Package net.simplace.sim.components.soil.slim

package net.simplace.sim.components.soil.slim
SLIM - Model for soilwater, root growth and nitrogen WIKI_START == Overview == This package contains sim components that implements algorithms from the SLIM model. Some sim components altered the original algorithms (improvements, compatibility with other sim components). See sim component documentation for details. WIKI_END
  • Classes
    Description is derived from as a SimComponent for transient simulations of soil water balance of a multiple layer soil profile.
    Calculates crop uptake, turnover, leaching of soil mineral nitrogen (Nitrate-N and Ammonium-N) in layered soils WIKI_START The routines for this SimComponent are taken from the SLIM model (Addiscott & Whitmore, 1991).
    Calculates the amount of Nitrate and Ammonium in the soil per layer. is a SimComponent for the simulation of the growth of seminal and lateral roots in a multiple layer soil profile WIKI_START The SimComponent SlimRoots estimates the daily increase in the biomass of seminal and lateral roots in a variable number of soil layers based and converts it into root length per layer. is a routine for transient simulations of soil water balance of a multiple layer soil profile WIKI_START The SimComponent SlimWater estimates the daily change in soil water content in a variable number of soil layers based on the volumes of crop water uptake, soil evaporation, surface run-off and seepage below the root zone.