
Version: 1.0

This class provides net.simplace.ui.formengine.FWAbstractFormComponentform component to successively select map points by several left button clicks, which are combined to a line string. A org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollection with the Polygon as only feature is returned as form component getValue()value.

public class FWMapPolygonChooserFormComponent extends
FWMapLineChooserFormComponent {
// Public Constructors
public FWMapPolygonChooserFormComponent(String aFormID, String aFieldID,
boolean aShowLabel, int aDetachable, Element aFormElement, FWObservable

// Constants
public static final String CLOSE_BUTTON;
// Protected Instance Variables
protected JButton iCloseButton;

// Public Instance Methods
public Object getValue(); // Overrides FWMapLineChooserFormComponent

Returns a org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollection of the selected line. Unless the polygon is closed, this method returns null.
returns {@code null} if no selection is made, the polygon is not closed or the selection does not conform to {@link #iMinSelectionCount} and {@link #iMaxSelectionCount}.
public void resetCaptions(Map captions);
// Defines FWAbstractMapChooserFormComponent

Reset the captions of the control buttons.. The map is NOT used!

// Protected Instance Methods
protected MapLineChooserPanel createMapChooserPanel(Element aFormElement,
FWObservable aObservable); // Overrides FWMapLineChooserFormComponent

Creates an instance of net.simplace.ui.formengine.geotools.MapLineChooserPanel.
protected void resetButtonActivation();
// Defines FWAbstractMapChooserFormComponent

Resets the button activation respectively a selection is made or not.


Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - java.awt.Component (java.awt.image.ImageObserver, java.awt.MenuContainer, - java.awt.Container - javax.swing.JComponent (, javax.swing.TransferHandler.HasGetTransferHandler) - javax.swing.JPanel (javax.accessibility.Accessible) - net.simplace.ui.formengine.FWAbstractFormComponent (net.simplace.util.FWObserver) - FWAbstractMapChooserFormComponent (de.schmitzm.swing.CaptionsChangeable) - FWMapPointsChooserFormComponent - FWMapLineChooserFormComponent - FWMapPolygonChooserFormComponent