Implements functions for the model Lintul5.
Algorithms are the same as in (L5). There are only technical changes due to translation from Fortran to JAVA and
integration into Simplace Framework.
Functions are called by the SimComponent Lintul5.
LINTUL-5 Crop growth simulation model for potential, water-limited, N-limited and NPK-limited conditions]
public class LintulCassavaFunctions extends
net.simplace.sim.components.models.lintul5.LintulFunctions {
// Public Constructors
public LintulCassavaFunctions();
// Class Methods public static HashMap DEATHLCassava(double DAY, boolean EMERG, double
RDRL, double TRANRF, double LAI, double LAICR, double WLVG, double RDRNS,
double NPKI, double SLA, double HeatStressFactor, double WLV, double
FASTRANSLSO, boolean is_dormancy, double WC, double WCWET, double WCSD,
double RDRB, double FRACTLLFENHSH);
public static double GLACassava(double DAY, boolean EMERG, double DTEFF,
double LAII, double RGRLAI, double DELT, double SLA, double LAI, double
GLV, double NLAI, double DVS, double TRANRF, double NPKI, double flv,
double rwcutting, boolean is_dormancy);
public static HashMap RELGRCassava(double DAY, double DAYEM, boolean EMERG,
double GRT, double FLV, double FRT, double FST, double FSO, double DLV,
double DRRT, double DRST, double RWCUTTING, double RWSOFASTRANSLSO,
public static boolean IsDormancy(double wc, double wcsd, double lai, double
lai_min, boolean has_branched, boolean is_redist, boolean
public static boolean IsDormancyRecover(double wc, double wccr, double wcwp,
double recov, double dormancy_tsum, boolean has_branched, boolean
public static boolean IsRedistribution(double dormancy_recover_tsum, double
redist_delay_tsum, boolean is_redist_end);
public static boolean IsRedistributionEnd(double wso_redist_frac, double
wso_redist_frac_max, double wlvgredistcumul, double wlvgnewn, double
redist_tsum, double redist_tsum_max);
public static double DormancyTsumRate(double dteff, double dormancy_tsum,
boolean is_dormancy, boolean is_redist);
public static double DormancyDurationRate(boolean is_dormancy);
public static double DormancyRecoverTsumRate(double dteff, double
dormancy_recover_tsum, boolean is_dormancy_recover, boolean is_redist);
public static double RedistributionTsumRate(double dteff, double redist_tsum,
boolean is_redist, boolean is_redist_end);
public static double RedistributionEndTsumRate(double dteff, double
redist_end_tsum, boolean is_redist, boolean is_redist_end);
public static double LeafAgeTsumRate(double dteff, double leaf_age_tsum,
boolean has_emerged, boolean is_redist);
public static double TranslocationLeavesToStorageOrgansRate(double wlvg,
double rdr, double fasttranslso, boolean is_dormancy);
public static double StorageOrgansRedistributionRate(double
rate_of_wso_redist, double wso, double wso_redist, double dormancy_tsum,
boolean is_redist);
public static double LeavesRedistributionRate(double so2lv, double
rwso_redist, boolean is_dormancy);
public static double MaintainanceLossRedistributionRate(double so2lv, double
public static double CuttingRate(double wcutting, double rdrwcutting, double
wcutting_initial, double wcutting_min_factor, double tranrf, boolean
has_emerged, boolean is_dormancy);
public static HashMap DormancyConditions(double wsoredistcumul, double wso,
double wso_redist_frac_max, double wlvgredistcumul, double wlvgnewn,
double redist_tsum, double redist_tsum_max, double dormancy_recover_tsum,
double redist_delay_tsum, double wc, double wccr, double wcwp, double
recov, double dormancy_tsum, boolean has_branched, double wcsd, double
lai, double lai_min);
public static HashMap DormancyRates(double dteff, double dormancy_tsum,
double dormancy_recover_tsum, double redist_tsum, double redist_end_tsum,
double leaf_age_tsum, boolean is_dormancy, boolean is_dormancy_recover,
boolean is_redist, boolean is_redist_end, boolean has_emerged);
public static HashMap RedistributionRates(double wso, double wso_redist,
double dormancy_tsum, double rate_of_wso_redist, double so2lv, boolean
is_dormancy, boolean is_redist);
Hierarchy: java.lang.Object - net.simplace.sim.components.models.lintul5.LintulFunctions - LintulCassavaFunctions