Provides some methods for performing xml operations. It's not implemented as static methods to share some resources.
It's not implemented as singleton to avoid synchronization problems.
public final class XMLHelper {
// Class Methods public static
XMLHelper getInstance();
Creates a new instance of. Easier to use as constructor.
returns the Instance
public static String
replace(String aString, String aToBeReplacedString,
String aReplaceWithString);
Replaces a String in a String.
- aString
- aToBeReplacedString
- aReplaceWithString
returns converted String
public static String
replaceAttribute(String aString, Map aReplacements,
String aAttribute);
Replaces in the string all key in the given Map by the values.
- aString
- aReplacements
- aAttribute
returns converted String
public static final Element
addElement(Element aElement, String aName,
String aValue);
Adds a new element to the given element with the same namespace.
returns a new element
public static Element
getOrCreateChild(Element aParentElement, String
Returns the Child-Element of aParentElement with the given name, if it doesn't exist the child element is created
and attached to aParentElement.
- aParentElement
- aChildName
returns the Child-Element of aParentElement with the given name
public static void
addTextToChildThatMayExist(Element aParentElement, String
aChildName, String aValue);
Adds content to the child of aParent with the name aChildName if the child doesn't exist a new child is created an
- aParentElement
- aChildName
- aValue
public static final String
getAttributeValueOrEmptyString(Element aElement,
String aAtrributeValue);
Returns the value of the attribute specified be aAttributeName or returns "" if the it doesn't exists.
returns the value of the attribute specified be aAttributeName or returns "" if the it doesn't exist
public static final String
getAttributeValueOrNull(Element aElement, String
Returns the value of the attribute specified by aAttributeName or returns null if the it doesn't exists or equals
"" empty string.
returns the value of the attribute specified by aAttributeName or returns null if the it doesn't exist
public static final boolean
getBooleanAttributeValue(Element aElement,
String aName, boolean aDefault);
Returns the value of the attribute specified be aAttributeName or returns the given default.
returns the value of the attribute specified be aAttributeName or the given default
public static Number
getNumberAttributeValue(Element aElement, String aAttr,
Class aNumberType, Number aDefault);
Getting parameter value from map as a number.
- aElement
- aAttr
- aNumberType
number type, the determined value is converted to (subclass of {@link Number})
- aDefault
default value, which is returned if parameter not set or value can not be converted to {@code aNumberType}
returns parameter value from map as a number
public static Map
transformElementToMap(Element aElement);
transforms a JDOM-Element to HashMap. Structure needed:
returns JDOM-Element transformed to HashMap
public static Element
createParameterElement(String aParameter, Object
create standard parameter Element
returns standard parameter Element
public static Element
createTextElement(String aId, String aTitle, String
aRequired, String aEnabled, String aDefault);
create text field Element
- aId
- aTitle
- aRequired
- aEnabled
- aDefault
returns standard parameter Element
public static Element
createChoiceElement(String aId, String aTitle, String
aRequired, String aEnabled, String aType, String aLocalize, String
aMultiselect, String aDefault, Map aOptions);
create integer field Element
- aId
- aTitle
- aRequired
- aEnabled
- aType
- aLocalize
- aMultiselect
- aDefault
- aOptions
returns standard parameter Element
public static Element
createDoubleElement(String aId, String aTitle, String
aRequired, String aEnabled, String aMin, String aMax, String aType,
String aDefault);
create integer field Element
- aId
- aTitle
- aRequired
- aEnabled
- aMin
- aMax
- aType
- aDefault
returns standard parameter Element
public static Element
createIntegerElement(String aId, String aTitle, String
aRequired, String aEnabled, String aMin, String aMax, String aType,
String aDefault);
create integer field Element
- aId
- aTitle
- aRequired
- aEnabled
- aMin
- aMax
- aType
- aDefault
returns standard parameter Element
public static Element
createFieldElement(String aName, String aTitle, String
aId, String aRequired, String aEnabled, String aDefault);
create standard field Element
- aName
- aTitle
- aId
- aRequired
- aEnabled
- aDefault
returns standard parameter Element
public static List
evaluateXPath(Document aDoc, String aExpression);
create standard field Element
returns standard parameter Element
public static String
evaluateXPathSingleResult(Document aDoc, String
create standard field Element
returns standard parameter Element
public static Element
transformMapToElement(Map aParameterMap, String
- aParameterMap
- aNameOfRootElement
returns Element
public static boolean
checkAttributeExists(Element aVarElement, String
returns true if attribute exists
public static boolean
checkValueExists(Element aVarElement);
returns true if value exists
public static Integer[]
toIntArray(List aChildren);
returns Array of Integers
public static Double[]
toDoubleArray(List aChildren);
returns Array of Doubles
// Public Instance Methods public String
getRootIDAttribute(String aXMLString);
Helper method to read the name Attribute from the root element of an XML-String.
returns RootIDAttribute
public String
getRootNameAttribute(String aXMLString);
Helper method to read the name Attribute from the root element of an XML-String.
returns RootNameAttribute
public String
outputToString(Element aElement) throws IOException;
Helper method to read the name Attribute from the root element of an XML-String.
returns the name Attribute from the root element of an XML-String
public String
outputToString(Document aDocument) throws IOException;
Helper method to read the name Attribute from the root element of an XML-String.
returns the name Attribute from the root element of an XML-String
public Element
getElementFromString(String aXMLContent) throws JDOMException,
Helper method to read the name Attribute from the root element of an XML-String.
returns the name Attribute from the root element of an XML-String
public String
outputToStringWithDefault(Element aElement, String aDefault);
Helper method to read the name Attribute from the root element of an XML-String. If an error occurs or if the
element is null a default string is returned.
returns the name Attribute from the root element of an XML-String or a default string
public String
getCommaSeparatedList(Element aElement, String aAttributeName);
Helper method to read the AttributeName from the child Elements of given Element. CommaSeaparated String is
returns CommaSeaparated String
public String
outputToStringWithDefault(Document aDocument, String aDefault);
Helper method to read the name Attribute from the root element of an XML-String. If an error occurs or if the
element is null a default string is returned.
returns the name Attribute from the root element of an XML-String or a default string
public String
getRootAttribute(String aXMLString, String aAttributeName);
Helper method to read the name Attribute from the root element of an XML-String.
- aXMLString
- aAttributeName
returns the name Attribute from the root element of an XML-String
public String
removeChildren(String aXMLString, String aName);
Helper method to remove all toplevel children of the XML String with a certain name.
returns converted String
public Element
getElementFromStream(InputStream tFileIn)
throws JDOMException, IOException;
Parses the content of the Stream and returns the element.
returns the Element
public Document
getDocumentFromStream(InputStream tFileIn)
throws JDOMException, IOException;
Parses the content of the Stream and returns the document.
returns the Document
public Document
getDocumentFromString(String aString) throws JDOMException,
Parses the given XML string and returns the document.
returns the Document
public Element
getElementFromReader(Reader aReader) throws JDOMException,
Parses the content of the Reader and returns the element.
returns the Element
public Element
getElementFromFile(File aFile);
Parses the content of the file and returns the element.
returns the Element
public Element
getElementFromFile(File aFile, String aEncoding);
Parses the content of the file and returns the element.
returns the Element
public boolean
isXMLWellFormed(String aXMLString);
Checks the xml-structure of the given String.
returns success
Returned by: getInstance()