public class FWProgressTask implements java.lang.Comparable {
// Public Constructors
public FWProgressTask(String aProgressID, String aX, String aY, String
// Public Instance Methods public JLabel getTextLabel();
get the textlabel for this task
may be null
if this task doesn't need a textual description
returns the JLabel
public JLabel getImageLabel();
get the imagelabel for this task
returns the JLabel
public String getProgressID();
returns the iD
public boolean isImageUsed();
returns the iD
public String getMessage();
returns the message of the Task
public void
setMessage(String aMessage);
- aMessage the message to set
public void
setFixedLabel(String aFixedLabel);
- aFixedLabel the fixedLabel to set
public void
setStateProgressing(int aPercentDone, String aMessage);
- aPercentDone
- aMessage
- the statusOfTask is set to progressing. percentDone (0-100).
public int getPercentDone();
returns the percentDone (0-100)
public int getNumberInRange();
returns the number of the Task in the range of Tasks to be performed
public void
setNumberInRange(int aNumberInRange);
sets the number of the Task in the range of Tasks to be performed
public String getStateOfTask();
returns the statusOfTask
public void
setStateOfTask(String aStatusOfTask,
FWObservable aParameterMap);
- aStatusOfTask the statusOfTask to set - use Variables in class State
- aParameterMap
FWProgressTask getClonedTask();
returns a clone of FWProgressTask
public String toString(); // Overrides java.lang.Object
// Inner Classes
public class FWProgressTask.State
Passed to: FWProgressViewModel.addProgressTask(), compareTo(), FWProgressTaskEvent.FWProgressTaskEvent(), FWProgressTaskEvent.FWProgressTaskEvent()
Returned by: getClonedTask(), net.simplace.processors.LoopSimModelRunProcessor.getNewProgressTask(), net.simplace.util.pipeline.FWProcessor.getNewProgressTask(), FWProgressTaskEvent.getProgressTask(), net.simplace.util.pipeline.FWProcessor.getProgressTask()