Implements the net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimFieldContainer to be able to access resources and output
adaptors extending this class.
create form fields makes it possible to use the form fields to fill the content of this adapter.
public abstract class FWSimIOAdapter implements
net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimFieldContainer {
// Public Constructors
public FWSimIOAdapter(Element aResourceElement, String aName, int
aOrderNumber, FWSimInterface aInterface, FWSimIOAdapter.FREQUENCE
aFrequence, FWSimSession aSession);
public FWSimIOAdapter(FWSimIOAdapter aAdapter, FWSimInterface aInterface);
// Protected Constructors
protected FWSimIOAdapter(Element aResourceElement, FWSimSession aSession,
int aOrderNumber);
// Constants
protected final FWSimSession iSession;
protected final Element iResourceElement;
protected final String iName;
protected final LinkedHashMap iHeaderVariables;
protected final FWSimIOAdapter.FREQUENCE iFrequence;
// Protected Instance Variables
protected String iJexlRule;
protected int iOrderNumber;
protected FWSimInterface iInterface;
protected int iFieldcount;
protected LinkedHashMap iKeyMap;
protected String iSourceKey;
protected boolean iArrayMode;
// Class Methods
// Public Instance Methods public String getJexlRule();
returns the rule
public void
setOrderNumber(int orderNumber);
- orderNumber the orderNumber to set
public HashMap getKeyMap();
returns the key
public LinkedHashMap getHeaderVariables();
returns the headerVariables
public String toString(); // Overrides java.lang.Object
implementation returning the name of the component only
public Element getHeaderXML();
returns XML Element of the Header information
public boolean isArrayMode();
returns if the Adapter is used in ArrayMode
public void finalize() throws Exception; // Overrides java.lang.Object
// Protected Instance Methods protected void writeHeaderList();
writes a new header list to the element
// Inner Classes
public static final class FWSimIOAdapter.FREQUENCE extends java.lang.Enum
Extended by:,
Passed to: createFormFields(), FWSimIOAdapter()