLEARRAYd-1---
constantcKdecomp5Decomposition rates of the ligno-cellulotic pool of surface litterDOUBLEARRAYd-1---
constantcKdecomp6Decomposition rates of the ligno-cellulotic pool of soil litterDOUBLEARRAYd-1---
constantcLiLignin effect on decomposition of the ligno-cellulose poolDOUBLE11.04.02.0
constantcLigbranchLignin ratio of the branch pool (normally measured value)DOUBLEg/g0.01.00.5
constantcLigncellosesoilCinitial Amount of carbon in the lignocellulosic pool of belowgroung litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
constantcLigncellosesoilNinitial Amount of nitrogen in the lignocellulosic pool of belowgroung litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
constantcLigncellosesurfCinitial Amount of carbon in the lignocellulosic pool of the surface litterDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
constantcLigncellosesurfNinitial Amount of nitrogen in the lignocellulosic pool of the surface litterDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
constantcLigncmaxmaximal n:c ratio of the slow pool (at Ninorgcrit and more)DOUBLEg/g0.0999999.00.0
constantcLigncminminimal n:c ratio of the slow poolDOUBLEg/g0.0050.0130.013
constantcLignfctLignine/lignocellulose (default value Melillo et al, 1989)DOUBLEg/g0.50.80.7
constantcLigrootLignin ratio of the root pool (normally measured value)DOUBLEg/g0.01.00.3
constantcLigshootLignin ratio of the shoot pool (normally measured value)DOUBLEg/g0.01.00.3
constantcLigstemLignin ratio of the stem pool (normally measured value)DOUBLEg/g0.01.00.5
constantcMetabsoilCinitial Amount of carbon in the metabolic pool of belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
constantcMetabsoilNinitial Amount of nitrogen in the metabolic pool of belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
constantcMetabsurfCinitial Amount of carbon in the metabolic pool of aboveground litterDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
constantcMetabsurfNinitial Amount of nitrogen in the metabolic pool of aboveground litterDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
constantcMineralisationDepthdepth to which mineralisation occursDOUBLEm0.01.0E80.3
constantcNcsommicroN:C ratio of the indigenous microbial biomassDOUBLEg/g0.10.1250.125
constantcNinorgcritCritical inorganic nitrogen content below which n:c ratio of the slow pool decreasesDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
constantcNitratePart of nitrate in soilDOUBLEARRAYmilligram_per_kilogram---
constantcOldSOMCNCN ratio in the initial old soil organic matter poolDOUBLE10.030.010.0
constantcOrganicCToMetabsoilCFractionFraction of organic C that goes to first layer of MetabsoilDOUBLEg/g0.01.00.5
constantcOrganicCarbonPart of clay in soilDOUBLEARRAYg/hg---
constantcOrganicNToMetabsoilNFractionFraction of organic C that goes to first layer of MetabsoilDOUBLEg/g0.01.00.5
constantcRatemicrobupInorganic nitrogen uptake by microbial biomassDOUBLEARRAYd-1---
constantcRootsoilCinitial Amount of carbon in the root pool in belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
constantcRootsoilNinitial Amount of nitrogen in the root pool in belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
constantcSOMStabilisationByTextureSOM stabilisation by texture coefficientDOUBLEm20.01.00.75
constantcSandPart of silt in soilDOUBLEARRAYg/hg---
constantcSoilFieldCapacityField CapacityDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
constantcSoilWiltingPointWilting PointDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
constantcStemsurfCinitial Amount of carbon in the stem pool in surface litterDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
constantcStemsurfNinitial Amount of nitrogen in the stem pool in surface litterDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
constantcTimeDivTime step dividerDOUBLE10.0999999.01.0
constantcWatactype1 or 2 ; 2 => the Paul formalism is choosen (Paul et al, 2000)INT1--2
constantcYminMinimum microbial efficiency from reduction because of a lack of inorganic nitrog + enDOUBLEARRAY1---
constantcYoungSOMCNCN ratio in the initial young soil organic matter poolDOUBLE10.030.012.0
constantcmicroLabCNCN ratio in the initial labile microbs poolDOUBLE10.020.08.0
constantcmicroLabFracLabile microbs fraction in initial soil organic carbonDOUBLE10.00.10.015
constantcmicroRstCNCN ratio in the initial resistant microbs poolDOUBLE10.020.08.0
constantcmicroRstFracResistant microbs fraction in initial soil organic carbonDOUBLE10.00.10.015
inputiDeadLeavesDead leaves biomass rateDOUBLEg/m20.01.0E80.0
inputiDeadLeavesCDead leaves carbon rateDOUBLEg/m20.01.0E8-
inputiDeadLeavesNDead leaves nitrogen rateDOUBLEg/m20.01.0E8-
inputiDeadRootsDead roots biomass rateDOUBLEARRAYg/m2---
inputiDeadRootsCDead roots carbon rateDOUBLEARRAYg/m2---
inputiDeadRootsNDead roots nitrogen rateDOUBLEARRAYg/m2---
inputiDeadStemsDead stems biomass rateDOUBLEg/m20.01.0E80.0
inputiDeadStemsCDead stems carbon rateDOUBLEg/m20.01.0E8-
inputiDeadStemsNDead stems nitrogen rateDOUBLEg/m20.01.0E8-
inputiDoInitializeWhen true resets whole component to initial statesBOOLEAN1--false
inputiFertilizerOrganicCOrganic C from fertilizer application (manure)DOUBLEg/m20.01.0E80.0
inputiFertilizerOrganicNOrganic N from fertilizer application (manure)DOUBLEg/m20.01.0E80.0
inputiNinorginorganic NDOUBLEARRAYg/m2---
inputiSoilTempSoil TemperatureDOUBLEARRAY°C---
