Class LintulFastFunctions


public class LintulFastFunctions extends Object
Class that implements some methods from the LintulFAST C# version to calculate evapotranspiration and drainage, runoff and irrigation. They are used by the model LintulFast. Class should not be used in other modules than LintulFast.
Gunther Krauss
  • Constructor Details

    • LintulFastFunctions

      public LintulFastFunctions()
  • Method Details

    • PENMAN

      public static HashMap<String,Double> PENMAN(double DAVTMP, double VP, double DTR, double LAI, double WN, double RNINTC)
      args -
    • EVAPTR

      public static HashMap<String,Double> EVAPTR(double PEVAP, double PTRAN, double ROOTD, double WA, double WCAD, double WCWP, double WCFC, double WCWET, double WCST, double TRANCO, double DELT)
    • DRUNIR

      public static HashMap<String,Double> DRUNIR(double RAIN, double RNINTC, double EVAP, double TRAN, double IRRIGF, double DRATE, double DELT, double WA, double ROOTD, double WCFC, double WCST)