All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Gecros extends net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
Simulates crop biomass by calculating photosynthesis.

Consult reference for description of algorithms.

This module calculates the crop and soil water part. There is also a version, where crop and soil water part are splitted into two different modules.


By default, the component calculates DTR by the corrected formula: DTR = DDTR \cdot SINB(1.+0.4 SINB)/DSINBE

In the original code, DTR was calculated by DTR = DDTR (SINB \cdot SC/1367.)/DSINBE By setting cLegacyMode to true, one can switch to this formula.


(Y) Yin, X. and van Laar, H.H. (2005): Crop Systems Dynamics. An ecophysiological simulation model for genotype-by-environment interactions. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Gunther Krauss
See Also:

Component Variables

Content TypeNameDescriptionData TypeUnitMin ValueMax ValueDefault Value
constantcAnthesisDSDevelopment stage of anthesisDOUBLE1--1.0
constantcBHCInitial value for microbial biomass in the soil and humified organic matter in the soil (BIO + HUM)DOUBLEg/m2--3500.0
constantcBIORDecomposition rate constant for microbial biomass in the soil (BIO)DOUBLEa-1--0.66
constantcBLDLeaf angle (from horizontal)DOUBLE°--50.0
constantcC3C4Crop type (true for C3, false for C4 crops)BOOLEAN1--false
constantcCBFactor for initial N concentration of seed fillDOUBLE1--0.75
constantcCCFIXC cost of symbiotic N fixationDOUBLEg/g--6.0
constantcCDMHTStem dry weight per unit of plant heightDOUBLEgram_per_square_metre_reciprocal_metre--345.0
constantcCFVC fraction in the vegetative organsDOUBLEg/g--0.473
constantcCLAYPercentage of clay in the soilDOUBLE%--23.4
constantcCO2AAmbient CO2 concentrationDOUBLEμmol/mol--350.0
constantcCOEFRFactor for change in radiationDOUBLE1--1.0
constantcCOEFTIncrement of temperatureDOUBLE°C--0.0
constantcCOEFVFactor for change in vapour pressureDOUBLE1--1.0
constantcCOSLDAmplitude of sine of solar heightDOUBLE1--0.0
constantcCXFactor for final N concentration of seed fillDOUBLE1--1.0
constantcDAYLAstronomic daylengthDOUBLEh--0.0
constantcDDLPPhotoperiodic daylengthDOUBLEh--0.0
constantcDETERCrop type (true determinate crops, false for indeterminate crops)BOOLEAN1--false
constantcDPMIInitial value of decomposable plant material (DPM)DOUBLEg/m2--0.0
constantcDPMR0Standard value for decomposition rate constant (DPMR) for decomposable plant material (DPM)DOUBLEa-1--10.0
constantcDRPMRatio decomposable plant material/resistant plant material (DPM/RPM) of added plant materialDOUBLE1--1.44
constantcDSINBEDaily total of effective solar heightDOUBLEs/d--0.0
constantcEAJMAXEnergy of activation for maximum rate of electron transport through photosystem II (JMAX)DOUBLEJ/mol--48041.88
constantcEGEfficiency of germinationDOUBLEg/g--0.35
constantcEPSPdevelopment stage for end of photoperiod-sensitive phaseDOUBLE1--0.7
constantcESDIdevelopment stage for end of seed-number determining period for indeterminate cropsDOUBLE1--1.35
constantcFBIOCFraction of initial value for for micobial biomass in the soil (BIOI) in initial total soil organic carbon (TOC)DOUBLE1--0.03
constantcFCRSHInitial fraction of C in the shootDOUBLEg/g--0.5
constantcFFATFraction of fat in the storage organsDOUBLEg/g--0.02
constantcFLIGFraction of lignin in the storage organsDOUBLEg/g--0.06
constantcFMINFraction of minerals in the storage organsDOUBLEg/g--0.03
constantcFNRSHInitial fraction of N in the shootDOUBLEg/g--0.63
constantcFOACFraction of organic acids in the storage organsDOUBLEg/g--0.04
constantcHTMXMaximum plant heightDOUBLEm--0.7054
constantcHUMRDecomposition rate constant for humified organic matter in the soil (HUM)DOUBLEa-1--0.02
constantcLEGUMECrop type (true for leguminous crops, false for non-leguminous crops)BOOLEAN1--false
constantcLNCIInitial N concentration in living leaves (LNC) (or actual N concentration in living shoot (HNC))DOUBLEg/g--0.055
constantcLODGELodging (true for cases with lodging, false for cases without lodging)BOOLEAN1--false
constantcLWIDTHLeaf widthDOUBLEm--0.025
constantcLegacyModeIf true, it calculates DTR with the formula published in (Y). If false (default) it uses the correct formulaBOOLEAN--false
constantcMTDRMinimum thermal days for reproductive (seed fill) phaseDOUBLEd--23.0889
constantcMTDVMinimum thermal days for vegetative growth phaseDOUBLEd--34.7627
constantcMULTFMultiplication factor for initial soil water statusDOUBLE1--1.0
constantcMaturityDSDevelopment stage of maturityDOUBLE1--2.0