inputiSoilWCSoil water contentDOUBLEARRAYmm---
statesBotDepthBottom depth of each layerDOUBLEARRAYm---
statesBranchsurfCAmount of carbon in the ranch pool in surface litterDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
statesBranchsurfNAmount of nitrogen in the ranch pool in surface litterDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
statesBypassForNitrogena percentage of water that does not effectively contributes to mixing cell for ni + trateDOUBLEARRAY%---
statesCNSoilC:N ratio of soilDOUBLEARRAYg/g---
statesCellosesoilCAmount of carbon in the cellulosic pool of belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha0.0999999.0-
statesCellosesoilNAmount of nitrogen in the cellulosic pool of belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha0.0999999.0-
statesCellosesurfCAmount of carbon in the cellulose like pool of the surface litterDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.0-
statesCellosesurfNAmount of nitrogen in the cellulose like pool of the surface litterDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.0-
statesClayPart of clay in soilDOUBLEARRAYg/g---
statesCurrentDayCurrent day in the simulationINTday in the year03660
statesFinesoilPart of fine soil (Clay+Silt)DOUBLEARRAY1---
statesLayThickLayer ThicknessDOUBLEARRAYm---
statesLigncellosesoilCAmount of carbon in the lignocellulosic pool of belowgroung litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha0.0999999.0-
statesLigncellosesoilNAmount of nitrogen in the lignocellulosic pool of belowgroung litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha0.0999999.0-
statesLigncellosesurfCAmount of carbon in the lignocellulosic pool of the surface litterDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.0-
statesLigncellosesurfNAmount of nitrogen in the lignocellulosic pool of the surface litterDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.0-
statesLignfctrLignin fraction of root compartmentDOUBLE10.01.00.3
statesLignfctsLignin fraction of shoot compartmentDOUBLE10.01.00.3
statesLittWCLitter water contentDOUBLEm3/m30.010000.00.0
statesLitterCTotal carbon in the litter poolDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
statesLitterCutbackindicator for CalcCFlow in the CutBackDecomp strategyINT1010
statesLitterNTotal nitrogen in the litter poolDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
statesLittersoilCTotal carbon in the belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesLittersoilNTotal nitrogen in the belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesLittersurfCTotal carbon in the aboveground litterDOUBLEkg/ha---
statesLittersurfNTotal nitrogen in the aboveground litterDOUBLEkg/ha---
statesMaxFWCMaximum observed field water contentDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
statesMaxncactMaximum N:C ratio of the microbial biomassDOUBLEg/g0.01.00.05
statesMetabsoilCAmount of carbon in the metabolic pool of belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesMetabsoilNAmount of nitrogen in the metabolic pool of belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesMetabsurfCAmount of carbon in the metabolic pool of aboveground litterDOUBLEkg/ha---
statesMetabsurfNAmount of nitrogen in the metabolic pool of aboveground litterDOUBLEkg/ha---
statesMicroblabCAmount of carbon in the labile microbial biomass poolDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesMicroblabNAmount of nitrogen in the labile microbial biomass poolDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesMicrobrstCAmount of carbon in the resistant microbial biomass poolDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesMicrobrstNAmount of nitrogen in the resistant microbial biomass poolDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesMicrobsoilCTotal carbon in the microbial biomass poolDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesMicrobsoilNTotal nitrogen in the microbial biomass poolDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesMinFWCMinimum observed field water contentDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
statesNCfluxratioN:C ratio of the litter decomposition flowDOUBLEg/g---
statesNDemandByLayer_Plant1N demand by soil layer and by infra-day time step for plant 1DOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesNDemandByLayer_Plant2N demand by soil layer and by infra-day time step for plant 2DOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesNinorgTotal inorganic nitrogen in the soilDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesNitractNitrogen factor affecting decompositionDOUBLEARRAY1---
statesNumLayersNumber of Soil LayersINT119991
statesOldSOMsoilCAmount of carbon in the old SOM (passiveDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesOldSOMsoilNAmount of nitrogen in the old SOM pool in soil (PassiveDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesRootLengthDensityPlant1Plant1 root length density by layerDOUBLEARRAYm/m3---
statesRootLengthDensityPlant2Plant2 root length density by layerDOUBLEARRAYm/m3---
statesRootsoilCAmount of carbon in the root pool in belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesRootsoilNAmount of nitrogen in the root pool in belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesSiltPart of silt in soilDOUBLEARRAYg/g---
