Class HillFlow1D

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HillFlow1D extends net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
Hillflow1D is a SimComponent for transient simulations of soil water balance of a multiple layer soil profile (Bronstert & Plate 1997). In contrast to other SimComponents which use a conceptual approach to calculate the soil water balance (e.g. SlimWater) in daily time steps, HIllflow1D is a physically based model where soil water fluxe4s are driven by soil water potential.

References: Bronstert, A., Jürgens, M., 1995. Modellsystem HILLFLOW. Modelldokumentation und Benutzerhandbuch., Institut für Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft, Universität Karlsruhe., Karlsruhe, Germany. Bronstert, A., Plate, E.J., 1997. Modelling of runoff generation and soil moisture dynamics for hillslopes and micro-catchments. J. Hydrol. 198, 177-195.

Axel Bronstert, Gunther Krausss (translation into Java), Thomas Gaiser (Documentation)

Component Variables

Content TypeNameDescriptionData TypeUnitMin ValueMax ValueDefault Value
constantcBELMANSIf true, Potential Soil Evaporation according to BELMANS is usedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcBINTDrainage parameter b for calculation interception by RUTTER (0 if unknown)DOUBLE1--0.0
constantcDIREKTIf true, ETP estimations from an external input file are usedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcDSTODrainage rate when interception capacity (INTMAX) is exceeded (required to calculate interception according to RUTTER, 0 if unknown)DOUBLEmm/s--0.0
constantcDTXArray of time intervals (event dependent time interval)INTARRAYs---
constantcDZF Depth of the soil layer where lateral subsurface flow occursDOUBLEm--0.0
constantcFEURThetaR (residual soil water content after drying) in the subsurface flow layer for vanGenuchten equationDOUBLEcubic_metre_per_cubic_metre---
constantcGALPHAParameter alfa in the subsurface flow layer for the vanGenuchten equationDOUBLEreciprocal_metre---
constantcGenAlfaParameter alfa for each soil layer for vanGenuchten equationDOUBLEARRAYm-1---
constantcGenDeltaThetaResolution of theta for pre-calculating and storing the vanGenuchten valuesDOUBLEm3/m3--0.01
constantcGenNParameter n for each soil layer for vanGenuchten equationDOUBLEARRAY1---
constantcGenThetaRThetaR (residual soil water content after drying) for each soil layer for vanGenuchtens equationDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
constantcHAUDEIf true, Reference ET according to HAUDE is usedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcHLIM1Pressure head at which transpiration reduction factor is 0 due to extreme excess of waterDOUBLEm--0.0
constantcHLIM2Pressure head below which transpiration reduction factor reaches 1 (optimum water uptake). When not set by the user, it will be calculated (default)DOUBLEm---
constantcHLIM3HPressure head below which transpiration reduction factor starts getting below 1 due to drought (for high potential transpiration conditions)DOUBLEm---
constantcHLIM3LPressure head below which transpiration reduction factor starts getting below 1 due to drought (for low potential transpiration conditions)DOUBLEm---
constantcHLIM4Pressure head below which transpiration reduction factor reaches 0 due to extreme droughtDOUBLEm---150.0
constantcHOMAXlimit at which infiltration surplus runs offDOUBLEmm/h---
constantcHZMAXlimit at which subsurface flow occursDOUBLEmm---
constantcIBUSwitch for lower soil boundary: 0=no flow, 1=constant, 2=free flow INT1---
constantcINTMAXmaximum interception capacity of the vegetation in mmDOUBLEmm--0.0
constantcIQOSwitch for infiltration surplus method: 0=complete runoff, 1=no runoff, 2=runoff up to QOCONST, 3=runoff if greater than HOMAXINT1---
constantcIQZSwitch for subsurface flow method: 0=complete runoff, 1=no runoff, 2=runoff up to QZCONST, 3=runoff if greater than HZMAXINT1---
constantcIROOTswitch for distribution of roots per layer: 1=uniform(FEDDES), 2=triangle(PRADAS), 3=trapez(VGENUCHTEN), 4=as input from other moduleINT1---
constantcIZVARYSwitch whether soil layer thickness is considered to be Constant(=0) or variable(=1)INT1--0
