All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Oryza extends net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent

Notice: this model is current under development. It may produce erroneous values and it has not yet implemented all functionality.

Gunther Krauss

Component Variables

Content TypeNameDescriptionData TypeUnitMin ValueMax ValueDefault Value
constantcANGAAngstrom A parameterDOUBLE1--0.29
constantcANGBAngstrom B parameterDOUBLE1--0.45
constantcASLAParameter A of SLADOUBLE1--0.0024
constantcBSLAParameter B of SLADOUBLE1--0.0025
constantcCO2Ambient CO2 concentration (ppm), as inputDOUBLEμmol/mol--340.0
constantcCO2REFReference level of atmospheric CO2 (ppm) ! don't touch this parameterDOUBLEμmol/mol--340.0
constantcCOLDEADConsecutive number of days below COLDMIN that crop dies (-)DOUBLE1--3.0
constantcCOLDMINLower air temperature treshhold for growth (oC)DOUBLE°C--12.0
constantcCRGLVCarbohydrate requirement for dry matter production of leavesDOUBLEkg/kg--1.326
constantcCRGRTCarbohydrate requirement for dry matter production of rootsDOUBLEkg/kg--1.326
constantcCRGSOCarbohydrate requirement for dry matter production of storage organs (panicles)DOUBLEkg/kg--1.462
constantcCRGSTCarbohydrate requirement for dry matter production of stemsDOUBLEkg/kg--1.326
constantcCRGSTRCarbohydrate requirement for dry matter production of stem reservesDOUBLEkg/kg--1.11
constantcCSLAParameter C of SLADOUBLE1---4.5
constantcDELTTime step (day)DOUBLE1--1.0
constantcDRLVTTableCoefficientLeaf death coefficient (d-1) (y-values) dependend on development stage [cDRLVTTableDVS]DOUBLEARRAYd-1--Show Graph 0.0 0.0 0.015 0.025 0.05 0.05
constantcDRLVTTableDVSdevelopment stage (x-values) determining Leaf death coefficient (d-1) [cDRLVTTableCoefficient]DOUBLEARRAY1-- 0.0 0.6 1.0 1.6 2.1 2.5
constantcDSLAParameter D of SLADOUBLE1--0.14
constantcDVRIDevelopment rate in photoperiod-sensitive phase (oCd-1)DOUBLEdegree_Celsius_per_day--0.0135417
constantcDVRJDevelopment rate in juvenile phase (oCd-1)DOUBLEdegree_Celsius_per_day--0.0135417
constantcDVRPDevelopment rate in panicle development (oCd-1)DOUBLEdegree_Celsius_per_day--0.0184211
constantcDVRRDevelopment rate in reproductive phase (oCd-1)DOUBLEdegree_Celsius_per_day--0.05
constantcDVSIInitial development stage (data at emergence, for either direct-seeding or seed-bed)DOUBLE1--0.0
constantcDVSIrriMAXMaximum of DVS where irrigation occursDOUBLE1--2.0
constantcEFFTableFactorCoefficientlight use efficiency coefficient as a function of temperature (y-values) dependend on temperature [cEFFTableTemperature]DOUBLEARRAY1--Show Graph 0.54 0.54 0.36 0.0
constantcEFFTableTemperaturetemperature (x-values) determining light use efficiency coefficient as a function of temperature [cEFFTableFactorCoefficient]DOUBLEARRAY°C-- 0.0 10.0 40.0 100.0
constantcEMDDay of emergence (either direct or in seed-bed)INT1--0
constantcEMYRYear of emergenceINT1--2006
constantcESTABMethod of plant establishment either TRANSPLANT or DIRECT-SEEDCHAR--TRANSPLANT
constantcETMODMethod for evapotranspiraton calculation, either PENMAN - Penman-based (Van Kraalingen & Stol,1996), PRIESTLEY TAYLOR: - Priestleu-Taylor, and MAKKINK - Makkink (van Kraalingen and Stol, 1996)CHAR--PENMAN
constantcFAOFMultipL. factor for potential evapotranspiration (FAO)DOUBLE1--1.0
constantcFCLVMass fraction carbon of leavesDOUBLEkg/kg--0.419
constantcFCRTMass fraction carbon of rootsDOUBLEkg/kg--0.431
constantcFCSOMass fraction carbon of storage organs (panicles)DOUBLEkg/kg--0.487
constantcFCSTMass fraction carbon of stemsDOUBLEkg/kg--0.431
constantcFCSTRMass fraction carbon of stem reservesDOUBLEkg/kg--0.444
constantcFERTILTableDayAfterSowingday after sowing (x-values) determining fertilizer rate in the seed-bed [cFERTILTableFertilizer]INTARRAY1-- 0 1 11 12 13 29 30 31 66 67 68 94 95 96 366
constantcFERTILTableFertilizerfertilizer rate in the seed-bed (y-values) dependend on day after sowing [cFERTILTableDayAfterSowing]DOUBLEARRAYkg/ha--Show Graph 0.0 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 0.0 45.0 0.0 0.0
constantcFIXPERCFixed percolation rate when SWITVP = -1DOUBLEmm/d--10000.0
constantcFLVTableDVSdevelopment stage (x-values) determining Total dry matter partitioned to the leaf [cFLVTableFraction]DOUBLEARRAY1-- 0.0 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.2 2.5
