Package net.simplace.sim.components.experimental.grassland.lintul
package net.simplace.sim.components.experimental.grassland.lintul
ClassesClassDescriptionWIKI_START calculates daily increase in crop total biomass and LAI depending on intercepted radiation and the occurence of nitrogen or water stress === Light interception === Incoming radiation (input variable DTR in MJ m-2) is intercepted by the crop canopy depending on the extinction coefficient kc and the actual LAI assuming that photosynthetically active radiation is 50% of the global radiation Intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (PARINT in MJ m-2) is then calculated as: WIKI_END \[ \begin{eqnarray} PARINT & = & 0.5 \cdot DRT (1 - e^{-k LAI}) \end{eqnarray} \] WIKI_START === Daily increase in total biomass === Daily increase in total crop biomass is calculated based on the intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (PARINT) depending on the crop specific light use efficiency (LUE) and on the major stress occuring at the same day.WIKI_START calculates the development stage (DevStage) of a crop based on the ratio between accumulated degree days and the a user-defined, crop and cultivar specific temperature sum requirement .