This are the two equations to calculate Daily Methane Production in the paper of Ndungu et al 2019
Ndungu uses two equations (eq 16 and 17 in the paper):
1. DMP = DMI*20.7
Where DMP = Daily Methane Production (g /day)
DMI = Dry Matter Intake (kg /day)
2. DMI= MERTotal / (GE * DMD/100))/0.81
MERTotal = Total Metabolisable Energy Reuiqrement (MJ/day)
DMD = Dry Matter Digestibility (%) (IN Table 3 DMD of maize is on average 64,5% and DMD of pastuer grass is 59.5%)
GE = Average Gross Energy assumed tob e 18.1 MJ/kg DM
Equation 2 assumes that Gross energy of fodder is reduced by digestibility
(e.g. Gross Energy * DMD = Digestible Energy) and Digestibly Energy contains on average 81% (0.81) metabolizable energy
those factors have already been implemented in the fodder energy calculations Component Variables
Content Type | Name | Description | Data Type | Unit | Min Value | Max Value | Default Value |
input | iEnergyConsumption | Total Energy Consumption of the livestock | DOUBLE | J | 0.0 | 1.0E8 | 20.0 |
out | CH4emission | Enteric Fermentation Emission from a livestock category | DOUBLE | g CH4/d | 0.0 | 500000.0 | 0.0 |
public class MethaneEmissionLite extends net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent {
// Public Constructors
public MethaneEmissionLite();
// Public Instance Methods public HashMap createVariables(); // Defines
// Protected Instance Methods protected void init(); // Defines net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
Initializes the fields by getting input and output FWSimVariables from VarMap
protected void process(); // Defines net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
Process the algorithm and write the results back to VarMap
protected FWSimComponent clone(FWSimVarMap aVarMap);
// Defines net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
creates a clone from this SimComponent for use in other threads
Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent (net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - MethaneEmissionLite