Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) are being developed as simplified methods to estimate soil hydraulic properties
(including the soil water retention characteristic) as an alternative to direct measurements.
The HYPRES PTFs are continuous functions for the prediction of the Mualem-van Genuchten parameters based on
soil data collected in 12 European countries. The required input data are soil texture, soil bulk density and
organic matter content. Hereby, clay is defined as the particle-size fraction < 2 micrometer, silt as the fraction
between 2 and 50 micrometer and sand as the fraction between 50 and 2000 mircometer (FAO soil classification
system, 1990; USDA, 1951).
public class HypresFunctions implements VanGenuchtenPedoTransferFunction,
WaterContentPedoTransferFunction {
// Public Constructors
public HypresFunctions();
// Public Instance Methods public double
ts(double aClayPercentage, double aSiltPercentage, double
aBulkDensity, double aOrganicMatterPercentage, boolean aIsTopsoil);
// From VanGenuchtenPedoTransferFunction
public double
tr(double aClayPercentage, double aSiltPercentage, double
aBulkDensity, double aOrganicMatterPercentage, boolean aIsTopsoil);
// From VanGenuchtenPedoTransferFunction
public double
m(double aClayPercentage, double aSiltPercentage, double
aBulkDensity, double aOrganicMatterPercentage, boolean aIsTopsoil);
// From VanGenuchtenPedoTransferFunction
public double
alpha(double aClayPercentage, double aSiltPercentage, double
aBulkDensity, double aOrganicMatterPercentage, boolean aIsTopsoil);
// From VanGenuchtenPedoTransferFunction
public double
n(double aClayPercentage, double aSiltPercentage, double
aBulkDensity, double aOrganicMatterPercentage, boolean aIsTopsoil);
// From VanGenuchtenPedoTransferFunction
public double
l(double aClayPercentage, double aSiltPercentage, double
aBulkDensity, double aOrganicMatterPercentage, boolean aIsTopsoil);
// From VanGenuchtenPedoTransferFunction
public double
Ks(double aClayPercentage, double aSiltPercentage, double
aBulkDensity, double aOrganicMatterPercentage, boolean aIsTopsoil);
// From VanGenuchtenPedoTransferFunction
public double
WaterContent(double psi, double aClayPercentage, double
aSiltPercentage, double aBulkDensity, double aOrganicMatterPercentage,
boolean aIsTopsoil);
// From WaterContentPedoTransferFunction