constantcFLVTableFractionTotal dry matter partitioned to the leaf (y-values) dependend on development stage [cFLVTableDVS]DOUBLEARRAY1--Show Graph 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
constantcFNLVIInitial leaf N fraction (on weight basis: kg N kg-1 leaf)DOUBLEkg/kg--0.025
constantcFNTRTFraction N translocation from roots (additonal) fraction of total N translocation from stems and leaves (-)DOUBLE1--0.15
constantcFRPARFraction of sunlight energy that is photosynthetically activeDOUBLE1--0.5
constantcFSHTableDVSdevelopment stage (x-values) determining Fraction total dry matter partitioned to the shoot [cFSHTableFraction]DOUBLEARRAY1-- 0.0 0.43 1.0 2.5
constantcFSHTableFractionFraction total dry matter partitioned to the shoot (y-values) dependend on development stage [cFSHTableDVS]DOUBLEARRAY1--Show Graph 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.0
constantcFSOTableDVSdevelopment stage (x-values) determining Total dry matter partitioned to the panicles [cFSOTableFraction]DOUBLEARRAY1-- 0.0 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.2 2.5
constantcFSOTableFractionTotal dry matter partitioned to the panicles (y-values) dependend on development stage [cFSOTableDVS]DOUBLEARRAY1--Show Graph 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 1.0 1.0
constantcFSTRFraction of carbohydrates allocated to stems that is stored as reservesDOUBLE1--0.2
constantcFSTTableDVSdevelopment stage (x-values) determining Total dry matter partitioned to the stem [cFSTTableFraction]DOUBLEARRAY1-- 0.0 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.2 2.5
constantcFSTTableFractionTotal dry matter partitioned to the stem (y-values) dependend on development stage [cFSTTableDVS]DOUBLEARRAY1--Show Graph 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.4 0.0 0.0
constantcIRRISupply amount of irrigation as Irrigation gift (mm) when SWITIR = 2-5DOUBLEmm--0.0
constantcKDFTableCoefficientlight extinction coefficient for leaves (y-values) dependend on development stage [cKDFTableDVS]DOUBLEARRAY1--Show Graph 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6
constantcKDFTableDVSdevelopment stage (x-values) determining light extinction coefficient for leaves [cKDFTableCoefficient]DOUBLEARRAY1-- 0.0 0.65 1.0 2.5
constantcKNFTableCoefficientExtinction coefficient of N profile in the canopy (y-values) dependend on development stage [cKNFTableDVS]DOUBLEARRAY1--Show Graph 0.4 0.4
constantcKNFTableDVSdevelopment stage (x-values) determining Extinction coefficient of N profile in the canopy [cKNFTableCoefficient]DOUBLEARRAY1-- 0.0 2.5
constantcKPAMINMinimum soil water potential (Kpa) if SWITIR = 3DOUBLEkPa--50.0
constantcKSTSaturated hydraulic conductivity, for each soil layer DOUBLEARRAYcm/d---
constantcLAPEInitial leaf area per plant (data at emergence, for either direct-seeding or seed-bed)DOUBLE1--1.0E-4
constantcLLDLLower limit death of leaves (kPa)DOUBLEkPa--1584.89
constantcLLLELower limit leaf expansion (kPa) !PVO20131104: oryza2000 bookDOUBLEkPa--260.0
constantcLLLSLower limit leaf rolling (kPa)DOUBLEkPa--794.33
constantcLLRTLower limit relative transpiration reduction (kPa)DOUBLEkPa--1584.89
constantcLRSTRFraction of allocated stem reserves that is available for growthDOUBLE1--0.947
constantcMAINLVMaintenance respiration coefficient of leavesDOUBLEkilogram_per_kilogram_per_day--0.02
constantcMAINRTMaintenance respiration coefficient of rootsDOUBLEkilogram_per_kilogram_per_day--0.01
constantcMAINSOMaintenance respiration coefficient of storage organs (panicles)DOUBLEkilogram_per_kilogram_per_day--0.003
constantcMAINSTMaintenance respiration coefficient of stemsDOUBLEkilogram_per_kilogram_per_day--0.015
constantcMAXGWMaximum groundwater table depth (cm)DOUBLEcm--1000.0
constantcMINGWMinimum groundwater table depth (cm)DOUBLEcm--20.0
constantcMOPPMaximum optimum photoperiod (h)DOUBLEh--10.0
constantcMSKPAIrriTableDVSdevelopment stage for MSKPA min (x-values) determining MSKPAMin [cMSKPAIrriTableMin]DOUBLEARRAY1---
constantcMSKPAIrriTableMinMSKPAMin (y-values) dependend on development stage for MSKPA min [cMSKPAIrriTableDVS]DOUBLEARRAY1---
constantcNFLVIInitial leaf N fraction (on area basis: g N m-2 leaf)DOUBLEg/m2--0.5
constantcNFLVTableDVSdevelopment stage (x-values) determining N fraction in leaves per unit of leaf area as function of development stage [cNFLVTableFraction]DOUBLEARRAY1-- 0.0 0.16 0.33 0.65 0.79 1.0 1.46 2.02 2.5
