Package net.simplace.pipe.processors

package net.simplace.pipe.processors
  • Classes
    This processor transforms data from an ASCII file into the database.
    This processor transforms data from an ASCII file into the database.
    starts application in given working directory.
    Processor that prints messages to the Log If a parameter "message" is supplied, its value will be printed.
    Copies files from ${sourcedir} to ${targetdir}.
    Copies folders from ${sourcedir} to ${targetdir}.
    This processor performs SQL-Statements on two existing Databases to copy the content of one table Parameter Description db_conn_source JDBC sonnection of source database from Pipeline. db_conn_target JDBC sonnection of target database from Pipeline. table_name Tablename of source table in source database. target_table_name (optional) Tablename of target table in target database.
    This processor is based on jdbc and creates a connectionpool with the singleton connection pool manager
    Required input parameters: Parameter Description driver (optional) JDBC driver used for the communication to the database.
    Default: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver url URL for the given JDBC driver.
    Default: jdbc:hsqldb:mem resultParamKey Output parameter key where the connection is stored in username (optional) Username of database password (optional) Password of database
    Reads file index of a folder returning a list of all files fitting the Regular Expression ${pattern} Parameter Description source Sourcedir files taken from includeSubFolders (optional) Flag, default to false
    Saves the actual scenario within the Parameter Map.
    This processor is based on JFreeChart and loads a chart data object (called DataSet) into memory.
    This processor takes an start date and generates a Collection of dates.
    This processor takes Collection<Date> and stores every entry in a database table.
    Following parameters are available: datesKey (mandatory)
    Reference key to the Collection<Date> in the parameter map. db_conn (mandatory)
    Reference key to the database connection in the parameter map. destTableName (mandatory) Name of the table the dates are stored in.
    Deletes one cachedir - using system key.
    Deletes Files filtered with ${filter_extensions} or ${filter_names} from ${sourcedir}
    reads one file ${url} to param ${targetDir}/${file}.
    Transforms ${parameterToConvert} with the given ${inputEncoding} to the ${outgoingEncoding}.
    Fills in the given Parameters to OutputParameters. if parameter "only_fill_if_null" is set to true (default false) only uninitialized parameters are set, initialized stay same.
    This processor filters the parameters in Map.
    This processor computes the MD5 hash value of a given file and puts it into the pipeline.
    Parses and builds an JDOM-Tree out of a xml string from the ${parameterToParse}.
    Unparses and outputs an JDOM-Tree from jdom Element to a string from the ${parameterToUnparse}.
    This processor takes an array or Collection, SortedMap or LinkedHashMap as input and creates a LinkedHashMap which contains only a subset of the original data.
    This processor transforms data from an ASCII file into the database.
    Loads the parameter map of the given scenario from scenario result database.
    Looping processors are running a given Pipeline ${PipeID} several times.
    Looping processors are running a given Pipeline ${PipeID} several times.
    Looping processors are running a given Pipeline ${PipeID} several times.
    Looping processors are running a given Pipeline ${PipeID} several times.
    Looping processors are running a given Pipeline ${PipeID} several times.
    Looping processors are running a given Pipeline ${PipeID} several times.
    This processor is there for easy math calulations within maps, numbers, lists aso.
    Moves files from ${sourcefile} to ${targetfile}.
    reads one file ${sourceFile} to param ${resultParamKey}.
    This processor is based on jdbc and releases a connectionpool with the singleton connection pool manager
    Required input parameters: Key db_conn: Database connection parameter in PipeLine
    starts application in given working directory.
    Saves the actual scenario within the scenario result database.
    This Processor writes a sql-Result to a file on the Database.
    This processor performs SQL-Statements on a existing Database Parameter Description db_conn JDBC Connection from Pipeline. #1, #2, #3, ... SQL statments to process (e.g.
    unzips a ${sourcezipfile} taken from the class path to ${targetdir}.
    Writes one parameter ${source} to file ${target}.
    Transforms a xml in field ${parameterToTransform} with ${XSLT} file from classpath.