constantcMilkripenessDSDevelopment stage of milk ripenessDOUBLE1--1.3
constantcNAIInitial ammonium-N in the soilDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
constantcNNIInitial nitrate-N in the soilDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
constantcNPLPlant density per m2DOUBLE1--60.0
constantcNSWISwitch variable for N supply for crop: false=user defined (NINPA, NINPN); true=simulatedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcNUPTXmaximum crop N uptakeDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.65
constantcPMEHfraction of sigmoid curve inflexion in entire plant height growth periodDOUBLE1--0.8
constantcPMESfraction of sigmoid curve inflexion in entire seed growth periodDOUBLE1--0.5
constantcPNLSFraction of dead leaf N incorporated into soil litter NDOUBLE1--1.0
constantcPNPREProportion of seed N that comes from non-structural N in vegetative organs accumulated before end of seed-number detemrining periodDOUBLE1--0.7
constantcPSENPhotoperiod sensitivity of phenological developmentDOUBLEh-1--0.0
constantcRAResidual ammonium-N in the soilDOUBLEg/m2--1.0
constantcRDMXMaximum rooting depthDOUBLEcm--100.0
constantcRNResidual nitrate-N in the soilDOUBLEg/m2--1.0
constantcRNCMINMinimum N concentration in the rootsDOUBLEg/g--0.005
constantcRPMR0Standard value for decompostion rate constant (RPMR) for resistant plant material (RPM)DOUBLEa-1--0.3
constantcRSSSoil resistance for water vapour transfer, equivalent to leaf stomatal resistanceDOUBLEsecond-time_per_metre--100.0
constantcSCSolar constantDOUBLEJ/(m2 s)--0.0
constantcSD1Thickness of upper evaporative soil layerDOUBLEcm--5.0
constantcSEEDNCStandard seed (storage organ) N concentrationDOUBLEg/g--0.04625
constantcSEEDWSingle seed weightDOUBLEg--0.2148
constantcSINLDSeasonal offset of sine of solar heightDOUBLE1--0.0
constantcSLA0Specific leaf area constantDOUBLEm2/g--0.0333
constantcSLNMINMinimum or base specific leaf N concentration (SLN) for photosynthesisDOUBLEg/m2--0.5
constantcSLPCrop type (true for short-day crops, false for long-day crops)BOOLEAN1--false
constantcSPSPdevelopment stage for start of photoperiod-sensitive phaseDOUBLE1--0.2
constantcSTEMNCNitrogen concentration in the stemDOUBLEg/g--0.015
constantcTBDBase temperature for phenologyDOUBLE°C--0.0
constantcTCDCeiling temperature for phenologyDOUBLE°C--36.0
constantcTCPTime ConstantDOUBLEd--1.0
constantcTCTTime constant for soil temperature dynamicsDOUBLEd--4.0
constantcTHETAconvexity for light response of electron transport (J2) in photosynthesisDOUBLE1--0.7
constantcTMDevelopment stage when transition from CB to CX is fastestDOUBLE1--1.5
constantcTOCTotal organic C in the soilDOUBLEg/m2--7193.0
constantcTODOptimum temperature for phenologyDOUBLE°C--27.6
constantcTSENcurvature for temperature responseDOUBLE1--0.409
constantcTSOILIInitial soil temperatureDOUBLE°C--0.0
constantcWCFCSoil water content in field capacityDOUBLEm3/m3--0.25
constantcWCMAXSoil water content at maximum water holding capacityDOUBLEm3/m3--0.35
constantcWCMINMinimum soil water contentDOUBLEm3/m3--0.05
constantcWRBcritical root weight densityDOUBLEgram_per_square_metre_reciprocal_centimetre--0.25
constantcWSWISwitch variable for water supply for crop: false=user defined (WINPUT); true=simulatedBOOLEAN1--false
constantcXJNslope of linear relationship between maximum rate of electron transport through photosystem II (JMAX) and leaf NDOUBLEμmol/(s g)--124.0
constantcXVNslope of linear relationship between maximum rate of Rubisco-limited carboxylation (VCMX) and leaf NDOUBLEμmol/(s g)--62.0
constantcYGVGrowth efficiency for vegetative organs (i.e roots, stems, leaves)DOUBLEg/g--0.8
inputiDoHarvestTrigger for harvestingBOOLEAN1--false
inputiDoSowTrigger for sowingBOOLEAN1--false
inputiFERNAAmmonium-N application rateDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
inputiFERNNNitrate-N application rateDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
inputiIRRIRate of water added by irrigationDOUBLEmm/d--0.0
inputiNINPAUser-defined ammonium-N supply to cropDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
inputiNINPNUser-defined nitrate-N supply to cropDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
inputiRDDDaily global radiationDOUBLEJ/(m2 d)--0.0
inputiTMMNDaily minimum temperatureDOUBLE°C--0.0
inputiTMMXDaily maximum temperature DOUBLE°C--0.0
inputiVPAir vapour pressureDOUBLEkPa--0.0
inputiWINPUTUser-defined water supply to cropDOUBLEmm/d--0.0
inputiWNWind speedDOUBLEm/s--0.0