constantcNFLVTableFractionN fraction in leaves per unit of leaf area as function of development stage (y-values) dependend on development stage [cNFLVTableDVS]DOUBLEARRAYg/m2--Show Graph 0.54 0.54 1.53 1.22 1.56 1.29 1.37 0.83 0.83
constantcNHNumber of hillsDOUBLE1--25.0
constantcNITROENVNitrogen production situation setting: either POTENTIAL: - Potential production or NITROGEN BALANCE - Production may be nitrogen-limitedCHAR--POTENTIAL
constantcNLNumber of soil layers (maximum is 10) (-)INT1---
constantcNLPUDNumber of puddled soil layers, including the plow sole - value between 0 (top layer) and cNL - 2INT1--0
constantcNMAXLTTableDVSdevelopment stage (x-values) determining Maximum leaf N fraction on weight basis [cNMAXLTTableFraction]DOUBLEARRAY1-- 0.0 0.4 0.75 1.0 2.0 2.5
constantcNMAXLTTableFractionMaximum leaf N fraction on weight basis (y-values) dependend on development stage [cNMAXLTTableDVS]DOUBLEARRAYkg/kg--Show Graph 0.053 0.053 0.04 0.028 0.022 0.015
constantcNMAXSOMaximum N concentration in storage organs (kg N kg-1)DOUBLEkg/kg--0.0175
constantcNMAXUPMaximum daily N uptake (kg N ha-1 d-1)DOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--8.0
constantcNMINLTTableDVSdevelopment stage (x-values) determining Minimum leaf N fraction on weight basis [cNMINLTTableFraction]DOUBLEARRAY1-- 0.0 1.0 2.1 2.5
constantcNMINLTTableFractionMinimum leaf N fraction on weight basis (y-values) dependend on development stage [cNMINLTTableDVS]DOUBLEARRAYkg/kg--Show Graph 0.025 0.012 0.007 0.007
constantcNMINSOTTableAmountNthe amount N in the crop till flowering (x-values) determining Minimum N concentration in storage organs [cNMINSOTTableMinNSO]DOUBLEARRAYkg/ha-- 0.0 50.0 150.0 250.0 400.0 1000.0
constantcNMINSOTTableMinNSOMinimum N concentration in storage organs (y-values) dependend on the amount N in the crop till flowering [cNMINSOTTableAmountN]DOUBLEARRAYkg/ha--Show Graph 0.006 8.0E-4 0.0125 0.015 0.017 0.017
constantcNPLDSNumber of plants/m2 direct-seededDOUBLE1--200.0
constantcNPLHNumber of plants per hillDOUBLE1--2.0
constantcNPLSBNumber of plants in seed-bed (???)DOUBLE1--1000.0
constantcNSLLVTTableFactorEffect of N stress on leaf death rate (y-values) dependend on N stress level [cNSLLVTTableNStressLevel]DOUBLEARRAY1--Show Graph 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.5 1.5
constantcNSLLVTTableNStressLevelN stress level (x-values) determining Effect of N stress on leaf death rate [cNSLLVTTableFactor]DOUBLEARRAY1-- 0.0 1.1 1.5 2.0 2.5
constantcNSP_FRCSwitch to simulate number of spikelet (NSP) (0 = Simulate NSP and 2 = force NSP to observed value)INT1--0
constantcNSP_OBSObserved number of spikelets per hectareDOUBLE1--4.0E8
constantcPERTableRateSupply tale of percolation rate when SWITVP = 0 (y-values) dependend on water table depth [cPERTableWaterTableDepth]DOUBLEARRAYmm/d--Show Graph 3.0 3.0
constantcPERTableWaterTableDepthwater table depth (x-values) determining Supply tale of percolation rate when SWITVP = 0 [cPERTableRate]DOUBLEARRAYcm-- 0.0 200.0
constantcPFCRSoil water tension of puddled soil layer at which cracks reach break through the plow sole (pF)DOUBLE1--6.0
constantcPNPower function parameters, for each soil layer (-) (needed if SWITKH = 2):DOUBLEARRAY1---
constantcPPSEPhotoperiod sensitivity (h-1)DOUBLEh-1--0.0
constantcPRODENVWater production situation setting (either POTENTIAL - Potential production or WATER BALANCE - production may be water-limitedCHAR--POTENTIAL
constantcPTABLETableCalendarDaycalendar day (x-values) determining given percolation rate when SWITVP = 2 [cPTABLETableRate]INTARRAYd-- 1 50 100 366
constantcPTABLETableRategiven percolation rate when SWITVP = 2 (y-values) dependend on calendar day [cPTABLETableCalendarDay]DOUBLEARRAYmm/d--Show Graph 1.0 1.0 20.0 20.0
constantcQ10Factor accounting for increase in maintenance respiration with a 10 oC rise in temperatureDOUBLE1--2.0
constantcRECNITTableDVSdevelopment stage (x-values) determining recovery fraction of nitrogen in the soil [cRECNITTableFraction]DOUBLEARRAY1-- 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.0 2.5
constantcRECNITTableFractionrecovery fraction of nitrogen in the soil (y-values) dependend on development stage [cRECNITTableDVS]DOUBLEARRAY1--Show Graph 0.3 0.35 0.5 0.75 0.75 0.75
constantcREDFTTableFactorfactor considering the effect of temperature on maximum assimilation rate AMAX (y-values) dependend on Temperature [cREDFTTableTemperature]DOUBLEARRAY1--Show Graph 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