statesSoilCTotal carbon in the soilDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesSoilNTotal nitrogen in the soilDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesSoilTempSoil temperatureDOUBLEARRAY°C---
statesSoilWCSoil water contentDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
statesSoilorgNAmount of organic nitrogen in the soilDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesStemsurfCAmount of carbon in the stem pool in surface litterDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
statesStemsurfNAmount of nitrogen in the stem pool in surface litterDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
statesStructsoilCAmount of carbon in the structural pool of belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesStructsoilNAmount of nitrogen in the structural pool of belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesStructsurfCAmount of carbon in the structural pool of the surface litterDOUBLEkg/ha---
statesStructsurfNAmount of nitrogen in the structural pool of the surface litterDOUBLEkg/ha---
statesTempactTemperature factor affecting decompositionDOUBLEARRAY1---
statesTextactTexture factor on decomposition (stabilizationDOUBLEARRAY1---
statesTotalCTotal carbon in the systemDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
statesTotalCBeforeTotal C in the system at begin of dayDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
statesTotalCarbonLosseslosses of the systemDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
statesTotalNTotal nitrogen in the systemDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
statesTotalNBeforeTotal N in the system at begin of dayDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
statesTotalNUptotal plant N uptake by layerDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesTotalSoilCTotal C in soilDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
statesTotalSoilCBeforeNotice: presently it has total C in the system at begin of day (same as sTotalCBefore, not only C in soil) - will be corrected in future versionDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
statesTotalSoilNTotal N in soilDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
statesTotalSoilNBeforeNotice: presently it has total n in the system at begin of day (same as sTotalCBefore, not only N in soil) - will be corrected in futureDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
statesTotalorgNTotal organic nitrogen in the systemDOUBLEkg/ha0.0999999.00.0
statesWatactsoilWater factor affecting belowground decompositionDOUBLEARRAY10.01.0-
statesWatactsurfWater factor affecting aboveground decompositionDOUBLE10.01.01.0
statesYfactMicrobial efficiencyDOUBLEARRAY1---
statesYoungSOMsoilCAmount of carbon in the young SOM (slowDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesYoungSOMsoilNAmount of nitrogen in the young SOM (slowDOUBLEARRAYkg/ha---
statesstabtextsimple factor which drives texture effect on decompositionDOUBLEARRAY1---
raterCactlabNet flux of carbon to labile biomass (Active 1DOUBLEARRAY1---
raterCactrstNet flux of carbon to resistant biomass (Active 2DOUBLEARRAY1---
raterCarbonlossTotal carbon losses of the system during the dayDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.00.0
raterCellose1C flow from surface cellulose pool to microbial biomassDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.00.0
raterCellose2C flow from surface cellulose pool to microbial biomassDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.00.0
raterCellose3C flow from soil cellulose pool to microbial biomassDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterCellose4C flow from soil cellulose pool to microbial biomassDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterCinLittCarbon inputs in soil poolsDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterCinSoilCarbon inputs in litter poolDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterCinmicrobCarbon input from litter decomposition to microbial poolDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterClislNet flux of carbon to lignocellulosic pool of soil litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterClisuNet flux of carbon to lignocellulosic pool of surface litterDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.00.0
raterCmtslNet flux of carbon to metabolic pool of belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterCmtsuNet flux of carbon from plant to metabolic pool of aboveground litterDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.00.0
raterCo21C loss by respirationDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.00.0
raterCo210C loss by respirationDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterCo211C loss by respirationDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterCo212C loss by respirationDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterCo213C loss by respirationDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterCo22C loss by respirationDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterCo23C loss by respirationDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.00.0
raterCo24C loss by respirationDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterCo25C loss by respirationDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.00.0
