Class HeatStressOnLeafSenescence
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class HeatStressOnLeafSenescence
extends net.simplace.sim.model.FWSimComponent
Calculates the effect of heat stress on leaf senescence .
When maximum temperature exceeds a threshold, leaf senescence increases. This module calculates the leaf senescence increase factor that can be used by biomass modules to adjust the leaf senescence rate.
\[ \begin{eqnarray} F_{heat}(T_{max},DVS) & = & \begin{cases} max(0,m\cdot (T_{max} - T_{C}) + F_{TC}) & \text{if} & T_{max} > T_C \quad \text{and} \quad DVS > DVS_C\\ 1 &\text{else} & \end{cases} \end{eqnarray} \] where \(F_{heat}\) is the calculated senescence factor dependend on the daily maximum temperature \(T_{max}\) and actual development stage \(DVS\), \(DVS_C\) is the critical dev stage, \(T_C\) is the critical temperature, \(F_{TC}\) the factor at the critical temperature and \(m\) the slope of the factor increment by temperature. With default values \(T_C = 34, m=0.5, F_{TC}=3\) the formula is equivalent to the formula in the referenced paper (A): \(F_{heat} = 4 - (1-(T_{max} -34°)/2)\)References:
(A) Asseng, S.; Foster, I.; Turner N. C: The impact of temperature variability on wheat yields