constantcREDFTTableTemperatureTemperature (x-values) determining factor considering the effect of temperature on maximum assimilation rate AMAX [cREDFTTableFactor]DOUBLEARRAY°C-- -10.0 10.0 20.0 37.0 43.0 99.0
constantcRFNLVResidual N fraction of leaves (kg N kg-1 leaves)DOUBLEkg/kg--0.004
constantcRFNSTResidual N fraction of stems (kg N kg-1 stems)DOUBLEkg/kg--0.0015
constantcRGRARGRA parameter for RGRMAXDOUBLE1--12.4
constantcRGRBRGRB parameter for RGRMAXDOUBLE1---0.73
constantcRGRLMNMinimum relative growth rate of leaf area (oCd-1)DOUBLEdegree_Celsius_per_day--0.004
constantcRGRLMXMaximum relative growth rate of leaf area (oCd-1)DOUBLEdegree_Celsius_per_day-0.00950.0085
constantcRGRMXRGRMX parameter for RGRMAXDOUBLE1--0.16
constantcRHX100Switch to consider the vapor pressure (DATA = take VP from weather file, CALCULATED = set RH = 100% at TMIN from this calculate VP)CHAR--DATA
constantcRIRRITTableDOYday of year (x-values) determining supply amount of irrigation [cRIRRITTableIrrigationAmount]INTARRAY1-- 0
constantcRIRRITTableIrrigationAmountsupply amount of irrigation (y-values) dependend on day of year [cRIRRITTableDOY]DOUBLEARRAYmm-- 50.0
constantcRIWCLIRe-initialize switch for the WCLI, RIWCLI = NO, RIWCLI = YESCHAR--NO
constantcSBDURSeed-bed duration (days between emerging and transplanting)INTd--21
constantcSCPScattering coefficient of leaves for PAR (-)DOUBLE1--0.2
constantcSHCKDRelation between seedling age and delay in phenologicalDOUBLEdegree_Celsius_day_per_degree_Celsius_day--0.4
constantcSHCKLRelation between seedling age and delay in leaf area developmentDOUBLEdegree_Celsius_day_per_degree_Celsius_day--0.25
constantcSLASpecific leaf area as function of development stage, ASLA, BSLA, CSLA, DSLA, and SLAMAXDOUBLEhectare_per_kilogram--0.02
constantcSLAMAXmaximum value of SLA (ha/kg)DOUBLEhectare_per_kilogram--0.0045
constantcSLATableDVSdevelopment stage (x-values) determining specific leaf area (ha kg-1) [cSLATableSLA]DOUBLEARRAY1-- 0.0 2.1
constantcSLATableSLAspecific leaf area (ha kg-1) (y-values) dependend on development stage [cSLATableDVS]DOUBLEARRAYhectare_per_kilogram--Show Graph 0.00333 0.00177
constantcSLMINSoil layer for which KPAMIN or WCMIN applies (-) in case of SWITIR =3 or 4INT1--4
constantcSOILSPIndigenous soil N-supply rate (kg N/ha/d) (0.8)DOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--0.8
constantcSPGFSpikelet growth factor (no kg-1) ! value for IR72DOUBLEnumber_per_kilogram--64900.0
constantcSSGATableDVSdevelopment stage (x-values) determining specific green stem area (ha kg-1) [cSSGATableSSGA]DOUBLEARRAY1-- 0.0 0.9 2.1 2.5
constantcSSGATableSSGAspecific green stem area (ha kg-1) (y-values) dependend on development stage [cSSGATableDVS]DOUBLEARRAYhectare_per_kilogram--Show Graph 3.0E-4 3.0E-4 0.0 0.0
constantcSWIRTRSwitch to use function that built in ORYZA for the reduction in relative transpiration (DATA = use data and FUNCTIONS = use function)CHAR--FUNCTION
constantcSWISLASwitch to use SLA from calculated function or as provied table (FUNCTION = Give function parameters ASLA, BSLA, CSLA, DSLA, SLAMAX and TABLE = Give SLA as a function of DVS in the table SLATB)CHAR--TABLE
constantcSWITGWSwitch of groundwater mode (0 = Deep groundwater, 1 = groundwater from supplied data and 2 = Calculated ground water)INT1--0
constantcSWITIRSwitch for considering the irrigation modes (0 = No irrigation, rainfed, 1 = Irrigation supplied as input data, 2 = Irrigation at minimum standing soil water depth, 3 = Irrigation at minimum soil water potential, = irrigation at minimul soil water content, and 5 = Irrigation at x days after disappeared standing water)INT1--0
constantcSWITKHSwitch for consideration of soil conductivity (0 = nodata, 1 = van Genuchten, 2 = power function used)INT1--1
constantcSWITPDSwitch to consider ( 0= Non puddled and 1 = pubbled)INT1--0
constantcSWITPFSwitch for considration of water retention (0 = no data, 1 =van Genuchten, When DATA, data have to be supplied for saturation, field capacity, wilting point and at air drynessINT1--1
constantcSWITVPSwitch to consider the percolation (SWITVP can not be 1 (CALCULATE) for nonpuddled soil, -1 = fixed percolation rate, 0 = percolation as function of groundwater depth , 1 = calculation percolation, and 2 = fixed percolation rate as function of time)INT1--0
constantcTBDBase temperature for development (oC)DOUBLE°C--8.0
constantcTCLSTRTime coefficient for loss of stem reserves (1 d-1)DOUBLEd-1--10.0
constantcTCNTRFTime coefficient for N translocation to grains (d)DOUBLEd--10.0
constantcTKLThickness of each soil layer (m)DOUBLEARRAYm---
constantcTMCTableDayOfYearday of year (x-values) determining Table for temperature increase for climate change stuides [cTMCTableValue]INTARRAY1-- 0 366
constantcTMCTableValueTable for temperature increase for climate change stuides (y-values) dependend on day of year [cTMCTableDayOfYear]DOUBLEARRAY1--Show Graph 0.0 0.0
constantcTMDMaximum temperature for development (oC)DOUBLE°C--42.0
constantcTMPSBTemperature increase in seed-bed due to cover, Zero when no cover over seed-bed, 9.5 with seed-bedDOUBLE1--0.0
constantcTODOptimum temperature for development (oC)DOUBLE°C--30.0
constantcTREFReference temperature (oC) (ORYZA2000)DOUBLE°C--25.0
constantcULDLUpper limit death of leaves (kPa)DOUBLEkPa--630.95
constantcULLEUpper limit leaf expansion (kPa) !PVO20131104: oryza2000 bookDOUBLEkPa--50.0
constantcULLSUpper limit leaf rolling (kPa)DOUBLEkPa--74.13
constantcULRTUpper limit relative transpiration reduction (kPa)DOUBLEkPa--74.13
constantcVGAVan Genuchten parameters, for each soil layer, a parameter (cm-1)DOUBLEARRAYreciprocal_centimetre---
constantcVGLVan Genuchten parameters, for each soil layer, l parameter (-)DOUBLEARRAY1---
constantcVGNVan Genuchten parameters, for each soil layer, n parameter (-)DOUBLEARRAY1---
constantcVGRVan Genuchten parameters, for each soil layer, residual water content (-)DOUBLEARRAY1---
constantcWATBALChoice of water balance, this only used when PRODENV = WATER BALANCE, either PADDY - paddy water balacen for lowland soils, SAHEL - Sahel water balance for freely draining upland soils, and SAWAH - Sawah water balance for lowland or upland soilsCHAR--PADDY
constantcWCADVolumetric water content at air dryness, for each soil layer (m3 m-3)(needed if SWITPF = 0)DOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
constantcWCFCVolumetric water content at field capacity, for each soil layer (m3 m-3)(needed if SWITPF = 0)DOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
constantcWCLIInitial volumetric water content at the start of simulation, for each soil layer (m3 m-3): USE ALWAYS FIELD CAPACITY, OR 0.5 TIMES WCSTDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
constantcWCMINMinimum soil water content (-) if SWITIR = 4DOUBLE1--0.3
constantcWCSTSaturated volumetric water content, for each soil layer DOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
constantcWCSTRPSaturated volumetric water content of ripened (previously puddled) soil (m3 m-3), for each soil layerDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
constantcWCWPVolumetric water content at wilting point, for each soil layer (m3 m-3)(needed if SWITPF = 0)DOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
constantcWGRMXMaximum individual grain weight (kg grain-1)DOUBLEkilogram_per_grain--2.5E-5
constantcWL0DAYNumber of days after disappearence of standing water at which irrigation water is applied (-) INTEGER!!INT1--0
constantcWL0IInitial ponded water depth at start of simulationDOUBLEmm---
constantcWL0MINProvided minimum standing water depth (mm) below which irrigation water is applied when SWITIR = 2DOUBLE1--10.0
constantcWL0MXBund height (mm)DOUBLEmm--250.0
constantcWLVGIInitial leaf weight (data at emergence, for either direct-seeding or seed-bed)DOUBLEkg/ha--0.01
constantcWRTIInitial root weight (data at emergence, for either direct-seeding or seed-bed)DOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
constantcWSOIInitial weight storage organs (data at emergence, for either direct-seeding or seed-bed)DOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
constantcWSTIInitial stem weight (data at emergence, for either direct-seeding or seed-bed)DOUBLEkg/ha--0.01
constantcZRTIInitial root depth (m) (data at emergence, for either direct-seeding or seed-bed)DOUBLEm--1.0E-4
constantcZRTMCDMaximum depth of roots if drought (m)DOUBLEm--0.4
constantcZRTMCWMaximum depth of roots if no drought stress (m)DOUBLEm--0.25
constantcZRTMSMaximum rooting depth in the soil (m)DOUBLEm--100.0
constantcZRTTRRoot depth at transplanting (m) (Re-initialization at transplanting)DOUBLEm--0.05
constantcZWAReceding rate of groundwater with no recharge (cm d-1)DOUBLEcm/d--1.0
constantcZWBSensitivity factor of groundwater recharge (-)DOUBLE1--0.5
constantcZWTBIInitial groundwater table depth (cm)DOUBLEcm--1000.0
constantcZWTableDOYcalendar day (x-values) determining groundwater table depth [cZWTableValue]INTARRAYd1365 1
constantcZWTableValuegroundwater table depth (y-values) dependend on calendar day [cZWTableDOY]DOUBLEARRAYcm-- 100.0
inputiRAINR4 Daily amount of rainfall (mm d-1)DOUBLEmm/d--0.0
inputiRDDDaily shortwave radiation (kJ m-2 d-1)DOUBLEkilojoule_per_square_metre_per_day--0.0
inputiTMMNDaily minimum temperature (°C) DOUBLE°C--0.0
inputiTMMXDaily maximum temperature (°C) DOUBLE°C--0.0
inputiVPEarly morning vapour pressure (kPa) DOUBLEkPa--0.0
inputiWNAverage wind speed (m s-1)DOUBLEmetre_per_second--0.0
statesANLDN amount in dead leaf (kg ha-1)DOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
statesANLVN amount in leaf (kg ha-1)DOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
statesANLVAN amount in leaf before flowering (kg ha-1)DOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
statesANSON amount in storage organ (kg ha-1)DOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
statesANSTN amount in stem (kg ha-1)DOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
statesANSTAN amount in stem before flowering (kg ha-1)DOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
statesCTMCumulative daily mean temperature after correction (°C)DOUBLE°C d--0.0
statesDAEDays after emergence (d) DOUBLEd--0.0
statesDLDRTDry weight of dead leaves due to droughtDOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
statesDVSIntegrated/cumulated development rate or development stageDOUBLE1--0.0
statesIRCCumulative irrigationDOUBLEmm--0.0
statesLAILeaf area indexDOUBLEm2/m2--0.0
statesNALVSTotal N uptake from soil to leaf (kg ha-1)DOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
statesNASOSTotal N uptake from soil to storage organ (kg ha-1)DOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
statesNASTSTotal N uptake from soil to stem (kg ha-1)DOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
statesNFERTPCumulative fertiliserDOUBLE1--0.0
statesNGRNumber of grain (-)DOUBLE1--0.0
statesNSPNumber of spikelet (-)DOUBLE1--0.0
statesNTRTSActual N translocation from root organsDOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
statesPARCM1Cumulative photosynthetically active radiation of canopy number 1 (MJ m-2)DOUBLEMJ/m2--0.0
statesPARCUMCumulative photosynthetically active radiation of canopy (MJ m-2)DOUBLEMJ/m2--0.0
statesTMAXCCumulative maximum daily temperature after correctionDOUBLE°C d--0.0
statesTMINCCumulative minimum daily temperature after correctionDOUBLE°C d--0.0
statesTNASSCumulative net canopy carbon (g m-2)DOUBLEg/m2--0.0
statesTNSOILSoil available N for uptakeDOUBLE1--0.0
statesTSThermal sum for old ORYZA2000 phenology subroutine (°Cday)DOUBLE°C d--0.0
statesTSLVThermal sum for leaf growth in old ORYZA2000 phenology subroutine (°Cday)DOUBLE°C d--0.0
statesWLVDDry weight of dead leave due to nitrogen, shaded, and drought (kg ha-1)DOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
statesWLVGDry weight of green leaves (kg ha-1) DOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
statesWRRDry weight of rough rice grain (kg ha-1) DOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
statesWRTDry weight of root (kg ha-1) DOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
statesWSODry weight of storage organs (kg ha-1) DOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
statesWSTRDry weight of storage stem (kg ha-1) DOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
statesWSTSDry weight of stem (kg ha-1) DOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
statesZRTRooting depth (m)DOUBLEm--0.0
raterDLDRDeath rate of leaves caused by drought (kg ha-1 d-1)DOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--0.0
raterDPARIDaily photosynthetically active radiation of canopy (MJ m-2 d-1)DOUBLENA--0.0
raterDVRDevelopment rateDOUBLEd-1--0.0
raterGGRRate of increase in grain weight (kg ha-1 d-1)DOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--0.0
raterGLAIDaily increment in leaf area indexDOUBLEsquare_metre_per_square_metre_per_day--0.0
raterGNGRGrowth rate of number of grain (-)DOUBLEd-1--0.0
raterGNSPGrowth rate of number of spikeletDOUBLEd-1--0.0
raterGRTGrowth rate of root (kg ha-1 d-1) DOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--0.0
raterGSOGrowth rate of storage organs (kg ha-1 d-1)DOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--0.0
raterGSTGrowth rate of stem (kg ha-1 d-1)DOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--0.0
raterGZRTGrowth rate of root depth ( m d-1)DOUBLENA--0.01
raterHUHeat unit for old ORYZA2000 phenology subroutine (°C), HU is unitless in other calculationDOUBLE°C--0.0
raterHULVHeat unit for leaf growth in old ORYZA2000 phenology subroutine (°Cday), HULV is unitless in other calculationDOUBLE°C--0.0
raterIRdaily irrigation rateDOUBLEmm/d--0.0
raterLLVDeath rate of leaves caused by nitrogen and shadedDOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--0.0
raterNALVActual uptake to leaf (is minimum of availability and demand ) (kg ha-1 d-1)DOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--0.0
raterNASOActual uptake to storage organ (is minimum of availability and demand ) (kg ha-1 d-1)DOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--0.0
raterNASTActual uptake to stem(is minimum of availability and demand ) (kg ha-1 d-1)DOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--0.0
raterNLDLVNet N flow to dead leaf (kg ha-1 d-1)DOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--0.0
raterNLVNet N flow to leaf (kg ha-1 d-1)DOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--0.0
raterNLVANNet N flow to leaf before flowering (kg ha-1 d-1)DOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--0.0
raterNSONet N flow to storage organ (kg ha-1 d-1)DOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--0.0
raterNSTNet N flow to stem ()DOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--0.0
raterNSTANNet N flow to stem before flowering (kg ha-1 d-1)DOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--0.0
raterNTRTActual N translocation rate from root organsDOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--0.0
raterPARI1Daily photosynthetically active radiation of canopy number 1 (MJ m-2 d-1)DOUBLENA--0.0
raterRDAECountter for days after emergenceDOUBLE1--0.0
raterRNFERTPDaily fertiliser addedDOUBLE1---
raterRTNASSDaily net canopy carbon (g m-2 d-1)DOUBLEgram_per_square_metre_per_day--0.0
raterRTNSOILDaily change of soil available N for uptakeDOUBLE1---
raterRWLVGGrowth rate of leaf (kg ha-1 d-1)DOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--0.0
raterRWSTRGrowth rate of storage in stem (kg ha-1 d-1)DOUBLEkilogram_per_hectare_per_day--0.0
raterTAVDaily mean of maximum and mininum temperature after correction (°C)DOUBLE°C--0.0
raterTMAXMaximum daily temperature after correctionDOUBLE°C--0.0
raterTMINMinimum daily temperature after correctionDOUBLE°C--0.0
outATRANSActual transpiration (mm d-1)DOUBLEmm/d0.0--
outCROPSTACrop growing stateINT1--0
outDTGAdaily total gross assimilation rateDOUBLEgram_per_square_metre_per_day--0.0
outET0Reference evapotranspiration (mm d-1)DOUBLEmm/d0.0--
outLAIMAXMaximal leaf area indexDOUBLEm2/m2--0.0
outMSKPAArray with soil water tension/layerDOUBLEARRAYkPa---
outNFLVleaf N fraction (on area basis: g N m-2 leaf)DOUBLEg/m2--0.0
outNSLLVN stress factor on leaf deathDOUBLE1--1.0
outPTRANSPotential transpiration (mm d-1)DOUBLEmm/d0.0--
outRGRMAXRGRMAX as function of TMINDOUBLE1--0.0
outRNSTRSN stress factor on relative leaf growthDOUBLE1--1.0
outTDRWTotal dry matter includes dead and green of leaf, stem, root, and storage organDOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
outTERMNLFlag that indicates that the simulation terminatedBOOLEAN--false
outWAGTotal dry matter includes green leaf, stem, and storage organDOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
outWAGTTotal dry matter includes green and dead leaf, stem, and storage organDOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
outWCLwater content per layerDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
outWCLQTCurrent soil water contentDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
outWLvolum water content per layerDOUBLEARRAYm3/m3---
outWL0Ponded water depthDOUBLEmm--0.0
outWLVTotal leaf weight includes green and dead leafDOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
outWSTTotal stem weight includes dry weight of stem and storage stemDOUBLEkg/ha--0.0
outWSTRESFWater stress factor on assimilation rate (-)DOUBLE10.01.01-
outZWDepth of groundwaterDOUBLEcm--0.0
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent

  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent

    iFieldMap, iFrequence, iInputMap, iJexlRule, iMasterComponentGroup, iName, iOrderNumber, isComponentGroup, iSimComponentElement, iSimModel, iVarMap
  • Constructor Summary

    Oryza(String aName, HashMap<String,net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVariable<?>> aFieldMap, HashMap<String,String> aInputMap, org.jdom2.Element aSimComponentElement, net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVarMap aVarMap, int aOrderNumber)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
    clone(net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVarMap aVarMap)
    fillTestVariables(int aParamIndex, net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent.TEST_STATE aDefineOrCheck)
    called for single component test to check the components algorithm.
    protected void
    protected void
    protected void
    protected void
    protected void
    protected void

    Methods inherited from class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent

    addVariable, bind, checkCondition, createSimComponent, createSimComponent, createSimComponent, createSimComponent, doProcess, getConstantVariables, getContentType, getCreateFormXML, getDescription, getEditFormXML, getFieldMap, getFrequence, getFrequenceRuleScript, getInputs, getInputVariables, getMasterComponentGroup, getName, getOrderNumber, getOutputVariables, getVariable, getVariableField, getVarMap, initialize, isConditionCheck, isVariableAvailable, performLinks, performLinks, readInputs, removeVariable, reset, runComponentTest, setVariablesDefault, toComponentLinkingXML, toDocXML, toGroupXML, toOutputDefinitionXML, toResourcesDataXML, toResourcesDefinitionXML, toString, toXML, writeVarInfos

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Oryza

      public Oryza()
    • Oryza

      public Oryza(String aName, HashMap<String,net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVariable<?>> aFieldMap, HashMap<String,String> aInputMap, org.jdom2.Element aSimComponentElement, net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVarMap aVarMap, int aOrderNumber)
      aName -
      aFieldMap -
      aInputMap -
      aSimComponentElement -
      aVarMap -
      aOrderNumber -
  • Method Details

    • createVariables

      public HashMap<String,net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVariable<?>> createVariables()
      Specified by:
      createVariables in interface net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimFieldContainer
      Specified by:
      createVariables in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
    • initPaddy

      protected void initPaddy()
    • initNCROP

      protected void initNCROP()
    • init

      protected void init()
      Specified by:
      init in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
    • processBiomass

      protected void processBiomass()
    • process

      protected void process()
      Specified by:
      process in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
    • paddyUpdateStates

      protected void paddyUpdateStates()
    • fillTestVariables

      public HashMap<String,net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVariable<?>> fillTestVariables(int aParamIndex, net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent.TEST_STATE aDefineOrCheck)
      called for single component test to check the components algorithm.
      Specified by:
      fillTestVariables in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
      See Also:
      • net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimFieldContainer#fillTestVariables(int aParamIndex, TEST_STATE aDefineOrCheck)
    • clone

      protected net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent clone(net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVarMap aVarMap)
      Specified by:
      clone in class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent