public class SoilLayerData {
// Public Constructors
public SoilLayerData(double aClayContentPerc, double aSiltcontentPerc,
double aBulkDensity, double aCarbonContent, double aGravelContent);
public SoilLayerData(int aLayerID, String aSoilProfileName, double
aClayContentPerc, double aSiltcontentPerc, double aBulkDensity, double
aCarbonContent, double aGravelContent);
// Class Variables
public static LinkedHashMap TAXONOMY;
// Public Instance Variables
public double WC00_KA5;
public double WC05_KA5;
public double WC08_KA5;
public double WC15_KA5;
public double WC18_KA5;
public double WC25_KA5;
public double WC28_KA5;
public double WC35_KA5;
public double WC38_KA5;
public double WC42_KA5;
public double nWC18_KA5;
public double nWC25_KA5;
public double SHC_KA5;
public double SHC_FAO;
public double WC_ADD_KA5;
public double Tex_Class_KA5;
public double Tex_Class_US;
public String Tex_Class_US_Name;
public String Tex_Class_KA5_Symbol;
public String Tex_Class_US_Symbol;
// Class Methods public static
SoilLayerData createSampleSoilLayer(Random aSeed, Double
aGravelContent, Double aCarbonContent);
- aSeed
- aGravelContent if null random Gravel content is generated between 0 - 20 %
- aCarbonContent if null random Carbon content is generated between 0 - 10 %
returns aRandom SoilLayerData
// Public Instance Methods public double getSandContentPerc();
returns the sand content as 100 - clay and silt
public double getClayContentPerc();
returns the clayContentPerc
public void
setClayContentPerc(double aClayContentPerc);
- aClayContentPerc the clayContentPerc to set
public double getSiltcontentPerc();
returns the siltcontentPerc
public void
setSiltcontentPerc(double aSiltcontentPerc);
- aSiltcontentPerc the siltcontentPerc to set
public double getBulkDensity();
returns the bulkDensity
public void
setBulkDensity(double aBulkDensity);
- aBulkDensity the bulkDensity to set
public double getCarbonContent();
returns the carbonContent
public void
setCarbonContent(double aCarbonContent);
- aCarbonContent the carbonContent to set
public double getGravelContent();
returns the gravelContent
public void
setGravelContent(double aGravelContent);
- aGravelContent the gravelContent to set
public String getSoilProfileID();
returns the soilProfileID
public String toString(); // Overrides java.lang.Object
Returned by: createSampleSoilLayer()