statesBIOMicrobial biomass in the soilDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesCLVAmount of C in the living leavesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesCLVDAmount of C in dead leavesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesCLVDSAmount of C in dead leaves that have become litter in the soilDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesCRTDAmount of C in dead rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesCRVRAmount of C in root reservesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesCRVSAmount of C in stem reservesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesCSOAmount of carbon in storage organsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesCSRTAmount of carbon in structural rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesCSSTAmount of carbon in structural stemsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesCTDUCumulative thermal-day unitDOUBLEd--0.0
statesCumulativeActualTranspirationCumulative canopy transpiration (TTCAN)DOUBLEmm--0.0
statesDCDSRShortfall of C demand for seed fill in previous time stepsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesDCDTPC demand for structural stem growth at the previous time stepDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
statesDCDTRShortfall of C demand for structural stems in previous time stepsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesDPMDecomposable plant materialDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesDPNOrganic N in DPMDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesDSDevelopment stageDOUBLE1--0.0
statesHTPlant heightDOUBLEm--0.0
statesHUMHumified organic matter in soilDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesLAICCarbon-determined LAIDOUBLEm2/m2--0.0
statesLITNTTotal litter N entering the soil (LITN) during crop growthDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNALLAmmonium-N in the lower soil layerDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNAULAmmonium-N in the upper soil layerDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNDEMPCrop N demand (NDEM) of the previous time stepDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
statesNFIXRReserve pool of symbiotically fixed nitrogenDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNFIXTTotal symbiotically fixed nitrogen during growthDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNLVNitrogen in living leavesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNLVDNitrogen in dead leavesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNNLLNitrate-N in the lower soil layerDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNNULNitrate-N in the upper soil layerDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNREOEEstimated vegetative-organ N remobilizable for seed growth (NRES) accumulated till the end of seed-number determining periodDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNREOFEstimated vegetative-organ N remobilizable for seed growth (NRES) accumulated till the moment at which seed fill startsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNRTNitrogen in living rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNRTDNitrogen in dead rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNSONitrogen in storage organsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNSTNitrogen content in stems (including structural stem and reserves)DOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesNSUPPN supply to crop (NSUP) for the previous time stepDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
statesRDRooting depth to the soilDOUBLEcm--0.0
statesRMULTotal of respiratory costs of nitrate-N uptake (RMUN) + respiratory costs of ammonium-N uptake (RMUA) + respiratory costs of ash (minerals) uptake (RMUS) + respiration due to phloem loading of C assimilates to roots (RMLD)DOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
statesRPMResistant plant material (difficult to decompose)DOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesRPNOrganic N in resistant plant material (RPM)DOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesSFERNANH4-N fertilizer susceptible to volatilizationDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesSLNBspecific leaf N constant (SLN) in bottom leaves of canopyDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesTDAPARTotal PAR absorbed by the canopy during growthDOUBLEJ/m2--0.0