constantcKSATSaturated hydraulic conductivity for each soil layerDOUBLEARRAYm/s---
constantcKcompCompensatory hydraulic conductivity DOUBLEd-1--2.0E-6
constantcKrsHydraulic conductance from soil to leafDOUBLEd-18.0E-66.0E-58.0E-6
constantcLABIZEPTswitch for interception calculation: 0=no interception, 1=constant interception, 2=Rutter-modelINT1--0
constantcLAMBDAMaximum soil evaporation per day, corresponds to the factor beta in Black's formlaDOUBLEmm/d0.0-2.0
constantcLayerDepthDepth of the bottom of each soil layer after soil layer transformationDOUBLEARRAYm---
constantcMAKKINKIf true, Reference ET according to MAKKINK is usedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcMESSUNGIf true, Reference ET is approximated from measurements of potential evapotranspiration in an external input fileBOOLEAN1--false
constantcMONTEITHIf true, Reference ET according to MONTEITH is usedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcMinimalTimeStepMinimal time step for calculation of vertical water flows in the soil matrixDOUBLEs1.0E-53600.00.1
constantcMixingEfficiencyMixing efficiencyDOUBLE-
constantcNGENUParameter n in the subsurface flow layer for the vanGenuchten equationDOUBLE1---
constantcPsiLeafThresholdThreshold of leaf water potential (specific for plant)DOUBLEm-200.0-150.0-160.0
constantcQOCONSTmaximum of runoffDOUBLEmm/h---
constantcQZCONSTmaximum of subsurface flowDOUBLEmm---
constantcRITCHIEIf true, Potential Soil Evaporation according to RITCHIE is usedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcRainIntervalTime intervall between precipitation measurements in secondsINTs---
constantcRainThresholdForDryDaysThreshold of rainfall - if daily rainfall is higher, dry day count is reset [used only if cUseCorrectedETMethods is true]DOUBLEmm0.0-10.0
constantcRelativeMoistureThresholdForDryDaysThreshold of relative moisture - if relative moisture of upper soil is higher, dry day count is reset [used only if cUseCorrectedETMethods is true]DOUBLE10.01.00.8
constantcTHETAOInitial volumetric water contentDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
constantcTHETASVolumetric water content at saturation for each layerDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
constantcTHETBUInitial volumetric water content at the bottomDOUBLEm3/m3---
constantcTillageDepthDepth of tillageDOUBLEm0.0-0.0
constantcTopsoilDepthdepth of topsoilDOUBLEm--0.9
constantcUseCorrectedETMethodsIf true, use corrected ET routines (DRYDAY calculation, potential transpiration) - default is falseBOOLEAN--false
constantcVMAMacropore volume in the subsurface flow layerDOUBLEm3/m3---
constantcWaterUptakeMethodWhich method to use (Feddes (default), Couvreur)CHAR--Feddes
inputiActualPrecipitationHeightactual precipitation heightDOUBLEARRAYmm---
inputiActualPrecipitationTimetime in seconds of day when the precipitation is measured INTARRAYs---
inputiBBGsoil cover rate with plants (calculating interception by RUTTER)DOUBLE1---
inputiDoInitializeif true component will be reset to initial stateBOOLEAN1--false
inputiDoTillageTriggers tillageBOOLEAN---false
inputiDynamicWaterTableDepthdepth of the watertable, all layers below will be kept at saturation DOUBLEm0.0-Infinity
inputiFACPLplant factor for calculating evapotranspiration by MAKKINK or HAUDEDOUBLE1---
inputiLAILeaf area indexDOUBLE1---
inputiLplplant height in cmDOUBLEcm---
inputiOpenPanEvaporationMeasured open pan evapotranspirationDOUBLE1---
inputiPHIrelative humidityDOUBLE1---
inputiPropertiesChangedTrue if properties have changed from previous dayBOOLEAN---false
inputiReferenceCropEvapotranspirationReference Evapotranspiration per dayDOUBLEmm---
inputiRelativeRootLengthPerLayerrelative root length per layerDOUBLEARRAY10.01.0-
inputiRgglobal solar radiationDOUBLEW/m2---
inputiRnnet solar radiation in W/m**2DOUBLEW/m2---
inputiRootRestrictionFactorroot restriction factor due to root density and agingDOUBLEARRAYm0.020.0-
inputiTEMPair temperatureDOUBLE°C---
inputiWIND2wind speed at 2m heightDOUBLEm/s---
inputiWaterLoggingDepthdepth up to which upper layers are at saturation due to water loggingDOUBLEm0.0-0.0
inputiZROOTDepth of roots in mDOUBLEm---
staterWaterSurplusFromDynamicWaterTabledaily water inflow from below to keep layers below water table at saturation DOUBLEARRAYmm/d---
staterWaterSurplusFromWaterLoggingdaily water inflow from above to keep top layer(s) at saturation DOUBLEARRAYmm/d---
statesDMFDepth of the soil layer where lateral subsurface flow occursDOUBLEm---
statesDRYDAYNumber of days without rainINT1---
statesDTCurrent time stepINTs---
statesDTHResolution of theta for calculating soil water tensionsDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
statesDTMAXLargest time step for simulationsDOUBLE1--0.0
statesDTOLDPrevious time stepINTs---
statesDZThickness of soil layerDOUBLEARRAYm---
statesDZFNEUThickness of the subsurface flow layer as a multiple NZF of the thickness of the first soil layerDOUBLEm---
statesDZMDepth of the top layer assuming constant thickness of layersDOUBLEm---
statesETPACTInternal variable to calculate actual evapotransporation (m per second) as sum of TRAACT and EVAACT DOUBLEm/s---
statesETPPOTInternal variable for VETPOT (m per second), caution: if interception then ETPPOT=VEVPOT-Interception; DOUBLEm/s---
statesEVAACTActual evaporation from soil surface in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesEVAPOTInternal potential evaporation from the soil surface in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesFAVDaily vertical flux (FLV) from one soil layer to the adjacent soil layers divided by NTDOUBLEARRAYm---
statesFEUAverage volumetric water content in the subsurface flow layer (average over all elemnts within this layer)DOUBLEm3/m3---
statesFEUSVolumetric water content at saturation in the subsurface flow layerDOUBLEm3/m3---
statesFLVDaily vertical flux from one soil layer to the adjacent soil layersDOUBLEARRAYm---
statesHWater level (inundation depth) at the soil surface before each time stepDOUBLEm---
statesH1Water level (inundation depth) at the soil surface after each time step DOUBLEm---
statesHZWater level in the subsurface flow layer before each time stepDOUBLEm---
statesHZ1Water level in the subsurface flow layer after each time stepDOUBLEm---
statesIDTACTCode of the four possible time steps (DTX) as defined by the user in the control.xml file INT1---
statesINFTotal amount of water (INFMIK+INFMAK) infiltrating at the soil surface (?) per time step DT in m per second DOUBLEm/s---
statesINFEXInfiltration excess is the excess of net precipitation which can not infiltrate into the soil at the soil surface per time step DT in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesINFMAKAmount of water infiltrating into the macro-pores of the soil at the soil surface (?) per time step DT in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesINFMIKAmount of water infiltrating into the pores in the soil matrix at the soil surface (?) per time step DT in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesINTACTAmount of water in the interception pool at the beginning of each dayDOUBLEm---
statesINTENSRainfall intensity in m per dayDOUBLEm/d---
statesINTEVAPDirect evaporation of water from the interception pool (leaves and stems) per time step DTDOUBLEm/s---
statesMAEXMatrix excess (water which can not infiltrate from the macropores to the micropores) within the subsurface flow layer per time step DT in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesMAINFInfiltration rate into the soil matrix within the subsurface flow layer (?) per time step DT in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesNDTtotal number of time steps DTXINT1---
statesNETRAINNet precipitation (rain minus interception) in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesNSOILIndex numbers of a the soil layer (array starts with 0)INTARRAY1---
statesNTIs equal to 1 or a multiple of the actual time step (DTORG/DTACT)INT1---
statesNZDTMTotal number of soil layersINT1---
statesNZFNumber of soil layers in the interflow layerINT1---
statesNZRNumber of layers with rootsINT1---
statesOUTFLtemporary variable for outflow rate from one soil layer to the adjacent layerDOUBLEmm--0.0
statesQOUTSurface run off (=matrix excess at the soil surface INFEX)DOUBLEm/s---
statesQOUTZSubsurface run off (outflow from of the subsurface flow layer=Matrix excess in the subsurface flow layerDOUBLEm/s---
statesRAINInternal amount of rainfall per time step in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesSINTEVDaily evaporation of water from the interception pool (leaves and stems)DOUBLEm---
statesSLASTRSum of last rainfall eventDOUBLEmm---
statesSUMIEXSum of infiltration excess at the soil surface per dayDOUBLEm---
statesSUMINFSum of infitration at the soil surface per dayDOUBLEm---
statesSUMINTAmount of water in the interception pool at the end of each dayDOUBLEm---
statesSUMMEXMatrix excess within the subhsurface flow layer per day (sum of MAINF)DOUBLEm---
statesSUMMINInfiltration rate into the matrix of the subsurface flow layer per day (sum of MAEX)DOUBLEm---
statesSUMNETRDaily sum of net precipitation in mDOUBLEm---
statesSUMRAINDaily sum of rainfall in mDOUBLEm---
statesSUMTHEOAmount of water in a layer at start of simulation (temporary variable)DOUBLEmm---
statesTCurrent TimeINTs---
statesTHETACurrrent volumetric water content in a layerDOUBLEARRAYm3/m30.00.65-
statesTHETA1Currrent volumetric water content in a layer (temporary variable)DOUBLEARRAYm3/m30.00.65-
statesTLASTRTime in seconds since last rainfall event occuredINTs---
statesTRAACSActual crop transpiration from a soil layer IZ in m per secondDOUBLEARRAYm/s---
statesTRAACTActual crop transpiration in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesTRAACTSubActual crop transpiration from subsoil layers (defined as all soil layers below TopsoilDepth) in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesTRAACTTopActual crop transpiration from topsoil layers (defined by constant TopsoilDepth) in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesTRAPOSPotential crop transpiration from a soil layer IZ in m per secondDOUBLEARRAYm/s---
statesTRAPOTPotential crop transpiration in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesTranspReductionFactorPerLayerScaledCrop transpiration reduction factor at the last subdaily timestep from a soil layer IZ scaled from -1 to 1 where: -1=FullReduction due to drought, 0=NoReduction, 1=Full reduction due to saturationDOUBLEARRAY-1 to 1---
statesTranspReductionPerLayerDryDaily crop transpiration reduction from a soil layer IZ due to dry conditions according to Feddes (e.g., PSI < HLIM3)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
statesTranspReductionPerLayerWetDaily crop transpiration reduction from a soil layer IZ due to wet conditions according to Feddes (e.g., PSI > HLIM2)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
statesVETPOTInternal reference crop evaporation according to Haude, Makkink or Monteith-Rijtma or input variable in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesVEVPOTPotential evaporation from the soil surface according to Belmans or Ritchie in m per secondDOUBLEm/s---
statesWaterSurplusFromDynamicWaterTableWater surplus due to (dynamic) water table above soil depthDOUBLEARRAYmm---
statesWaterSurplusFromWaterLoggingWater surplus due to water loggingDOUBLEARRAYmm---
raterTRAACSRedDryCrop transpiration reduction rate due to dry conditions at the last subdaily timestep from a soil layer IZ in m per secondDOUBLEARRAYm/s---
raterTRAACSRedWetCrop transpiration reduction rate due to wet conditions at the last subdaily timestep from a soil layer IZ in m per secondDOUBLEARRAYm/s---
outActualEvapotranspirationSum of ActualEvaporation and ActualTranspirationDOUBLEmm---
outActualSoilEvaporationActual soil evaporation as affected by potential evporation and soil mositure in the upper soil layersDOUBLEmm---
outActualTranspirationActual crop transpiration as affected by crop water demand and crop available soil waterDOUBLEmm---
outActualTranspirationSubsoilActual crop transpiration from subsoil layersDOUBLEmm---
outActualTranspirationTopsoilActual crop transpiration from topsoil layersDOUBLEmm---
outBottomFlowDaily amount of deep percolation below the profile depth (equal to FLUXU)DOUBLEmm---
outDrynessFactorDryness factor in each layer (input to SlimRoots)DOUBLEARRAY1---
outFLUXUDaily amount of deep percolation below the profile depthDOUBLE1---
