Toolkit for arranging multiple extern panels in one target panel.
Just add the 'target'-panel to the desired viewcontainer.
Now u can create panels and use them as usuall (etc. adding some widgets,
setting viewport...). The manager will provide one tab/view if there
are * views. It also provides a popup with the default actions
- close all views.
- close this view.
public class FWTabView implements java.awt.event.ActionListener,
javax.swing.event.ChangeListener, javax.swing.event.HyperlinkListener,
java.util.Observer {
// Protected Constructors
protected FWTabView(boolean aShowDesktopTab);
// Constants
public static final String DESKTOP_ID;
protected final LinkedHashMap iViewMap;
protected final FWTabViewPane iTabbedPane;
// Class Methods public static
FWTabView getInstance();
Returns the only instance of this class.
// Public Instance Methods public synchronized boolean
createView(Object aID, String aCaption, JPanel
aView, String aSystemID);
- aID
- aCaption
- aView
- aSystemID
returns true, if the view was created successfully, otherwise returns false
public synchronized boolean
createView(Object aID, JPanel aView, String
- aID
- aCaption
- aView
- aSystemID
- aIcon
- aFormrenderer
returns true, if the view was created successfully, otherwise returns false
public synchronized void
disposeView(Object aID, boolean aShouldBeApproved);
public synchronized void disposeAll();
public synchronized void
disposeAll(boolean aLeaveCurrent, boolean
- aLeaveCurrent
- aForceDispose
public void
selectView(Object aID);
public Component getSelectedView();
returns Component at selected index
public Component
getView(Object aOID);
Returns the view for the given oid.
returns public Object getSelectedViewID();
returns selected view ID
public void
closeSelectedView(boolean aSuppressApproving);
- aSuppressApproving
- aApproveQuestion
public boolean
isViewVisible(String aViewID);
Returns whether or not there is an existing view with the given id.
returns public int getTabCount();
returns number of tabs
public JPanel getTargetPanel();
returns target Panel
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent aActionEvent);
// From java.awt.event.ActionListener
public void
fireActionEvent(ActionListener aActionListener, String aCommand);
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent aChangeEvent); // From
Informs the listeners when a view is selected.
public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent aHyperlinkEvent);
// From javax.swing.event.HyperlinkListener
This method is called when a click action is performed on a Link.It sets
an HTMLtext to JEditorPane
public void
setTabPlacement(int aOrientation);
Sets a new orientation to the tabpane.
public void
setEmptyPanel(JPanel aNewEmptyPanel);
Replaces the emptyPanel.
public Object
getIDOfComponent(JPanel aComponent);
Sets a new title for the given id.
returns public boolean
hasView(Object aID);
indicates if a given view is already opened
returns true, if a given view is already opened, otherwise returns false
public void update(Observable aObservable, Object aEvent); // From
public void
setWaitCursor(String aSystemID);
public void
setDefaultCursor(String aSystemID);
Returned by: getInstance(), net.simplace.ui.FWMainFrame.getTabView()