Engine is started with the main configuration xml file having no need of GUI-configuration or classes
Singleton implementation
Needs Solution.sol.xml-File. Structure is defined by the SimSolution.dtd.
For Project-Simulation a Project.proj.xml-File is needed defined by the SimProject.dtd.
First the FWSimSolution is created with a call with the actionCommand "createSolution".
Within the provided net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimVarMap the parameter "solution" points to the solution.sol.xml-File
Then the provided net.simplace.simulation.util.FWSimVarMap could point to the project.proj.xml-File within parameter
"project". For Test mode no project file is provided. But "createProject" call is needed in all cases.
Three types of simulations are supported:
FWSimProject.PROJECT_MODE.SIMULATION: Test simulations without project or simple project runs for given project
FWSimProject.PROJECT_MODE.SENSITIVITY: Project creates java.util.List of FWSimSimulation
via plug-in net.simplace.simulation.control.FWSimulationGenerator and runs them accordingly
FWSimProject.PROJECT_MODE.CALIBRATION: Like SENSITIVITY but additional net.simplace.simulation.control.FWSimulationSelector selecting
one simulation that fits most to the plug-in selector.
simulations for each given
A call of "run" command starts the process.
FWSimEngine can be used to register Listeners to it: net.simplace.simulation.event.FWSimOutputListener and net.simplace.simulation.event.FWSimulationListener.
public final class FWSimEngine {
// Constants
public static final int MAX_SIMULATION_COUNT;
// Class Methods public static
FWSimEngine getInstance();
Returns a Reference to the Identity instance (if there is no one yet it
creates one)
returns the singleton instance
public static
FWSimSession prepareSession(String aProjectFileName, String
aSolutionFileName) throws IOException;
Ensemble of all needed calls to run a whole model specified in the solution-file and project-file
if no project file name is given, the solution will be taken as default project and simulation will
be run once in test mode.
- aProjectFileName
- aSolutionFileName
returns the prepared Session
public static
FWSimSession prepareSession(String aProjectFileName, String
FWSimSession.APPLICATION_MODE aApplicationMode)
throws IOException;
Ensemble of all needed calls to run a whole model specified in the solution-file and project-file
if no project file name is given, the solution will be taken as default project and simulation will
be run once in test mode.
- aProjectFileName
- aSolutionFileName
- aApplicationMode
returns the prepared Session
public static
FWSimSession runProjects(String aProjectFileName, String
Ensemble of all needed calls to run a whole model specified in the solution-file and project-file
if no project file name is given, the solution will be taken as default project and simulation will
be run once in test mode.
- aProjectFileName
- aSolutionFileName
- aApplicationMode
returns runs all projects of the session and returns it.
public static void
setWorkDir(String aPathString);
public static String getWorkDir();
returns the work directory
public static void
setOutputDir(String aPathString);
public static String getOutputDir();
returns the output dir
public static void reset();
resets the whole engine to be able to reinitialize it.
public static int getSlotCount();
returns number of free slots on this computer (processes)
public static void
setSlotCount(int aSlotCount);
- aSlotCount number of free slots on this computer (parallel processes)
// Public Instance Methods public void
call(int aClickCount, String aActionCommand) throws Exception;
ModelViewControler architecture -
net.simplace.simulation.FWSimEngine signifies the controller to be called
- aClickCount
- aActionCommand
public void
call(int aClickCount, String aFunction, HashMap aParameterMap,
FWSimSession.APPLICATION_MODE aAppMode) throws Exception;
- aClickCount of mouse button
- aFunction as action command etc.
- aParameterMap to pass predefined parameters to the software
- aAppMode
FWSimSession prepareSession(HashMap aParameterMap,
FWSimSession.APPLICATION_MODE aApplicationMode) throws IOException;
- aParameterMap
- aApplicationMode
returns the FWSimSolution object filled with the parameters from XML in file
FWSimSession prepareSession(Element aSolutionElement,
FWSimVarMap aVarMap, String aSessionName,
FWSimSession.APPLICATION_MODE aApplicationMode);
- aSolutionElement
- aVarMap
- aSessionName
- aApplicationMode
returns the FWSimSolution object filled with the parameters from XML in file
public void shutDown();
Shutdown the Thread pool if it's finished
public List getSessions();
returns the current session (if only one)
public void
FWSimSession aCurrentSession);
finalizes one seesion
Returned by: getInstance()