- Author:
- Roelof Oomen
ClassesClassDescriptionThe purpose of this sim-component is to calculate the amount of major nutrients, e.g.,organic C, organic N, ammonium, phosphorus and potassium released from applied solid manure.The purpose of this sim-component is to calculate the balance of applied and available major nitrogen fertilizer, e.g., organic N, ammonium, nitrate with the plant update resp. demand.Determines sowing or re-sowing date as function of precipitation.Simple automatic irrigation component to be used in combination with SimComponents calculating soil water balance in layered soils WIKI_START This !Deprecated.Applies irrigation by using table values - designed to use Lintul5 irrigation tables WIKI_START Irrigation has to be provided as an array `cIRRTAB`, where the entries containing DOY of irrigation alternate with entries containing corresponding irrigation amount: .