Class LintulFastFunctions
Class that implements some methods from the LintulFAST C# version
to calculate evapotranspiration and drainage, runoff and irrigation.
They are used by the model LintulFast.
Class should not be used in other modules than LintulFast.
- Author:
- Gunther Krauss
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDRUNIR
(double RAIN, double RNINTC, double EVAP, double TRAN, double IRRIGF, double DRATE, double DELT, double WA, double ROOTD, double WCFC, double WCST) EVAPTR
(double PEVAP, double PTRAN, double ROOTD, double WA, double WCAD, double WCWP, double WCFC, double WCWET, double WCST, double TRANCO, double DELT) PENMAN
(double DAVTMP, double VP, double DTR, double LAI, double WN, double RNINTC)