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public class LintulPhenology extends net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent calculates the development stage (DevStage) of a crop based on the ratio between accumulated degree days and the a user-defined, crop and cultivar specific temperature sum requirement . In addition, based on the development stage, the date and the day of the year (DOY) when certain phenology events occur (e.g. anthesis, physiological maturity) are determined .


The phenological development of the crop starts with the emergence day. This day is either determined by increasing the day of the year (DOY) when sowing occurs by a user-specified number of days. The sowing date (DOY when sowing occurs) is specified in the SimComponent "Management". Crop development between emergence and anthesis is triggered by the accumulated temperature sum (TSUM). TSUM is increased daily by the rate of effective temperature until anthesis (RTEFFAnt), which is an input either from the simComponent WeatherTransformer or from the SimComponent VernalisationAndPhotoresponse (if effective temperature depends on photoperiod and/or vernalisation requirements). The effective temperature in the WeatherTransformer is calculated as the difference between the average daily air temperature (AirTemperatureMean) and the base temperature of the crop before anthesis (BaseTempBeforeAnt as defined in the crop property file). Only days where AirTemperatureMean > BaseTempBeforeAnt are accounted for. The ratio between actual TSUM at a given day and the air temperature sum to anthesis (AirTemperatureSumAnthesis) is added daily to the development stage index (DevStage) as

\begin{eqnarray} DevStage & = & TSUM / AirTemperatureSumAnthesis \end{eqnarray}


Similarly, crop development between anthesis and maturity is triggered by the accumulated temperature sum (TSUM). From anthesis to maturity the daily rate of effective temperature (RTEFFMat) is an input from the SimComponent WeatherTransformer where RTEFFMat is depends on the difference between the average daily air temperature (AirTemperatureMean) and the base temperature of the crop after anthesis (BaseTempBeforeMat as defined in the crop property file). Only days where AirTemperatureMean > BaseTempBeforeMat are accounted for. Again, the ratio between actual TSUM at a given day and the air temperature sum from anthesis to maturity (AirTemperatureSumMaturity) is added daily to the development stage index (DevStage) as

\begin{eqnarray} DevStage & = & 1 + TSUM / AirTemperatureSumAnthesis \end{eqnarray}

References: Goudriaan, H.H. Van Laar, 1994. Modelling Potential Crop Growth Processes, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (1994) 238 pp