public abstract class FWSimSyncAdapter extends {
// Protected Constructors
protected FWSimSyncAdapter(FWSimSession aSession, Element aSyncElement,
Integer aOrderNumber);
// Class Methods protected static
FWSimSyncAdapter createSyncAdapter(
FWSimSession aSession,
Element aSyncElement, int aOrderNumber);
- aSession
- aSyncElement
- aOrderNumber
// Public Instance Methods public abstract
FWSimResourceCache sync(Map aVarMapsContainer);
returns SimResourceCache containing the data from the resource media
public Collection getOutputVariables();
returning the variables from the header information
public Collection getInputVariables();
always returning empty list because this adapters are not meant to receive input data
public Element toXML();
Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - (net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimFieldContainer) - FWSimSyncAdapter
Returned by: createSyncAdapter(), FWSimSyncManager.getSyncAdapter()