A simulation is the runnable and configured simulation model. It runs in an own java.lang.Thread implementing the java.lang.Runnable interface.
It consists of a Name, ProjectID of the including project, net.simplace.simulation.model.FWSimModel and a List of net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimVariables
that the simulation is able to store as start configuration.
public final class FWSimSimulation implements java.util.concurrent.Callable {
// Public Constructors
public FWSimSimulation(FWSimVarMap aVarMap, FWSimModel aModel);
// Public Instance Methods public
FWSimVarMap call();
// From java.util.concurrent.Callable
called by the java.lang.Thread to start it running
public void init();
Initialize a simulation run
public void finish();
Finish a model run
public void
setValue(String aColName,
FWSimVariable.DATA_TYPE aDataType,
Object aObject);
sets value to the solution. Values can be used in modeling process
- aColName
- aDataType
- aObject
FWSimVarMap getVarMap();
returns the SimVarMap of the implemented Model as a template
public String getName();
returns the id of the simulation
public String getID();
returns the iD
public Object
getVariableValue(String aName);
returns the Value of the end state (after model ended)
FWSimResultCache getResultCache(String aName);
returns the Result references
public Set getCacheNames();
returns the Result Cache Names
FWSimModel getModel();
returns the running Model
FWSimSimulation clone(Integer aSimulationNumber);
returns a clone of FWSimSimulation object
public boolean equals(Object aObj); // Overrides java.lang.Object
public int hashCode(); // Overrides java.lang.Object
public String toString(); // Overrides java.lang.Object
Passed to:, FWSimSession.simulationEnded(), FWSimSession.simulationStarted()
Returned by: clone(), net.simplace.simulation.wrapper.SimplaceWrapper.createSimulation(), net.simplace.simulation.graphpanel.SimEnvGraphPanel.getSimSimulation(), net.simplace.simulation.control.FWSimulationGenerator.getSimulation()