
Ontology : An�ontology�formally represents knowledge as a set of concepts within a�domain, and the relationships between those concepts. It can be used to reason�about the entities within that domain and may be used to describe the domain. An Ontology at present used in SMILE model is to resolve the ambiguity related to the units in the model.Ontology used in the model is the OM ontology of Unit of Measure. An Ontology of units of Measure and related concepts (OM) models concepts and relations important to scientific research. It has a strong focus on units and quantities, measurements, and dimensions. The home page of the OM ontology is:

public class Ontology {

// Class Methods
public static Ontology getInstance();

Helper method called to access the Ontology
returns model
public static void main(String[] args);

Testing Method

// Public Instance Methods
public String getProperty(String aURI, Property aProperty, boolean

Helper method to access the properties of the model
returns the Property string
public String getStandardName(String aURI);

Helper method to get the name of the unit out of the URI
returns the name associated to the URI
public String getSymbol(String aURI);

Helper method to get the name of the unit out of the URI
returns the name associated to the URI
public String getDescription(String aURI);

Helper method to read the description and the long comments associated with units
returns long comment and the definition of the unit
public List allInstances(String aURI);

Helper method to get list of all the properties associated with mentioned URI
returns tReturnList : List of all the properties


Returned by: getInstance()