This class provides de.schmitzm.swing.JPanel which shows several map layers and
let the user choose some envelopes.
After each selection the envelope is marked in a special top layer. The
current selection can be accessed by getSelection() and
getSelectionAsRectangle2D() and maintained by clearSelection()
and undoSelection().
Informations about map control:
Zoom-in: mouse wheel
Zoom-out: right click or mouse wheel
Move map: right drag
Envelope selection: left drag
public class MapAreaChooserPanel extends AbstractMapChooserPanel { // Public Constructors public MapAreaChooserPanel(Element aFormElement, FWObservable aObservable); // Constants public static final Class SELECTION_GEOMETRY_TYPE; protected final XMapPaneAction MAPAREACHOOSE_ACTION; protected final XMapPaneTool MAPAREACHOOSE_TOOL; // Public Instance Methods
public ArrayList getSelectionAsRectangle2D();
Returns (a copy of) the list of the selected envelopes. returns the rectangle2d selection