raterCo26C loss by respirationDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterCoutSoilCarbon outputs out of mineral soil poolsDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterCpasNet flux of carbon to old SOM (passiveDOUBLEARRAY1---
raterCsloNet flux of carbon to young SOM (slowDOUBLEARRAY1---
raterCstslNet flux of carbon to cellulose structural pool of belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterCstsuNet flux of carbon to cellulose structural pool of aboveground litterDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.00.0
raterDailyNleachN loss by leaching from one layer to the deeper oneDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterDeadbranchCarbon inputs in the litter from the Dead branchesDOUBLEkg/(ha d)0.0999999.00.0
raterDeadbranchNNitrogen inputs in the litter from the Dead branchesDOUBLEkg/(ha d)0.0999999.00.0
raterDeadleafNNitrogen inputs in the litter from the Dead leavesDOUBLEkg/(ha d)0.0999999.00.0
raterDeadleavesCarbon inputs in the litter from the Dead leavesDOUBLEkg/(ha d)0.0999999.00.0
raterDeadrootNNitrogen inputs in the litter from the Dead rootsDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)---
raterDeadrootsCarbon inputs in the litter from the Dead rootsDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)---
raterDeadstemNNitrogen inputs in the litter from the Dead stemsDOUBLEkg/(ha d)0.0999999.00.0
raterDeadstemsCarbon inputs in the litter from the Dead stemsDOUBLEkg/(ha d)0.0999999.00.0
raterDeltaNinorgNet flux of nitrogen to young SOM (slowDOUBLE1---
raterExtract1Flows of carbon from metabolic pools to active poolsDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.00.0
raterExtract2Flows of carbon from metabolic pools to active poolsDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.00.0
raterExtract3Flows of carbon from metabolic pools to active poolsDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterExtract4Flows of carbon from metabolic pools to active poolsDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterGrossminlitrelease by litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterHumads1C flow from young SOM to labile biomassDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterHumads2C flow from young SOM to resistant biomassDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterHumads3C flow from young SOM to passive poolDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterHumus1C flow from old SOM to labile biomassDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterHumus2C flow from old SOM to resistant biomassDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterImmob10N immobilisation flowDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.020.0-
raterImmob11N immobilisation flowDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.020.0-
raterImmob12N immobilisation flowDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.020.0-
raterImmob13N immobilisation flowDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.020.0-
raterImpassiveN immobilisation in passive pool (Old SOMDOUBLEARRAY1---
raterImslow1N immobilisation fluxes from surface lignocellulotic pool to slow pool (Young SOMDOUBLE1---
raterImslow2N immobilisation fluxes from soil lignocellulotic pool to slow pool (Young SOMDOUBLEARRAY1---
raterImslow3N immobilisation fluxes through decomposition of branch poolDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.020.00.0
raterImslow4N immobilisation fluxes through decomposition of stem poolDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.020.00.0
raterImslow5N immobilisation fluxes through decomposition of coarse roots poolDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.020.0-
raterImslow6N immobilisation flux through decomposition of SOM poolDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.020.0-
raterImslow7N immobilisation flux through decomposition of SOM poolDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.020.0-
raterK10actDecomposition rate for labile pool of active biomassDOUBLEARRAYd-10.0999999.0-
raterK11actDecomposition rates for resistant pool of active biomassDOUBLEARRAYd-10.0999999.0-
raterK12sloDecomposition rate of young SOM pool (slow poolDOUBLEARRAY1---
raterK5actsurface lignocellulose litter decomposition rateDOUBLEd-10.0999999.00.0
raterK6actSoil lignocellulose litter decomposition rateDOUBLEARRAYd-10.0999999.0-
raterK7actDecay rates for branchesDOUBLEd-10.0999999.00.0
raterK8actDecay rates for stemsDOUBLEd-10.0999999.00.0
raterK9actDecay rates for coarse rootsDOUBLEARRAYd-10.0999999.0-
raterLactlabNet efflux of nitrogen from labile biomass poolDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.020.0-
raterLactrstNet efflux of nitrogen from resistant biomass poolDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.020.0-
raterLigncellose1C flow from surface lignocellulosic pool to Young SOMDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.00.0
raterLigncellose2C flow from surface lignocellulosic pool to microbial biomassDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.00.0
raterLigncellose3C flow from surface lignocellulosic pool to microbial biomassDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.00.0
raterLigncellose4C flow from soil lignocellulosic pool to young SOMDOUBLEARRAYkgC/ha/d-2000.02000.0-
raterLigncellose5C flow from soil lignocellulosic pool to microbial biomassDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterLigncellose6C flow from soil lignocellulosic pool to microbial biomassDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterLitimmobslowSum of nitrogen immobilisation (through litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.020.0-
raterLlislNet efflux of nitrogen from structural ligno-cellulose (fine rootDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-20.020.0-
raterLlisuNet efflux of nitrogen from structural ligno-cellulose (leafDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-
raterLmtslNet efflux of nitrogen from metabolic soilDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-20.020.0-
raterLmtsuNet efflux of nitrogen from metabolic surfaceDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-
raterLpasNet efflux of nitrogen from passive pool (Old SOMDOUBLEARRAY1---
raterLsloNet efflux of nitrogen from slow pool (Young SOMDOUBLEARRAY1---
raterLstbraNet efflux of nitrogen from branches (surfaceDOUBLE1---
raterLstcoroNet efflux of nitrogen from coarse roots (soilDOUBLEARRAY1---
raterLstslNet efflux of nitrogen from structural cellulose (fine rootDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-20.020.0-
raterLststemNet efflux of nitrogen from stem (surfaceDOUBLE1---
raterLstsuNet efflux of nitrogen from structural cellulose (leaf and faecesDOUBLE1---
raterMicrob1C flow from labile biomass to labile biomassDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterMicrob2C flow from labile biomass to resistant biomassDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterMicrob3C flow from labile biomass to slow poolDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterMicrob4C flow from resistant biomass to labile biomassDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterMicrob5C flow from resistant biomass to resistant biomassDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterMicrob6C flow from resistant biomass to slow poolDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterNDemand_Plant1Plant1 N daily demandDOUBLEkg/(ha d)
raterNDemand_Plant2Plant2 N daily demandDOUBLEkg/(ha d)
raterNUptakeByLayerPlant1N uptake in each soil layer by plant 1DOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterNUptakeByLayerPlant2N uptake in each soil layer by plant 2DOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterNUptakePlant1N uptake by plant 1DOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.00.0
raterNUptakePlant2N uptake by plant 2DOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.00.0
raterNactlabNet flux of nitrogen to labile biomass (Active 1DOUBLEARRAY1---
raterNactrstNet flux of nitrogen to resistant biomass (Active 2DOUBLEARRAY1---
raterNetminsomSum of nitrogen mineralisation from SOM poolsDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.020.0-
raterNfertiNitrogen fertilizationDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)---
raterNgrossGross N mineralisationDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterNimmobGross N immobilisationDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterNleachN loss by leaching from one layer to the deeper oneDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterNlislNet flux of nitrogen to lignocellulosic pool of soil litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.020.0-
raterNlisuNet flux of nitrogen to lignocellulosic pool of surface litterDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.020.00.0
raterNlossNitrogen lossesDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.020.0-
raterNmicrobuptN microbial uptakeDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.020.0-
raterNmstlNet flux of nitrogen to metabolic pool of belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.020.0-
raterNmtsuNet flux of nitrogen from plant to metabolic pool of aboveground litterDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.020.00.0
raterNpasNet flux of nitrogen to old SOM (passiveDOUBLEARRAY1---
raterNsloNet flux of nitrogen to young SOM (slowDOUBLEARRAY1---
raterNstbraNet flux of nitrogen to structural branches pool of surface litterDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.020.00.0
raterNstcoroNet flux of nitrogen to structural stem pool of surface litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.020.0-
raterNstslNet flux of nitrogen to cellulose structural pool of belowground litterDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.020.0-
raterNststemNet flux of nitrogen to structural stem pool of surface litterDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.020.00.0
raterNstsuNet flux of nitrogen to cellulose structural pool of aboveground litterDOUBLEkg/(ha d)-2000.020.00.0
raterRespTotal loss of carbon by respirationDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-20000.020000.0-
raterSoildecompSoil decomposition rateDOUBLEARRAYkg/(ha d)-2000.02000.0-
raterWatFluxWater flow from one layer to the lower oneDOUBLEARRAYmm/d---
outCBalanceC balanceDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
outCummulatedDeadPlantNinorganic NitrogenDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
outCummulatedLossMineralNinorganic Nitrogen loss due to plant uptake and seepingDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
outNBalanceN balanceDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
outNinorginorganic NitrogenDOUBLEARRAYg/m2---
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SoilCN

      public SoilCN(String aName, HashMap<String,net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVariable<?>> aFieldMap, HashMap<String,String> aInputMap, org.jdom2.Element aSimComponentElement, net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVarMap aVarMap, int aOrderNumber)
      aName -
      aFieldMap -
      aInputMap -
      aSimComponentElement -
      aVarMap -
      aOrderNumber -
    • SoilCN

      public SoilCN()
  • Method Details

    • createVariables

      public HashMap<String,net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVariable<?>> createVariables()
      Specified by:
      createVariables in interface net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimFieldContainer
      Specified by:
      createVariables in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
    • init

      protected void init()
      Specified by:
      init in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
    • reset

      protected void reset()
      Resets variables to initial conditions
    • initializeVariables

      protected void initializeVariables()
      initialize Variables
    • process

      protected void process()
      Specified by:
      process in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
    • calculatePools

      protected void calculatePools(ParamSoil pSoil, ParamCrop pCrop, ParamC pC, ParamN pN, Auxiliary a, States s, Rates r)
      pSoil -
      pCrop -
      pC -
      pN -
      a -
      s -
      r -
    • updateStates

      protected void updateStates(States s, Rates r)
      s -
      r -
    • updateInput

      protected void updateInput(ParamC pC, ParamN pN, Inputs in, States s, Rates r)
      pC -
      pN -
      in -
      s -
      r -
    • updateOutput

      protected void updateOutput(Inputs in, Outputs out, States s, Rates r)
    • createEmptyLayers

      protected void createEmptyLayers(States s, Rates r, Outputs out)
      initialise the number of soil layers
      s -
      r -
      out -
    • intializePools

      protected void intializePools(InitialStates init, Auxiliary a, ParamSoil pSoil, ParamN pN, States s, Rates r)
      initialize microbs, SOM and Mineral nitrogen pools
      init -
      a -
      pSoil -
      pN -
      s -
      r -
    • horizonToLayer

      protected Double[] horizonToLayer(Double[] Var, Double[] HorThick, Double[] LayThick)
    • fillTestVariables

      public HashMap<String,net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVariable<?>> fillTestVariables(int aParamIndex, net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent.TEST_STATE aDefineOrCheck)
      called for single component test to check the components algorithm.
      Specified by:
      fillTestVariables in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
      See Also:
      • net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimFieldContainer#fillTestVariables(int aParamIndex, TEST_STATE aDefineOrCheck)
    • clone

      protected net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent clone(net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVarMap aVarMap)
      Specified by:
      clone in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent