- Author:
- Roelof Oomen
ClassesClassDescriptionThe purpose of this sim-component is to calculate the amount of major nutrients, e.g.,organic C, organic N, ammonium, phosphorus and potassium released from applied solid manure.Controls the Harvest and Killing events for CatchCrop containing solutions WIKI_START If current crop name matches ${cCatchCropIDs} (array formatted list like {a,b,c}) the rules for plant dying (${DoKill}=>true) will be used: 1.The purpose of this sim-component is to calculate the balance of applied and available major nitrogen fertilizer, e.g., organic N, ammonium, nitrate with the plant update resp. demand.Determines sowing or re-sowing date as function of precipitation.Simple automatic irrigation component to be used in combination with SimComponents calculating soil water balance in layered soils WIKI_START This !Deprecated.Applies irrigation by using table values - designed to use Lintul5 irrigation tables WIKI_START Irrigation has to be provided as an array `cIRRTAB`, where the entries containing DOY of irrigation alternate with entries containing corresponding irrigation amount: .