outInfiltrationDaily amount of infiltrated water at the soil surface (mm)DOUBLEmm---
outLayerFlowDaily vertical flow from a soil layer into the adjacent soil layersDOUBLEARRAYmm---
outLayerFlowInDaily vertical flow into a soil layer from the adjacent soil layersDOUBLEARRAYmm---
outLessMobileWaterTotal amount of less mobile water (WR-WHT15R) in each layer (only used for solute transport) (mm)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outMobileWaterDaily amount of mobile water (WM) in each soil layer (mm)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outPotentialSoilEvaporationPotential soil evaporation (provided by other SimComponents e.g.
outPotentialTranspirationPotential crop transpiration (provided by other SimComponents e.g.
outPsiLeafLeaf water potential (pressure head of leaf) (hourly)DOUBLEARRAYm---
outPsiRootSoil to root water potential (pressure head of root) (hourly)DOUBLEARRAYm---
outQOMAXDaily maximum surface run off rateDOUBLEmm/s---
outQOSUMDaily amount of surface run off in mmDOUBLEmm---
outQZMAXDaily maximum subsurface run off rateDOUBLEmm/s---
outQZSUMDaily amount of subsurface run off in mmDOUBLEmm---
outRetainedWaterDaily amount of retained water (WR) in each soil layer (mm)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outRootWaterUptakePerLayerRoot water uptake per layer (daily)DOUBLEARRAYmm/d---
outSUETACActual evapotranspiration in mm per day (equal to SimVariable 'ActualEvapotranspiration') DOUBLEmm---
outSUETPOPotential Evapotranspiration in mm per day DOUBLEmm---
outSUEVACActual soil evaporation in mm per day (equal to SimVariable 'ActualSoilEvaporation')DOUBLEmm---
outSUEVPOPotential soil evaporation in mm day (equal to SimVariable 'PotentialSoilEvaporation')DOUBLEmm---
outSUEVREActual evaporation in mm per day after reduction due to low soil water content in topsoil layer (only applicable when open pan evapioration is used ?)DOUBLEmm---
outSUTRACActual crop transpiration in mm per day (equal to SimVariable 'ActualTranspiration')DOUBLEmm---
outSUTRPOPotential crop transpiration in mm per day (equal to SimVariable 'PotentialTranspiration')DOUBLEmm---
outSUTTREActual transpiration in mm per day after reduction due to low soil water content in individual layers (only applicable when open pan evapioration is used ?)DOUBLEmm---
outSubsurfaceFlowDaily amouont of subsurface run off (equal to QZSUM)DOUBLEmm---
outSurfaceFlowDaily amount of surface run off in mm (equal to QOSUM)DOUBLEmm---
outSurfaceFlowDueToSoilSettlingDaily amount of surface run off in mm due to reduced saturation by soil settlingDOUBLEmm---
outTotalAvailWaterSum of mobile and retained water in each layer (Soil available water)(mm)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outTotalAvailWaterVolumetricVolumetric water content equivalent for the sum of mobile and retained water in each layerDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
outTotalWaterTotal water content in each soil layer (mm)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outTotalWaterInProfileTotal water content over all soil layers (mm)DOUBLEmm---
outTotalWaterInProfileVolumetricAverage cvolumetric water content over all layers in the soil profileDOUBLEm3/m3---
outTotalWaterVolumetricVolumetric total water content in each soil layerDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
outTranspReductionDryReduction in crop transpiration due to dry conditions according to Feddes (e.g., PSI < HLIM3)DOUBLEmm---
outTranspReductionWetReduction in crop transpiration due to wet conditions according to Feddes (e.g., PSI > HLIM2)DOUBLEmm---
outWFRAmount of less mobile water in each layer not available for upward movement of solutes or water (see explanation and use in SlimNitrogen)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outWHT15RRetained water below 0.5*wilting point in each layer not available for movement of solutesDOUBLEARRAYmm---
outWR33Amount of retained water in finer pores of each layer available for upward movement of solutes or water (see explanation and use in SlimNitrogen)DOUBLEARRAYmm---
outWRHRetained water at field capacity in each soil layerDOUBLEARRAYmm---
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent

  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent

    iFieldMap, iFrequence, iInputMap, iJexlRule, iMasterComponentGroup, iName, iOrderNumber, isComponentGroup, iSimComponentElement, iSimModel, iVarMap
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
    clone(net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVarMap aVarMap)
    Create the FWSimVariables as interface for this SimComponent
    fillTestVariables(int aParamIndex, net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent.TEST_STATE aDefineOrCheck)
    called for single component test to check the components algorithm.
    protected void
    Initializes the fields by getting input and output FWSimVariables from VarMap
    protected void
    protected void
    protected void
    Initializes the fields by getting input and output FWSimVariables from VarMap

    Methods inherited from class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent

    addVariable, bind, checkCondition, createSimComponent, createSimComponent, createSimComponent, createSimComponent, doProcess, getConstantVariables, getContentType, getCreateFormXML, getDescription, getEditFormXML, getFieldMap, getFrequence, getFrequenceRuleScript, getInputs, getInputVariables, getMasterComponentGroup, getName, getOrderNumber, getOutputVariables, getVariable, getVariableField, getVarMap, initialize, isConditionCheck, isVariableAvailable, performLinks, performLinks, readInputs, removeVariable, reset, runComponentTest, setVariablesDefault, toComponentLinkingXML, toDocXML, toGroupXML, toOutputDefinitionXML, toResourcesDataXML, toResourcesDefinitionXML, toString, toXML, writeVarInfos

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • HillFlow1D

      public HillFlow1D()
  • Method Details

    • createVariables

      public HashMap<String,net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVariable<?>> createVariables()
      Create the FWSimVariables as interface for this SimComponent
      Specified by:
      createVariables in interface net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimFieldContainer
      Specified by:
      createVariables in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
      See Also:
      • FWSimComponent.createVariables()
    • init

      protected void init()
      Initializes the fields by getting input and output FWSimVariables from VarMap
      Specified by:
      init in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
      See Also:
      • FWSimComponent.init()
    • initializeVariables

      protected void initializeVariables()
    • reset

      protected void reset()
      Initializes the fields by getting input and output FWSimVariables from VarMap
      See Also:
      • FWSimComponent.init()
    • process

      protected void process()
      Specified by:
      process in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
    • clone

      protected net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent clone(net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVarMap aVarMap)
      Specified by:
      clone in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
    • fillTestVariables

      public HashMap<String,net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVariable<?>> fillTestVariables(int aParamIndex, net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent.TEST_STATE aDefineOrCheck)
      called for single component test to check the components algorithm.
      Specified by:
      fillTestVariables in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
      See Also:
      • net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimFieldContainer#fillTestVariables(int aParamIndex, TEST_STATE aDefineOrCheck)