statesTNLEATotal nitrate-N leached to groundwaterDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesTNLVTotal leaf N (including N in senesced leaves)DOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesTNUPTTotal crop N uptake during growthDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesTPCANCumulative canopy photosynthesis over growth periodDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesTRESPTotal crop respiratory cost during growthDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesTSOILSoil temperatureDOUBLE°C--0.0
statesWLLWater content in the lower soil layerDOUBLEmm--0.0
statesWULWater content of the upper soil layerDOUBLEmm--0.0
raterDeadLeavesRate of dead leavesDOUBLEg/(m2 d)-200.0200.00.0
raterDeadStemsRate of dead stemsDOUBLEg/(m2 d)-200.0200.00.0
outAPCANActual gross canopy photosynthesisDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
outAPCANNActual standing canopy CO2 assimilation (APCANS) with small plant-N incrementDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
outAPCANSActual standing-canopy CO2 assimilationDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
outAboveGroundBiomassAbove ground biomassDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
outActualSoilEvaporationActual soil evaporation (AESOIL)DOUBLEmm/d--0.0
outActualTranspirationActual canopy transpiration (ATCAN)DOUBLEmm/d--0.0
outAnthesisDOYDOY of AnthesisINT11366-
outAnthesisDateDate of AnthesisDATE1---
outCCHKDifference between C added to the crop since initialization and net total of integrated C fluxes, relative to C in the crop accumulated since start of simulation (CCHKIN)DOUBLE%--0.0
outCropCycleCountCounter that is incremented on harvest - can be used for crop rotationINT1--0
outDAPARDaily photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) absorbed by crop canopyDOUBLEJ/(m2 d)--0.0
outDIFSDaytime average soil-air temperature differenceDOUBLE°C--0.0
outDIFSHDaytime average shaded leaf-air temperature differenceDOUBLE°C--0.0
outDIFSUDaytime average sunlit leaf-air temperature differenceDOUBLE°C--0.0
outEmergenceDOYDOY of EmergenceINT11366-
outEmergenceDateDate of EmergenceDATE1---
outHIHarvest indexDOUBLEg/g--0.0
outIsAnthesistrue if Anthesis occursBOOLEAN1--false
outIsEmergencetrue if Emergence occursBOOLEAN1--false
outIsMaturitytrue if maturity occursBOOLEAN1--false
outIsMilkripenesstrue if milkripeness occursBOOLEAN1--false
outIsPhenologyEventtrue if sowing/emergence/anthesis/maturity occursBOOLEAN1--false
outIsSowingtrue if Sowing occursBOOLEAN1--false
outLAILeaf area indexDOUBLEm2/m2--0.0
outLAINN-Leaf area indexDOUBLEm2/m2--0.0
outMaturityDOYDOY of MaturityINT11366-
outMaturityDateDate of MaturityDATE1---
outMilkripenessDOYDOY of MaturityINT11366-
outMilkripenessDateDate of Milk ripenessDATE1---
outNCHKDifference between N added to the crop since initialization and total of integrated N fluxes, relative to total crop N uptake during growth (TNUPT)DOUBLE%--0.0
outNDEMCrop N demand (NDEM) of the previous time stepDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
outNMINERmineral N in the soilDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
outPPCANPotential canopy CO2 assimilationDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
outPSOProtein content in storage organsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
outPotentialEvapotranspirationPotential evapotranspirationDOUBLEmm/d--0.0
outPotentialSoilEvaporationPotential soil evaporation (PESOIL)DOUBLEmm/s--0.0
outPotentialTranspirationPotential daily canopy transpiration (PTCAN)DOUBLEmm/d--0.0
outRWRTrate of change in dry weight of living rootsDOUBLEg/(m2 d)--0.0
outSLASpecific leaf areaDOUBLEm2/g--0.0
outSLNN-Leaf area indexDOUBLEm2/m2--0.0
outSLNTN-Leaf area indexDOUBLEm2/m2--0.0
outSowingDOYDOY of SowingINT11366-
outSowingDateDate of SowingDATE1---
outWLVDry weight of living leavesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
outWLVDDry weight of dead leavesDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
outWRTDry weight of living rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
outWRTDDry weight of dead rootsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
outWSHDry weight of living shoot (above-ground) organsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
outWSHHDry weight of shoot organs (excluding shedded leaves)DOUBLEg/m2--0.0
outWSODry weight of storage organsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
outWSTDry weight of stemsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
outWTOTDry weight of total living organsDOUBLEg/m2--0.0
outWithCropcrop is presentBOOLEAN1--false
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent

  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent

    iFieldMap, iFrequence, iInputMap, iJexlRule, iMasterComponentGroup, iName, iOrderNumber, isComponentGroup, iSimComponentElement, iSimModel, iVarMap
  • Constructor Summary

    Empty constructor used by class.forName()
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
    clone(net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVarMap aVarMap)
    Create the FWSimVariables as interface for this SimComponent
    fillTestVariables(int aParamIndex, net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent.TEST_STATE aDefineOrCheck)
    called for single component test to check the components algorithm.
    protected void
    Initializes the fields by getting input and output FWSimVariables from VarMap Initial values are calculated and states are set to these initial Values.
    protected void
    protected void
    Process the algorithm and write the results back to VarMap

    Methods inherited from class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent

    addVariable, bind, checkCondition, createSimComponent, createSimComponent, createSimComponent, createSimComponent, doProcess, getConstantVariables, getContentType, getCreateFormXML, getDescription, getEditFormXML, getFieldMap, getFrequence, getFrequenceRuleScript, getInputs, getInputVariables, getMasterComponentGroup, getName, getOrderNumber, getOutputVariables, getVariable, getVariableField, getVarMap, initialize, isConditionCheck, isVariableAvailable, performLinks, performLinks, readInputs, removeVariable, reset, runComponentTest, setVariablesDefault, toComponentLinkingXML, toDocXML, toGroupXML, toOutputDefinitionXML, toResourcesDataXML, toResourcesDefinitionXML, toString, toXML, writeVarInfos

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Gecros

      public Gecros()
      Empty constructor used by class.forName()
  • Method Details

    • createVariables

      public HashMap<String,net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVariable<?>> createVariables()
      Create the FWSimVariables as interface for this SimComponent
      Specified by:
      createVariables in interface net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimFieldContainer
      Specified by:
      createVariables in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
      See Also:
      • FWSimComponent.createVariables()
    • init

      protected void init()
      Initializes the fields by getting input and output FWSimVariables from VarMap Initial values are calculated and states are set to these initial Values.
      Specified by:
      init in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
      See Also:
      • FWSimComponent.init()
    • initializeModel

      protected void initializeModel()
    • process

      protected void process()
      Process the algorithm and write the results back to VarMap
      Specified by:
      process in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
      See Also:
      • FWSimComponent.process()
    • fillTestVariables

      public HashMap<String,net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVariable<?>> fillTestVariables(int aParamIndex, net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent.TEST_STATE aDefineOrCheck)
      called for single component test to check the components algorithm.
      Specified by:
      fillTestVariables in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
      See Also:
      • net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimFieldContainer#fillTestVariables(int aParamIndex, TEST_STATE aDefineOrCheck)
    • clone

      protected net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent clone(net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVarMap aVarMap)
      Specified by:
      clone in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
      See Also:
      • FWSimComponent.clone(net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVarMap)