
Toolkit for arranging multiple extern panels in one target panel. Just add the 'target'-panel to the desired viewcontainer. Now u can create panels and use them as usuall (etc. adding some widgets, setting viewport...). The manager will provide one tab/view if there are * views. It also provides a popup with the default actions - close all views. - close this view.

public class FWTabView implements java.awt.event.ActionListener,
javax.swing.event.ChangeListener, javax.swing.event.HyperlinkListener,
java.util.Observer {
// Protected Constructors
protected FWTabView(boolean aShowDesktopTab);

// Constants
public static final String DESKTOP_ID;
protected final LinkedHashMap iViewMap;
protected final FWTabViewPane iTabbedPane;

// Class Methods
public static FWTabView getInstance();

Returns the only instance of this class.

// Public Instance Methods
public synchronized boolean createView(Object aID, String aCaption, JPanel
aView, String aSystemID);

returns true, if the view was created successfully, otherwise returns false
public synchronized boolean createView(Object aID, JPanel aView, String

returns true, if the view was created successfully, otherwise returns false
public synchronized void disposeView(Object aID, boolean aShouldBeApproved);

public synchronized void disposeAll();

public synchronized void disposeAll(boolean aLeaveCurrent, boolean

public void selectView(Object aID);

public Component getSelectedView();

returns Component at selected index
public Component getView(Object aOID);

Returns the view for the given oid.
public Object getSelectedViewID();

returns selected view ID
public void closeSelectedView(boolean aSuppressApproving);

public boolean isViewVisible(String aViewID);

Returns whether or not there is an existing view with the given id.
public int getTabCount();

returns number of tabs
public JPanel getTargetPanel();

returns target Panel
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent aActionEvent);
// From java.awt.event.ActionListener

public void fireActionEvent(ActionListener aActionListener, String aCommand);

public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent aChangeEvent); // From

Informs the listeners when a view is selected.
public void addViewManagerListener(FWTabViewListener aListener);

public void removeViewManagerListener(FWTabViewListener aListener);

public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent aHyperlinkEvent);
// From javax.swing.event.HyperlinkListener

This method is called when a click action is performed on a Link.It sets an HTMLtext to JEditorPane
public void setTabPlacement(int aOrientation);

Sets a new orientation to the tabpane.
public void setEmptyPanel(JPanel aNewEmptyPanel);

Replaces the emptyPanel.
public Object getIDOfComponent(JPanel aComponent);

Sets a new title for the given id.
public boolean hasView(Object aID);

indicates if a given view is already opened
returns true, if a given view is already opened, otherwise returns false
public void update(Observable aObservable, Object aEvent); // From

public void setWaitCursor(String aSystemID);

public void setDefaultCursor(String aSystemID);


Returned by: getInstance(), net.simplace.ui.FWMainFrame.getTabView()