Class NetRadiationFromAny
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class NetRadiationFromAny
extends net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
Calculates net radiation from either global radiation or, if no global radiation available, from sun hours using (FAO 56) methods.
Extra-terrestrial as well as solar radiation (in case of sun hours input) are also calculated.
Chosen method depends on input availability, preferential order as below.
- From solar radiation.
- From sun hours.
Note: If data is missing in weather inputs, calculation method may change without throwing an error. This may be desired when dealing with an incomplete dataset, but undesired when missing data unintendedly changes the calculation method. An INFO message is written to log when the method changes.
For documentation of the formulas please check the original reference (FAO 56)
- Author:
- Gunther Krauss,, Roelof Oomen
Component Variables
Content Type | Name | Description | Data Type | Unit | Min Value | Max Value | Default Value |
constant | cAltitude | elevation above sea level | DOUBLE | m | - | - | 0.0 |
constant | cAngstromRegressionConstant | Angstrom equation regression constant | DOUBLE | 1 | - | - | 0.25 |
constant | cAngstromRegressionSlope | Angstrom equation regression slope | DOUBLE | 1 | - | - | 0.5 |
constant | cLatitude | latitude | DOUBLE | ° | -90.0 | 90.0 | 0.0 |
constant | cUseAngstromVariables | use measured Angstrom variables if true, else use default ones | BOOLEAN | - | - | false | |
input | iActualVapourPressure | actual vapour pressure | DOUBLE | kPa | - | - | 0.0 |
input | iSolarRadiation | solar or shortwave radiation | DOUBLE | MJ/(m2 d) | - | - | - |
input | iSunHours | actual duration of sunshine | DOUBLE | h | 0.0 | 24.0 | - |
input | iTMax | maximum daily temperature | DOUBLE | °C | -100.0 | 100.0 | 0.0 |
input | iTMin | minimum daily temperature | DOUBLE | °C | -100.0 | 100.0 | 0.0 |
out | ExtraterrestrialRadiation | extraterrestrial radiation | DOUBLE | MJ/(m2 d) | - | - | 0.0 |
out | NetOutgoingLWRadiation | net outgoing longwaveRadiation | DOUBLE | MJ/(m2 d) | - | - | 0.0 |
out | NetRadiation | net radiation | DOUBLE | MJ/(m2 d) | - | - | 0.0 |
out | NetSolarRadiation | net solar or shortwave radiation | DOUBLE | MJ/(m2 d) | - | - | 0.0 |
out | SolarRadiation | solar or shortwave radiation | DOUBLE | MJ/(m2 d) | - | - | 0.0 |
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
iFieldMap, iFrequence, iInputMap, iJexlRule, iMasterComponentGroup, iName, iOrderNumber, isComponentGroup, iSimComponentElement, iSimModel, iVarMap
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
(net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVarMap aVarMap) Create the FWSimVariables as interface for this SimComponentfillTestVariables
(int aParamIndex, net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent.TEST_STATE aDefineOrCheck) called for single component test to check the components algorithm.protected void
Initializes the fields by getting input and output FWSimVariables from VarMapprotected void
Process the algorithm and write the results back to VarMapMethods inherited from class net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
addVariable, bind, checkCondition, createSimComponent, createSimComponent, createSimComponent, createSimComponent, doProcess, getConstantVariables, getContentType, getCreateFormXML, getDescription, getEditFormXML, getFieldMap, getFrequence, getFrequenceRuleScript, getInputs, getInputVariables, getMasterComponentGroup, getName, getOrderNumber, getOutputVariables, getVariable, getVariableField, getVarMap, initialize, isConditionCheck, isVariableAvailable, performLinks, performLinks, readInputs, removeVariable, reset, runComponentTest, setVariablesDefault, toComponentLinkingXML, toDocXML, toGroupXML, toOutputDefinitionXML, toResourcesDataXML, toResourcesDefinitionXML, toString, toXML, writeVarInfos
Constructor Details
public NetRadiationFromAny()Empty constructor used by class.forName()
Method Details
Create the FWSimVariables as interface for this SimComponent- Specified by:
in interfacenet.simplace.sim.util.FWSimFieldContainer
- Specified by:
in classnet.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
- See Also:
protected void init()Initializes the fields by getting input and output FWSimVariables from VarMap- Specified by:
in classnet.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
- See Also:
protected void process()Process the algorithm and write the results back to VarMap- Specified by:
in classnet.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
- See Also:
public HashMap<String,net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVariable<?>> fillTestVariables(int aParamIndex, net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent.TEST_STATE aDefineOrCheck) called for single component test to check the components algorithm.- Specified by:
in classnet.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
- See Also:
net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimFieldContainer#fillTestVariables(int aParamIndex, TEST_STATE aDefineOrCheck)
protected net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent clone(net.simplace.sim.util.FWSimVarMap aVarMap) - Specified by:
in classnet.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
- See Also: