All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LintulFast extends net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent

Model to reproduce the same results as the LintulFAST implementation in C# used for the AGRIADAPT project.

The model has some modifications compared to original Lintul2

  • adds Trend and Technology
  • takes Vernalisation and Photoresponse into account
  • TRANRF can be modified by a parameter DrougthTolerance

Differences to the C# LintulFAST-Version

  • Crop and phenology files have to be in a different format
  • Model gives different results, if corrupted weather files are used (missing days, double days)

It is a predecessor of the Simplace Lintul2. Main differences are

  • LintulFAST consists of only one SimComponent, that calculates all processes (phenology, water, biomass)
  • It is not well suited to be used in combination with other SimComponents

The model is just for legacy purposes

  • reproduce same results as C# version
  • can be used for module comparison

The model is not developed any more. Existing errors in the algorithms are not fixed.

Formulas and Algorithms are not documented at this place. Please check the documentation of the C#-Version of LintulFAST.

References: ???