
Version: 1.0

This class provides a basis chart style for line, area an bar charts.

public class BasicChartStyle extends AbstractChartStyle {
// Public Constructors
public BasicChartStyle();
public BasicChartStyle(ChartStyle.ChartType aType);
public BasicChartStyle(ChartStyle.ChartType aType, boolean aStacked, boolean
aStepped, PlotOrientation aOrientation);
public BasicChartStyle(ChartStyle.ChartType aType, boolean aStacked, boolean
aStepped, PlotOrientation aOrientation, String aTitle, String aXTitle,
String aYTitle, boolean aLegend, boolean aTooltips, boolean aURLs);

// Protected Instance Variables
protected PlotOrientation iOrientation;
protected boolean iStacked;
protected boolean iStepped;

// Public Instance Methods
public void setType(ChartStyle.ChartType aType);
// Defines AbstractChartStyle

Sets the type of the chart style.
public boolean isStacked();

Returns whether the chart is stacked.
returns {@code false} for line charts
public void setStacked(boolean aStacked);

Sets whether the chart is stacked. Sets the net.simplace.core.ui.jfreechart.BasicChartStyle.iStacked property to false for line charts, even aStacked is true.
public boolean isStepped();

Returns whether the chart is stepped.
returns {@code true} for bar charts
public void setStepped(boolean aStepped);

Sets whether the chart is stepped. Sets the net.simplace.core.ui.jfreechart.BasicChartStyle.iStepped property to true for bar charts, even aStepped is false.
public PlotOrientation getOrientation();

Returns the orientation of the chart.
public void setOrientation(PlotOrientation aOrientation);

Sets the orientation of the chart.
public JFreeChart applyToDataset(List aDataset);

Generates a chart using the given data and the style represented by this class.
returns JFreeChart


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - AbstractChartStyle (ChartStyle) - BasicChartStyle